TripleO UI packaging ==================== TL;DR ----- * We need people from the RDO team to approve all changes * New packages are built on every upstream merge commit * Use npm shrinkwrap when updating dependencies in ``package.json`` Upstream -------- For upstream releases, we only provide a source tarball. This is released via the ``project-config`` machinery just like other TripleO projects. The tarball is produced by running ``npm pack`` in the root of the project, and excludes the ``node_modules`` directory. The tarballs are available `here`_. RDO --- The upstream TripleO CI relies on packages provided by the `RDO project`_. Therefore, it's important to keep the RDO packages up-to-date, and to prevent the builds from failing. The product of RDO packaging is a set of two RPMs: * `openstack-tripleo-ui-deps`_ * `openstack-tripleo-ui`_ And of course, the second one depends on the first one. The `-deps` package contains the contents of the `node_modules` directory. An RPM is created from a `.spec` file. These files can be access via the above GitHub links. Any changes to the files are subject to review by the RDO team. This can be a lengthy process because software licenses need to be reviewed. RDO builds packages in two different streams: trunk and stable. Study the following graphic to understand how code flows through the pipeline: .. image:: :alt: RDO diagram What to do when dependencies change ----------------------------------- This applies both to adding *new* dependencies, and upgrading *existing* ones. 1. Make the required changes in ``package.json`` 2. ``$ rm -rf node_modules`` 3. ``$ npm cache clean`` 4. ``$ npm install`` 5. ``$ npm shrinkwrap`` 6. Commit those changes along with your dependency changes in ``tripleo-ui``. Your patch should only include the necessary changes to update the dependency. Submit another patch for your feature/bugfix. In the commit message, add a link to the dependency (GitHub or similar), and indicate the project's license. We use the "workflow" field on this patch to indicate whether a packager has reviewed the changes: "-1" means this has not happened, or there are issues with the new dependency; "+1" means it's been reviewed, and the change is approved. 7. Update the `openstack-tripleo-ui-deps`_ package. Currently, this is done by submitting a pull request on GitHub. There are plans in place to move the workflow for this repository to the gerrit system. 8. Update the `openstack-tripleo-ui`_ spec so that it points to the new version of `openstack-tripleo-ui-deps`_. This is done by submitting a patch via `gerrit`_. .. _here: .. _openstack-tripleo-ui-deps: .. _openstack-tripleo-ui: .. _RDO project: .. _gerrit: