Sorin Sbarnea 4a41ca7bf0 Lint fixes for ci-scripts and config folders
This normalizes the formatting of files from ci-scripts and config
folders in order to allow further hardening of linting.

Fixing linting was too big to be made in a single commit as it would
involve too many files to review and could merge conflicts with
existing changes. Thus doing it in few chunks would makes it possible.

Original full change is at and
will be the one merging the last.

Change-Id: Ifb215c0e2ea0ef7115897721f75ba8489bd59b97
2018-12-28 10:01:11 +00:00

111 lines
3.7 KiB

undercloud_generate_service_certificate: false
# This enables the run of several tripleo-validations tests through Mistral
run_tripleo_validations: true
# This enables the run of tripleo-validations negative tests through shell
# scripts
run_tripleo_validations_negative_tests: true
# Exit tripleo-quickstart on validations failure
exit_on_validations_failure: false
# pacemaker settings are configured in the scenario template
# do not set `enable_pacemaker` in the featureset
deployed_server: true
composable_scenario: scenario002-multinode.yaml
validate_template: scenario002-multinode.yaml
composable_roles: true
- name: Controller
CountDefault: 1
- primary
- controller
- External
- InternalApi
- Storage
- StorageMgmt
- Tenant
# Tempest configuration, keep always at the end of the file
# Use the traditional ping test in newton and ocata
# Run tempest in pike+
test_ping: >-
{% if release in ['newton', 'ocata'] -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
run_tempest: >-
{% if release in ['newton', 'ocata'] -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
# Run tempest in containers when at least undercloud is containerized
tempest_format: >-
{% if containerized_undercloud|bool -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
test_white_regex: ''
# Testing zaqar doesn't work yet, but it's in progress
# - 'zaqar.tests.tempest_plugin.tests.v2.test_queues.TestManageQueue'
# Testing boot from volume and server connectivity
- 'tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern'
# Testing swift
- 'tempest.api.object_storage.test_object_services.ObjectTest'
# Testing cinder volumes encrypted by barbican:
- 'barbican_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_volume_encryption.VolumeEncryptionTest'
# TODO(emilien) run autoscaling tests when telemetry works in python-tempestconf
# - 'ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.test_telemetry_integration.TestTelemetryIntegration'
# TODO(emilien) run ec2api tests when ec2api is supported in python-tempestconf
# - 'ec2api.tests.functional.api.test_key_pairs.KeyPairTest'
# Testing zaqar doesn't work yet, but it's in progress
# - 'zaqar_tempest_plugin.tests.v2.test_queues.TestManageQueue'
# Testing boot from volume and server connectivity
- 'tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern'
# Testing swift
- 'tempest.api.object_storage.test_object_services.ObjectTest'
# Testing cinder volumes encrypted by barbican:
- 'barbican_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_volume_encryption.VolumeEncryptionTest'
# - 'telemetry_tempest_plugin.scenario.test_telemetry_integration.TestTelemetryIntegration'
# TODO(emilien) run ec2api tests when ec2api is supported in python-tempestconf
# - 'ec2api_tempest_plugin.api.test_key_pairs.KeyPairTest'
tempest_whitelist: >-
{% if release not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike'] -%}{{ tempest_whitelist_new }}
{%- else -%}{{ tempest_whitelist_old }}
{%- endif -%}
- python-aodh-tests
- python-ceilometer-tests
- python-gnocchi-tests
- python-barbican-tests-tempest
- python-zaqar-tests
- python-ec2-api-tests
- python-telemetry-tests-tempest
- python-barbican-tests-tempest
- python-zaqar-tests-tempest
- python-ec2api-tests-tempest
- python-heat-tests-tempest
tempest_plugins: >-
{% if release not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike'] -%}{{ tempest_plugins_new }}
{%- else -%}{{ tempest_plugins_old }}
{%- endif -%}
tempest_extra_config: >-
{% if release not in ['newton', 'ocata'] -%}
{'auth.tempest_roles': '"Member, creator"'}
{%- endif -%}