
38 lines
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# Do the scale
- name: Call scale deployment script
shell: >
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc;
{{ working_dir }}/ &> overcloud_deployment_scale_console.log;
- name: Poll heat stack-list to determine when node scale is complete
shell: >
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc;
heat stack-list
register: heat_stack_list_result
until: heat_stack_list_result.stdout.find("COMPLETE") != -1
retries: 20
delay: 90
- name: Register post-scale nova list
shell: >
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc;
nova list
register: post_scale_nova_list
- name: Display post-scale nova list
debug: msg={{ post_scale_nova_list.stdout_lines }}
when: post_scale_nova_list is defined
# Verify the scale
- name: Determine the post scale node count
shell: >
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc;
nova list | grep {{ node_to_scale }} | cut -f2- -d':' | wc -l
register: post_scale_node_count
- name: Check that post scale node count is correct
fail: msg=Overcloud nova list does not show expected number of {{ node_to_scale }} services
when: post_scale_node_count.stdout != {{ final_scale_value }}