TripleO and Docker

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James Slagle 2014-05-21 07:41:47 -04:00
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TripleO and Docker
# TODO: file the actual blueprint...
The goal of this spec is to detail how Docker might be used within TripleO to
run the services needed for the Overcloud. Docker is an attractive
implementation for TripleO because it provides benefits around application
isolation, security, and ease of upgrading/downgrading.
Problem description
The deployer wants to use Docker containers for Overcloud services, as opposed
to using baremetal nodes to deploy overcloud images.
We should support running each Overcloud service in its own container in order
to be as flexible as possible to deploy needs.
Proposed change
In order to make Docker containers available as deployment targets for the
Overcloud, we need Nova Compute nodes configured to use the Docker driver
registered with the undercloud Nova.
Even when you plan to deploy to containers, the undercloud must still be
running a Nova compute with the ironic driver in order to allow for scaling
itself out to add additional compute nodes.
To accmplish this, we can run 2 Nova compute processes on each undercloud node.
One configured with Nova+Ironic and one configured with Nova+Docker. For the
straight baremetal deployment, where Docker is not desired, it will not be
included. This would be accomplished via the standard inclusion/exclusion of
elements during a diskimage-builder tripleo image build.
To minimize the changes needed to the elements, we will aim to run a full init
stack in the container, such as systemd. This will allow all the services that
we need to also be running in the container (cloud-init, os-collect-config,
etc). It will also make troubleshooting similar to the baremetal process in
that you'd be able to ssh to individual containers, read logs, restart
services, turn on debug mode, etc.
An alternative to having the undercloud deploy additional Docker compute nodes
would be to register additional baremetal nodes with the seed vm, and then
describe an undercloud stack in a template that is the undercloud controller
and it's set of Docker compute nodes. When the undercloud is deployed via the
seed, all the nodes are set up initially.
The drawback with that approach is that the seed is meant to be short-lived in
the long term. So, it then becomes difficult to scale out the undercloud if
needed. We could offer a hybrid of the 2 models: launch all nodes initially
from the seed, but still have the functionality in the undercloud to deploy
more Docker compute nodes if needed.
We should also consider any non-baremetal Nova driver as a possible target of
deployment for Overcloud services. Someone may desire to deploy overcloud
services running in kvm or libvirt+lxc, etc.
Data model impact
REST API impact
Security impact
We should aim for equivalent security when deploying to containers as we do
when deploying to baremetal. To the best of our ability, it should not be
possible to compromise the container if an individual service is compromised.
Notifications impact
Other end user impact
We should document the option of deploying to Docker containers in our
deployment docs in tripleo-incubator.
Performance Impact
Ideally, deploying an overcloud to containers should result in a faster
deployment than deploying to baremetal.
Other deployer impact
The main impact to deployers will be the ability to use containers if they
wish. They also must understand how to use nova-baremetal/ironic on the
undercloud to scale out the undercloud and add additional docker compute nodes
if needed.
Developer impact
Developers working on TripleO will have the option of deploying to containers.
This should make testing and developing on some aspects of TripleO easier due
to the need for less vm's.
Primary assignee:
Work Items
Where needed, we should continue breaking out individual elements into smaller
fined grained units. When deploying containers, the service running in the
container should be the smallest unit of scale where possible, so that
individual services can be scaled up/down as needed.
nova-api is one such example, which actually installs 5 different services.
We also need new elements for the nova docker driver and docker registry. The
element for the nova docker driver should allow it to be installed alongside
another nova compute process (different nova.conf, etc).
tripleo-heat-templates would be changed to break out each service where needed
into it's own template. For example, instead of having an overcloud control and
compute template, we would have template fragments for each service that somone
might desire to deploy separately in a container.
This would follow similarly to what's been done today for cinder and swift, but
would take it a step further and break it out into per service templates.
The Makefile (and if needed, would be updated so that the same set of
undercloud/overcloud templates could be generated as they are today.
This change is beneficial because whether you're deploying via baremetal or
Docker, you'd be using the same template source.
Makefile targets would be added for each service in tripleo-heat-templates.
If needed, separate Makefile targets would be added if the one overcloud.yaml
couldn't be used for both a baremetal and Docker deployment.
The ability to generate a template for an undercloud node that is running both
compute+ironic and compute+docker would also be added to the Makefile.
We'd also need diskimage-builder steps that show how to build images for the
docker compute nodes. We'd support the same set of base OS's that we do today,
where Docker is well supported (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc).
Buidling docker images via diskimage-builder ought to be pretty straightforward
since a docker image is just a tarball of the file system.
The resultant images can then be imported into Docker and pushed to a registry
that has the undercloud glance configured as a backend. The images will then be
available in glance for use by Nova/Heat.
Nova scheduling filters
Since the undercloud will have compute nodes registered with different
compute_driver configurations, ComputeFilters and ImagePropertiesFilter may
need to be used to make sure the Docker compute nodes are used for the
overcloud deployment and the baremetal compute nodes are used for scaling out
the undercloud itself. The image property hypervisor_type can be set on images
in glance to make sure certain images are deployed to certain hypervisors.
If needed, an option could be added to load-image to set this property on
Docker images.
Document how to use Docker to deploy the overcloud.
Document how to troubleshoot an Overcloud running in Docker.
Add an option to devtest to use Docker to deploy the overcloud.
This effort depends on continued development on the nova Docker driver. We
would need to drive any missing features or bugfixes that were needed in that
We would need a separate set of CI jobs that were configured to deploy an
Overclout to Docker. The CI jobs should be considered non-voting since they'd
rely on a stackforge project which isn't officially part of OpenStack.
Documentation Impact
As yet, there are no official OpenStack docs for TripleO. However, we should
update the TripleO specific docs in tripleo-incubator to document how to use
Docker for an Overcloud deployment.
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