Host evacuate dynamic limit

Instead of hardcoded 120 seconds limit we wait 60 + 60 * VMs of
the compute for the evacuation.

Change-Id: I95e7feef641e7107c349e4d1185f88b2e57eb143
This commit is contained in:
Lukas Bezdicka 2020-12-08 12:33:12 +01:00
parent 972faa2359
commit 5ddecd46e0

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@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ source {{ overcloud_rc }}
HOST=$(openstack compute service list -f value -c Host | grep {{ node_name }} )
nova host-evacuate-live ${HOST}
INSTANCE_COUNT=$(openstack server list --host ${HOST} -f json | jq -r -c '[.[] | select(.Status | contains("ACTIVE") or contains("PAUSED") or contains("MIGRATING"))] | length')
timeout_seconds=$(( 60 * ( $INSTANCE_COUNT + 1 ) ))
while true; do
echo "Waiting for ${HOST} to get quiesced ..."