undercloud_generate_service_certificate: false # This enables the run of several tripleo-validations tests through Mistral run_tripleo_validations: true # This enables the run of tripleo-validations negative tests through shell # scripts run_tripleo_validations_negative_tests: true # Exit tripleo-quickstart on validations failure exit_on_validations_failure: false # pacemaker settings are configured in the scenario template # do not set `enable_pacemaker` in the featureset deployed_server: true composable_scenario: scenario004-multinode.yaml validate_template: scenario004-multinode.yaml composable_roles: true overcloud_roles: - name: Controller CountDefault: 1 tags: - primary - controller networks: - External - InternalApi - Storage - StorageMgmt - Tenant # Tempest configuration, keep always at the end of the file # Use the traditional ping test in newton and ocata # Run tempest in pike+ test_ping: >- {% if release in ['newton', 'ocata'] -%} true {%- else -%} false {%- endif -%} run_tempest: >- {% if release in ['newton', 'ocata'] -%} false {%- else -%} true {%- endif -%} # Run tempest in containers when at least undercloud is containerized tempest_format: >- {% if containerized_undercloud|bool -%} container {%- else -%} packages {%- endif -%} test_white_regex: '' tempest_whitelist_old: - 'tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_network_basic_ops' tempest_whitelist_new: - 'tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_network_basic_ops' - 'manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.test_shares.SharesCephFSTest.test_create_get_delete_share' # manila test is disabled in older releases as a temporary workaround for # https://launchpad.net/bugs/1790857 tempest_whitelist: >- {% if release not in ['newton', 'ocata'] -%}{{ tempest_whitelist_new }} {%- else -%}{{ tempest_whitelist_old }} {%- endif -%} manila_max_api_version: {'newton': '2.22', 'ocata': '2.32', 'pike': '2.40', 'queens': '2.42'} tempest_extra_config: > { {% if release in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike', 'queens'] -%} 'object-storage-feature-enabled.discoverability': 'False', 'service_available.swift': 'False', 'share.max_api_microversion': '{{ manila_max_api_version[release] }}', {%- endif -%} 'share.multitenancy_enabled': 'False', 'share.enable_protocols': 'cephfs', 'share.capability_snapshot_support': 'False', 'share.capability_create_share_from_snapshot_support': 'False', } tempest_plugins: >- {%- if release in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike'] -%} ["python-manila-tests"] {%- else -%} ["python2-manila-tests-tempest"] {%- endif -%}