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# This directory is used to store a variety of files generated
# during the deploy process (ansible inventory, ssh configuration, ssh
# key files, etc)
local_working_dir: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/.quickstart"
# this will define the user that ansible will connect with
ssh_user: stack
# This defines the users that deploys the overcloud from the undercloud
# and accesses overcloud as the orchestration admin user
undercloud_user: stack
overcloud_user: heat-admin
# This is where we store generated artifacts (like ssh config files,
# keys, deployment scripts, etc) on the undercloud.
working_dir: "/home/{{ undercloud_user }}"
# This is a directory no the virthost in which we store the downloaded
# undercloud image.
image_cache_dir: "/var/cache/tripleo-quickstart/images/{{ release }}"
image_fetch_dir: "{{ working_dir}}"
# This determines whether to download a pre-built undercloud.qcow2 or
# whether to instead use an overcloud-full.qcow2 and convert it on
# the fly. The default is to use a pre-built undercloud.qcow2.
overcloud_as_undercloud: false
# This determines whether or not to treat the undercloud.qcow2 as a
# stock CentOS or RHEL image. The default is a pre-built undercloud.qcow2
baseos_as_undercloud: false
# optionally setup the yum repos on the virthost
virthost_repo_setup: false
# When a base os image is used in lieu of a quickstart prepared image
# additional setup steps are required for the undercloud install.
undercloud_setup: false
# Set selinux, by default RDO builds are always set to selinux permissive
selinux_enforcing: false
# These defaults are used if there are no flavor-specific
# overrides configured.
default_disk: 50
default_memory: 8192
# Setting controller and compute nodes to 2 vcpus, so we have more processing
# power to run the tests
default_vcpu: 2
# The undercloud needs more than the default amount of memory
# and disk.
undercloud_memory: 12288
undercloud_disk: 50
# Setting undercloud to 6 cpus, so we continue to have around 10 vcpus
# by default
undercloud_vcpu: 6
# The default deployment has flavors for compute, controllers, ceph
# nodes, and undercloud nodes. All flavors defined in the `flavors`
# key will be created with an `oooq_` prefix to avoid conflicts with
# the pre-defined flavors created by `openstack install undercloud`.
memory: '{{compute_memory|default(default_memory)}}'
disk: '{{compute_disk|default(default_disk)}}'
vcpu: '{{compute_vcpu|default(default_vcpu)}}'
memory: '{{control_memory|default(default_memory)}}'
disk: '{{control_disk|default(default_disk)}}'
vcpu: '{{control_vcpu|default(default_vcpu)}}'
memory: '{{ceph_memory|default(default_memory)}}'
disk: '{{ceph_disk|default(default_disk)}}'
vcpu: '{{ceph_vcpu|default(default_vcpu)}}'
extradisks: true
memory: '{{block_memory|default(default_memory)}}'
disk: '{{block_disk|default(default_disk)}}'
vcpu: '{{block_vcpu|default(default_vcpu)}}'
memory: '{{objectstorage_memory|default(default_memory)}}'
disk: '{{objectstorage_disk|default(default_disk)}}'
vcpu: '{{objectstorage_vcpu|default(default_vcpu)}}'
extradisks: true
memory: '{{undercloud_memory|default(undercloud_memory)}}'
disk: '{{undercloud_disk|default(undercloud_disk)}}'
vcpu: '{{undercloud_vcpu|default(undercloud_vcpu)}}'
# We create a single undercloud node.
name: undercloud
flavor: undercloud
# Do not deploy supplemental nodes by default.
deploy_supplemental_node: false
# Do not deploy FreeIPA server by default.
enable_tls_everywhere: false
# allow the nic model to be overridden by environment variable
overcloud_libvirt_nic_model: virtio
# The overcloud will have three controllers, one compute node,
# and a ceph storage node.
- name: control_0
flavor: control
- name: control_1
flavor: control
- name: control_2
flavor: control
- name: compute_0
flavor: compute
- name: ceph_0
flavor: ceph
# Describe our virtual networks. These networks will be attached to
# the undercloud node and to the overcloud nodes in the order in which
# they are defined with the following caveats:
# * If no networks are using forward_mode: 'nat', then the default libvirt
# network will be attached to the undercloud. This is required to ssh from the
# virt host to the undercloud
# * The first bridge network defined will be used for pxe booting
- name: overcloud
bridge: brovc
- name: external
bridge: brext
forward_mode: nat
address: "{{ external_network_cidr|nthhost(1) }}"
netmask: "{{ external_network_cidr|ipaddr('netmask') }}"
- "{{ external_network_cidr|nthhost(10) }}"
- "{{ external_network_cidr|nthhost(50) }}"
- 1024
- 65535
#Enable network isolation with single-nic-vlans for virtualized deployments
undercloud_external_network_cidr: >-
{%- if overcloud_ipv6|bool %}2001:db8:fd00:1000::/64{% else %}{% endif -%}
address: "{{ undercloud_external_network_cidr|nthhost(1) }}"
netmask: "{{ undercloud_external_network_cidr|ipaddr('netmask') }}"
address6: "{{ undercloud_external_network_cidr6|nthhost(1) }}"
device_type: ovs
type: OVSIntPort
ovs_bridge: br-ctlplane
ovs_options: '"tag=10"'
tag: 10
network_isolation: true
network_isolation_type: 'single-nic-vlans'
enable_pacemaker: false
ipv6: false
# This enables the deployment of the overcloud with SSL.
ssl_overcloud: false
# If ssl_overcloud is True, then the overcloud public vip must be explicitly
# specified as part of the deployment configuration. Note that the VIP used has
# to be set accordingly with the `undercloud_external_network_cidr`.
overcloud_public_vip6: 2001:db8:fd00:1000::14
# Set this to `false` if you don't want your undercloud and overcloud vms
# to have a VNC console available.
enable_vnc_console: true
# We have some version specific behaviors, so we need a release variable
# TODO(trown): It would be better to write a release into the image itself
# and set this variable from there.
release: pike
# This option controls whether or not to use the repo setup for TripleO
# development. Since this requires some other options to be funtional,
# it is best to specify release master-tripleo-ci rather than
# just flipping this to true.
devmode: false
# Tuned profile set while provisioning remote hosts to optimize for deployment
tuned_profile: 'virtual-host'
# This is the name of the user the `provision` role will create on the
# remote host.
non_root_user: stack
non_root_group: "{{ non_root_user }}"
# Path for volume storage
libvirt_volume_path: "{{ working_dir }}/pool"
libvirt_uri: qemu:///session
# Whether to give permissive access to files owned by the non_root_user.
# This is required if the non_root_user is not used to run libvirt tasks.
# The most common case for this is when openvswitch is used for networks
# on the virthost. This requires running libvirt tasks as the root user so
# that they have sufficient privileges to connect to ovs bridges.
non_root_chown: false
# Enable port forwarding for tripleo-ui access
# It is safe to mark this as default true as it only runs on a virthost
# This variable is set to true in config/environments/default_libvirt.yml
enable_port_forward_for_tripleo_ui: false
# This enables the run of several tripleo-validations tests through Mistral
run_tripleo_validations: False
# This enables the run of tripleo-validations negative tests through shell
# scripts
run_tripleo_validations_negative_tests: False
# Exit tripleo-quickstart on validations failures
exit_on_validations_failure: False
# Update undercloud and overcloud images with the repos provided via the
# release config.
update_images: false