#!/usr/bin/bash awk '/status_code/{inside=0} /^openstack overcloud deploy/{inside=1} {if (inside==1) {print}}' {{ working_dir }}/overcloud-deploy.sh > /tmp/overcloud-deploy-tr.1 sed -Ee 's/([a-zA-Z0-9]) +([-][^ ])/\1 \\\n\2/g' /tmp/overcloud-deploy-tr.1 > /tmp/overcloud-deploy-tr.2 # Check if tripleo-heat-templates directory used for deployment # in deploy-overcloud.sh matches with one specified under {{ tht_directory }} if [[ $(grep "\-\-templates" /tmp/overcloud-deploy-tr.2) ]]; then templates_dir=$(grep "\-\-templates" /tmp/overcloud-deploy-tr.2 | awk '{ print $2}') if [[ "$templates_dir" != "{{ tht_directory }}" ]]; then # If different templates directory, substitute the old by # the new tht directory in the same temporary file sed -iEe "s|$templates_dir|{{ tht_directory }}|g" /tmp/overcloud-deploy-tr.2 fi fi sed -Ee '$s/\\ *//' -e '/^ *$/d' /tmp/overcloud-deploy-tr.2 > {{ overcloud_deploy_script }}