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A tool for managing tripleo repos from places like RDO Trunk and Ceph.


Also ensures yum-plugin-priorities is installed since the RDO Trunk repos require that to work sanely.


The tool will remove any delorean* repos at the target location to avoid conflicts with older repos. This means you must specify all of the repos you want to enable in one tripleo-repos call.


Install TripleO CI testing repos for UBI-8 by the distro specific path:

tripleo-repos -d ubi8 tripleo-ci-testing --output-path /etc/distro.repos.d

Install current master RDO Trunk repo and the deps repo:

tripleo-repos current

Install current-tripleo RDO Trunk repo and the deps repo:

tripleo-repos current-tripleo

Install the current-tripleo-dev repo. This will also pull current and deps, and will adjust the priorities of each repo appropriately:

tripleo-repos current-tripleo-dev

Install the mitaka RDO Trunk repo and deps:

tripleo-repos -b mitaka current

Write repos to a different path:

tripleo-repos -o ~/test-repos current

Install the current-tripleo, deps, and ceph repos. NOTE: The Ceph repo is installed from a package and thus does not respect -o:

tripleo-repos current-tripleo ceph


To use this for TripleO development, replace the --repo-setup step with the following:

git clone
cd tripleo-repos
sudo ./ install
sudo tripleo-repos current-tripleo-dev ceph

Now you're ready to install the undercloud: --undercloud

And to build images:

export OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF="$(ls /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean* /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Ceph-*)" --overcloud-images


This is a tool for bootstrapping the repo setup for TripleO, so it should not have any runtime OpenStack dependencies or we end up in a chicken-and-egg pickle, and let's be honest - no one wants a chicken and egg pickle.