Currently network config for external network is not handled when deploying overcloud with multiple-nics-vlans network_isolation. This patch handles this case and configures the vlan on external interface on the undercloud. Change-Id: I82013d33c1729619e47b633bddd1580e9efe0b55
Role Name
An Ansible role to copy configuration files to the undercloud prior to deployment.
This playbook expects that the undercloud has been installed and setup using one of the roles relevant to baremetal overcloud deployments.
Role Variables
Note: Make sure to include all environment file and options from your initial Overcloud creation.
working_dir: <'/home/stack'> -- working directory for the role. Assumes stackrc file is present at this location
baremetal_instackenv: <"{{ working_dir }}/instackenv.json"> -- location of instackenv.json to copy over
baremetal_network_environment: <"{{ working_dir }}/network-isolation.yml"> -- location of network-environment file to copy over
undercloud_type: -- can be overwritten with values like 'baremetal' or 'ovb'
undercloud_networks: by default an external network is defined by tripleo-quickstart, as follows:
undercloud_networks: external: address: "{{ undercloud_external_network_cidr|nthhost(1) }}" netmask: "{{ undercloud_external_network_cidr|ipaddr('netmask') }}" address6: "{{ undercloud_external_network_cidr6|nthhost(1) }}" device_type: ovs type: OVSIntPort ovs_bridge: br-ctlplane ovs_options: '"tag=10"' tag: 10
But it is possible to override this, when specific vlan options are needed:
undercloud_networks: external: address: netmask: device_type: ovs type: OVSIntPort ovs_bridge: br-ctlplane ovs_options: '"tag=1005"' tag: 1005
Or when the external network on the undercloud is and ethernet device instead of a bridge:
undercloud_networks: external: address: netmask: device_type: ethernet device_name: eth2
What makes the difference in this case is the device_type set to ethernet instead of ovs and the device_name which must be the name of the ethernet device on the undercloud.
This playbook does not deploy the overcloud. After this playbook runs, call
Example Playbook
- Sample playbook to call the role
- name: Copy configuration files
hosts: virthost
gather_facts: false
- ansible-role-tripleo-overcloud-prep-config
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