Set featureset021 to run only skip list

This patch make featureset021 run only the tests on skip list instead
of full tempest.

Change-Id: I4c047bb2838ff549751b0f439ddffdd71b2aa73b
This commit is contained in:
Arx Cruz 2019-06-12 15:34:51 +02:00
parent 4cefad4f6e
commit 3e77553b0a
1 changed files with 13 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -135,8 +135,20 @@ undercloud_enable_tempest: >-
{%- endif -%}
# Featureset 021 is a special case where we do not run full tempest
# but just the tests on skiplist
skip_test_file: "{{ playbook_dir | dirname }}/vars/tempest_skip_{{ release | default('master') }}.yml"
skip_list_tests: "{{ lookup('file', skip_test_file) | from_yaml }}"
# This filter the known_failures where the undercloud value is not true
# and return a list
tempest_whitelist: "{{ skip_list_tests.known_failures | json_query('[?undercloud != `true`].test') }}"
run_tempest: true
test_white_regex: '.*'
# Need to set test_white_regex to empty, otherwise it gets the default value that is '(smoke)'
test_white_regex: ''
- 'sahara_tempest_plugin'
- 'manila_tempest_tests'