#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux SERVER_ID=$(openstack server list -f value -c ID --limit 1) SERVER_FIP=$(openstack server show -f json ${SERVER_ID} | jq -r -c '.addresses' | grep -oP ',.*' | sed s/,\ //) SERVER_SSH_USER={{ workload_user }} ## reboot echo "Rebooting ${SERVER_ID} nova instance" timeout 2m openstack server reboot --wait ${SERVER_ID} rc=$? if [ $rc -eq 124 ]; then echo "Rebooting ${SERVER_ID} nova instance timed out" exit 1 elif [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo "Rebooting ${SERVER_ID} nova instance failed with unknown reason" exit 1 fi ## wait for instance to be reachable over the floating IP and check uptime timeout_seconds=240 elapsed_seconds=0 while true; do echo "Waiting for ${SERVER_ID} to be reachable over its floating IP" INSTANCE_UPTIME=$(ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=1 ${SERVER_SSH_USER}@${SERVER_FIP} 'uptime' | awk {'print $3$4'} | sed s/,//) if [ "$INSTANCE_UPTIME" == '0min' ]; then echo "SUCCESS: ${SERVER_ID} nova instance successfully rebooted and is reachable via its floating IP" break fi sleep 3 elapsed_seconds=$(expr $elapsed_seconds + 3) if [ $elapsed_seconds -ge $timeout_seconds ]; then echo "FAILURE: ${SERVER_ID} nova instance did not reboot or it's not reachable via its floating IP after reboot" exit 1 fi done