
100 lines
3.3 KiB

#!/bin/env bash
# Run major upgrade converge step on overcloud nodes
set -euo pipefail
{% if l3_agent_connectivity_check|bool %}
if [[ -e {{ working_dir }}/ ]]; then
source {{ overcloud_rc }}
bash {{ working_dir }}/
{% endif %}
{% if l3_agent_failover_check|bool %}
if [[ -e {{ working_dir }}/ ]]; then
source {{ overcloud_rc }}
bash {{ working_dir }}/
{% endif %}
{% if fip_http_check|bool %}
source {{ overcloud_rc }}
kill -9 $( lsof -t {{ working_dir }}/ ) || :
bash {{ working_dir }}/ &
{% endif %}
source {{ undercloud_rc }}
echo "[$(date)] Running {% if ffu_overcloud_upgrade %} ffwd-upgrade {% else %} major {% endif %}upgrade converge step"
openstack overcloud {% if ffu_overcloud_upgrade %} ffwd-upgrade {% else %} upgrade {% endif %}converge \
{% if ffu_overcloud_upgrade -%}
--yes \
{% endif -%}
{% if overcloud_ssh_user != '' -%}
--overcloud-ssh-user {{ overcloud_ssh_user }} \
{% endif -%}
{% if tripleo_upgrade_debug|bool -%}
--debug \
{% endif -%}
{% if tripleo_upgrade_validations_non_fatal|bool -%}
--validation-errors-nonfatal \
{% endif -%}
{% if tripleo_upgrade_converge_plan_only|bool -%}
--update-plan-only \
{% endif -%}
--templates {{ tht_directory }} \
--stack {{ overcloud_stack_name }} \
{% if splitstack_deployment|bool -%}
--disable-validations \
--deployed-server \
{% endif -%}
{% if network_data_file|length >0 -%}
-n {{ network_data_file }} \
{% endif -%}
{% if initial_env_file is defined and initial_env_file.stdout_lines|length > 0 -%}
{% for _env in initial_env_file.stdout_lines|difference(old_img|default([])) -%}
-e {{ _env }} \
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if ffu_overcloud_upgrade and deployment_with_ha_upstream -%}
-e {{ tht_directory }}/environments/docker.yaml \
-e {{ tht_directory }}/environments/docker-ha.yaml \
{% endif -%}
{% if cli_converted_options|default(false)|bool -%}
-e {{working_dir}}/cli_opts_params.yaml \
{% endif -%}
{% if ffu_overcloud_upgrade -%}
-e {{ working_dir }}/{{ container_registry_file }} \
{% if ceph_osd_enabled -%}
-e {{working_dir}}/ceph-ansible-env.yaml \
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
-e {{ working_dir }}/{{ uc_containers_prepare_file }} \
{% if (not ffu_overcloud_upgrade or roles_data != default_roles_data) %}--roles-file {{ roles_data }}{% endif %} 2>&1
echo "[$(date)] Finished {% if ffu_overcloud_upgrade %} ffwd-upgrade {% else %} major {% endif %}upgrade converge step"
{% if l3_agent_connectivity_check|bool %}
if [[ -e {{ working_dir }}/ ]]; then
source {{ overcloud_rc }}
bash {{ working_dir }}/
{% endif %}
{% if l3_agent_failover_check|bool %}
if [[ -e {{ working_dir }}/ ]]; then
source {{ overcloud_rc }}
bash {{ working_dir }}/
{% endif %}
{% if fip_http_check|bool %}
source {{ overcloud_rc }}
kill -9 $( lsof -t {{ working_dir }}/ )
bash {{ working_dir }}/
{% endif %}
{% if launch_sanity_workload|bool %}
bash {{ working_dir }}/ 'sanity'
{% endif %}