Don't invoke multiple migration requests for single vm.

This is Pike only fix. If there are multiple migration requests
for the same instance, the placement inventory might
not be cleaned up in time, leading to further migration requests
to this compute to fail:
  Allocation for VCPU on resource provider
  b6d1973f-bc39-4ea0-8d28-15f988f762e1 violates min_unit, max_unit,
    or step_size. Requested: 5, min_unit: 1, max_unit: 4, step_size: 1
  Placement API returning an error response:
   Unable to allocate inventory:
    Unable to create allocation for 'VCPU' on resource provider
     The requested amount would violate inventory constraints

Change migration timeout to 180 seconds.
Both nova-compute and neutron-openvswitch-agent have to be up to
have live-migration working. Added check for neutron's part.

Closes-Bug: 1785568
Change-Id: If46c43aee9a409b59f2dcb139d739106bc9a562f
This commit is contained in:
Yurii Prokulevych 2018-08-03 10:59:29 +02:00
parent 5dc0496aae
commit fe8ede8f4a
1 changed files with 14 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -51,14 +51,19 @@ timeout_seconds={{ node_reboot_timeout }}
while true; do
echo "Waiting for nova-compute service on {{ node_name | splitext | first | splitext | first }} to go up ..."
NODE_SSHABLE=$( ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no heat-admin@$NODE_IP 'id' | grep -q heat-admin ; echo $?)
NOVACOMPUTE_ENABLED=$(openstack compute service list --host {{ node_name }} -f json | jq -r -c '.[] | select(.Binary | contains("nova-compute")) | .State' | head -1)
if [[ $NOVACOMPUTE_ENABLED == 'up' ]]; then
OVS_AGENT_UP=$( openstack network agent list --host {{ node_name }} -f json | jq -r -c '.[] | select(.Binary | contains("neutron-openvswitch-agent")) | .Alive' | head -1)
if [[ $NODE_SSHABLE -eq 0 && $NOVACOMPUTE_ENABLED == 'up' && $OVS_AGENT_UP == ':-)' ]]; then
echo 'SUCCESS: nova-compute and neutron-openvswitch-agent at {{ node_name }} are UP'
sleep 3
(( elapsed_seconds += 3 ))
if [ $elapsed_seconds -ge $timeout_seconds ]; then
echo "FAILURE: Nova compute service didn't come up on {{ node_name | splitext | first | splitext | first }}"
echo "FAILURE: nova-compute or neutron-openvswitch-agent service didn't come up on {{ node_name | splitext | first | splitext | first }}"
openstack compute service list --host {{ node_name }} -f json
openstack network agent list --host {{ node_name }} -f json
exit 1
@ -72,22 +77,19 @@ source {{ overcloud_rc }}
STORAGE_BACKEND=$(openstack volume service list -f json | jq -r -c '.[] | select(.Binary | contains("cinder-volume")) | .Host' | sed s/hostgroup@tripleo_//)
{% for instance in node_instances.stdout_lines %}
if [ $STORAGE_BACKEND == 'ceph' ]; then
echo "Shared storage live migrating {{ instance }} back to {{ node_name }} ..."
nova live-migration {{ instance }} {{ node_name }}
echo "Block migrating {{ instance }} back to {{ node_name }} ..."
nova live-migration --block-migrate {{ instance }} {{ node_name }}
while true; do
if [ $STORAGE_BACKEND == 'ceph' ]; then
echo "Shared storage live migrating {{ instance }} back to {{ node_name }} ..."
## Live migration might not complete on the first run so we run it multiple times
## until the instance ends back on the originating host
nova live-migration {{ instance }} {{ node_name }}
echo "Block migrating {{ instance }} back to {{ node_name }} ..."
nova live-migration --block-migrate {{ instance }} {{ node_name }}
## Assert instance migrated back on the original host
## Migration takes some time so it's run in a loop
INSTANCE_HOST=$(openstack server show {{ instance }} -f json | jq -r -c '. | .["OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host"]')
if [ $INSTANCE_HOST == '{{ node_name }}' ]; then