We need to differentiate local_working_dir from working_dir as well as decouple the stack user from `ansible_user` var. Both of these are causing issues as we begin to automate deployments in more environments. - Cleanup duplicate variables that are consumed via extras-common - Note: extras-common depends on the common role in OOOQ - Cleanup redundant var and superfluous quotes from overcloud-scale role - Cleanup redundant comments in <role>/defaults/main.yml Closes-bug: 1654574 Change-Id: I9c7a3166ed1fc5042c11e420223134ea912b45c5
Role Name
This role, ansible-role-tripleo-cleanup-nfo (nuke from orbit) will remove any known tripleo related rpms from the system and remove libvirt. This role is destructive and will remove ALL libvirt guests. This is done to ensure a clean starting point when using potentially dirty test boxes.
Role Variables
./deploy.sh -c -p cleanup-destructive
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