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# Copyright Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# automatically reads featureset configuration
# files from config/general_config and builds a matrix w/ the corresponding
# features. For new configuration files, just re-run the script and submit the
# new generated doc/source/feature-configuration-generated.rst file.
# You may need to change this script when adding new features that are
# not mapped. Look for *features_map* below to see the featureset mapping.
# This script should be automatically called by tox -e docs
# The output generated by this script is a rst formatted file that is
# included in doc/source/feature-configuration.rst.
# You may look for the following when running tox -e docs:
# 'python > doc/source/feature-configuration-generated.rst'
# Once *feature-configuration-generated.rst* is updated, submit a review.
import os
from texttable import Texttable
import yaml
# featureset mapping to match fs configuration files
# <feature_setting_name>: [<enabled_value>, <acronym>, <description>]
features_map = {
'overcloud_ipv6': ['true', 'IPv6', 'Overcloud IPv6'],
'ssl_overcloud': ['true', 'SSLoc', 'Overcloud SSL'],
'network_isolation': ['true', 'NIsol', 'Network Isolation'],
'network_isolation_type': ['single-nic-vlans|multiple-nics|bond',
'NItyp', 'Network Isolation Type'],
'step_introspect': ['true', 'Intro', 'Introspection'],
'undercloud_check_idempotency': ['true', 'Idemp',
'Undercloud Idempotency Check'],
'containerized_undercloud': ['true', 'ConUC', 'Containerized undecloud'],
'containerized_overcloud': ['true', 'ConOC', 'Containerized overcloud'],
'undercloud_upgrade': ['true', 'UPGuc', 'Undercloud Upgrade'],
'containerized_overcloud_upgrade': ['true', 'UPGoc',
'Overcloud Major Upgrade'],
'overcloud_update': ['true', 'UPDoc', 'Overcloud Update (Minor Upgrade)'],
'ffu_overcloud_upgrade': ['true', 'UPGff',
'Fast-forward Overcloud Upgrade'],
'ffu_undercloud_upgrade': ['true', 'UPGff',
'Fast-forward Undercloud Upgrade'],
'standalone_role': ['Standalone.yaml', 'Stdln', 'Standalone Deploy'],
'test_ping': ['true', 'PingT', 'Ping and ssh tests'],
'run_tempest': ['true', 'Temps', 'run Tempest'],
'composable_scenario': ['', 'Scen#', 'Scenario ###'],
'extra_args': ['ceph', 'Cephd', 'Ceph deploy'],
'undercloud_heat_convergence': ['true', 'HConv',
'Undercloud Heat Convergence'],
'enable_minimal_browbeat': ['true', 'BrowB',
'Browbeat performance testing'],
'validate_ha_overcloud': ['true', 'HAval', 'HA Validation'],
symbol_map = {
'single-nic-vlans': [u'', 'Network isolation single network interface'
' card'],
'multiple-nics': [u'', 'Network isolation multiple network interface'
'release': [u'', 'Feature enabled in certain releases only'],
'enabled': [u'', 'Feature enabled in all releases'],
'disabled': [u'', 'Feature explicitly disabled in all releases'],
'not-found': [u' ', 'Feature not found'],
def load_fs():
t = Texttable()
# headers/columns
columns = ['Fset#']
for k, h in sorted(features_map.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][1]):
matrix_length = len(columns)
t.set_cols_width([5] * matrix_length)
t.set_cols_align(['c'] * matrix_length)
t.set_cols_valign(['m'] * matrix_length)
t.set_cols_dtype(['t'] * matrix_length)
root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
fs_dir = os.path.join(root_path, 'config/general_config/')
for fs_filename in sorted(os.listdir(fs_dir)):
fs_dict = {}
if fs_filename.startswith('featureset0') and \
with open(os.path.join(fs_dir, fs_filename)) as fs_file:
fs_dict = yaml.load(fs_file, yaml.SafeLoader)
datarow = get_data_from_yaml(fs_dict, fs_filename)
t.add_rows([columns, datarow])
def get_data_from_yaml(fs_dict, fs_filename):
"""Get data from fs yaml file
:param ds_dict: featureset dictonary read from yaml file
:param fs_filename: featureset yaml config file
:returns list -- list of features read from yaml file
# Add XXX_ link to first column e.g. 001_
datarow = [fs_filename[10:13] + '_']
for k, v in sorted(features_map.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][1]):
if k in fs_dict:
# value = what the fs file has
value = str.lower(str(fs_dict[k]))
# enabled = what it should have to be active
enabled = str.lower(str(v[0]))
# get digits only from scenarioXXX in composable_scenario setting
if k == 'composable_scenario':
datarow.append(''.join([n for n in value if n.isdigit()]))
# expects substr in extra_args e.g. 'ceph'
elif k == 'extra_args' and enabled in value:
# fields that expects exact value e.g. 'true'
elif value == enabled:
# expects a substr, transform it into a symbol
elif value in enabled and value in symbol_map:
# enabled in certain releases
elif value.startswith('{%') and 'release' in value:
# feature is present but disabled e.g. 'false'
# feature not found in fs file
return datarow
def acronyms_and_symbols():
at = Texttable()
columns = ['Acronym', 'Definition']
for k, acr in sorted(features_map.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][1]):
at.add_rows([columns, [acr[1], acr[2]]])
st = Texttable()
columns = ['Symbol', 'Description']
for k, symdef in sorted(symbol_map.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][1]):
st.add_rows([columns, [symdef[0], symdef[1]]])
baseurl = ''
path = 'src/branch/master/config/general_config/'
for f in fs_list:
print(".. _{0}: {1}/{2}/featureset{0}.yml".format(f, baseurl, path))
if __name__ == '__main__':
fs_list = []