
51 lines
1.7 KiB

"comments": [
"unresolved": true,
"key": {
"uuid": "48b94620_ee3438a3",
"filename": "specs/yoga/tripleo_ceph_ingress.rst",
"patchSetId": 6
"lineNbr": 146,
"author": {
"id": 25402
"writtenOn": "2022-01-25T17:06:10Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "Putting -W as we need one more change here after reviewing [1].\nInstead of building a separated Ceph command, we\u0027re going to the existing cli (overcloud ceph deploy), embedding the VIP(s) creation (when we need them) during the ceph_nfs deployment.\nIt results in a flow which is consistent with the existing user experience (let\u0027s create the metal, the network, the vips, deploy ceph) and it\u0027s easier to maintain.\n\nMy next PS is going to reflect this behavior.\n\n[1]",
"range": {
"startLine": 145,
"startChar": 51,
"endLine": 146,
"endChar": 10
"revId": "0162bfc41f6fff231e7b49ab62a842d0139222bf",
"serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543"
"unresolved": false,
"key": {
"uuid": "a71ed3f5_ff4d2869",
"filename": "specs/yoga/tripleo_ceph_ingress.rst",
"patchSetId": 6
"lineNbr": 146,
"author": {
"id": 25402
"writtenOn": "2022-02-03T13:42:22Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "Done",
"parentUuid": "48b94620_ee3438a3",
"range": {
"startLine": 145,
"startChar": 51,
"endLine": 146,
"endChar": 10
"revId": "0162bfc41f6fff231e7b49ab62a842d0139222bf",
"serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543"