Role Name
An Ansible role to setup the undercloud for a deployment on baremetal overcloud nodes.
This playbook expects that the undercloud has been installed and setup using one of the roles relevant to baremetal overcloud deployments.
Role Variables
Note: Make sure to include all environment file and options from your initial Overcloud creation.
- step_root_device_size: -- boolean value that will apply disk size hints and rerun introspection if true
- working_dir: <'/home/stack'> -- working directory for the role. Assumes stackrc file is present at this location
- step_adjust_mtu: -- boolean value that will change MTUS on specified nics
- mtu: <1350> -- numerical value to set MTUs
- mtu_interface: <'eth1'> -- list of NICs
- undercloud_type: -- can be overwritten with values like 'baremetal' or 'ovb'
- network_isolation: -- bolean value to test if network isolation wil be used in the deployment
- network_isolation_ipv4_cidr: <"">
This playbook does not deploy the overcloud. After this playbook runs, call
Example Playbook
- Sample playbook to call the role
- name: Prepare for deployment on baremetal overcloud
hosts: virthost
gather_facts: no
- ansible-role-tripleo-overcloud-prep-baremetal
Author Information