In case of HCI deployments the upgrade workflow slightly differs and we need to keep using puppet ceph during the major upgrade composable step. This change adds the required changes to accomodate this. For reference: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1511494#c3 Change-Id: I5f398e114cd929621b4e24742c4f1d2376a2ac8e
This role aims to provide a unified tool for upgrading TripleO based deploments.
This role requires:
An ansible inventory file containing reacheable undercloud and overcloud nodes
Nodes in the inventory file are placed in groups based on their roles (e.g compute nodes are part of the 'compute' group)
Repositories containing packages to be upgraded are already installed on undercloud and overcloud nodes
The initial overcloud deploy command is placed in a script file located in the path set by the overcloud_deploy_script var. Each option/environment file should be placed on a separate new line, e.g:
source ~/stackrc export THT=/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/
openstack overcloud deploy --templates $THT
-r ~/openstack_deployment/roles/roles_data.yaml
-e $THT/environments/network-isolation.yaml
-e $THT/environments/network-management.yaml
-e $THT/environments/storage-environment.yaml
-e ~/openstack_deployment/environments/nodes.yaml
-e ~/openstack_deployment/environments/network-environment.yaml
-e ~/openstack_deployment/environments/disk-layout.yaml
-e ~/openstack_deployment/environments/neutron-settings.yaml
--log-file overcloud_deployment.log &> overcloud_install.log
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below:
upgrade_noop: false
Only create upgrade scripts without running them
update_noop: false
Only create update scripts without running them
undercloud_upgrade: false
Run undercloud upgrade
overcloud_upgrade: false
Run overcloud upgrade
undercloud_update: false
Run undercloud update
overcloud_update: false
Run overcloud update
overcloud_deploy_script: "~/overcloud_deploy.sh"
Location of the initial overcloud deploy script.
undercloud_upgrade_script: "~/undercloud_upgrade.sh"
Location of the undercloud upgrade script which is going to be generated by this role.
overcloud_composable_upgrade_script: "~/composable_docker_upgrade.sh"
Location of the upgrade script used in the composable docker upgrade step which is going to be generated by this role.
overcloud_converge_upgrade_script: "~/converge_docker_upgrade.sh"
Location of the upgrade script used in the converge docker upgrade step which is going to be generated by this role.
undercloud_rc: "~/stackrc"
Location of the undercloud credentials file.
overcloud_rc: "~/overcloudrc"
Location of the overcloud credentials file.
upgrade_workarounds: false
Allows the user to apply known issues workarounds during the upgrade process. The list of patches/commands used for workarounds should be passed via --extra-vars and it should include dictionaries for undercloud/overcloud workarounds.
use_oooq: false
Set to true when the deployment has been done by tripleo quickstart.
workload_launch: false
Set to true to launch an instance before starting upgrade. This can be useful for running tests during upgrade such as live migration or floating IP connectivity checks.
external_network_name: "public"
Name of the external network providing floating IPs for instance connectivity. This provides external connectivity and needs to exist beforehand, created by the user.
workload_image_url: "http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.5/cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img"
URL of the image used for the workload instance.
workload_memory: "512"
Amount of memory assigned for the workload instance.
tripleo_ci: false
Set to true when running the role in the TripleO CI jobs. It avoids losing connectivity to the undercloud by skipping reboot and ssh kill tasks.
Example Playbook
An example playbook is provided in tests/test.yml:
- hosts: undercloud
gather_facts: true
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: stack
- tripleo-upgrade
Usage with tripleo Quickstart
After a successful deployment with OOOQ, you can create the necessary scripts using this example playbook (duplicate from ./tests/oooq-test.yaml):
- hosts: undercloud
gather_facts: true
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: stack
- { role: tripleo-upgrade, use_oooq: 'true'}
And then you run it like this (adjust the paths to your oooq specific one)
ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F $(pwd)/ssh.config.ansible"
ansible-playbook -i hosts -vvv tripleo-upgrade/tests/oooq-test.yaml
This will only create the file (without running the actual upgrade):
- undercloud_upgrade.sh
- container_images_download.sh
- local_docker_registry_env.sh
- composable_docker_upgrade.sh
- overcloud-compute-*_upgrade_pre.sh
- overcloud-compute-*_upgrade.sh
- overcloud-compute-*_upgrade_post.sh
- converge_docker_upgrade.sh
with the correct parameters.
Usage with InfraRed
tripleo-upgrade comes preinstalled as an InfraRed plugin. After a successful InfraRed overcloud deployment you need to run the following steps to upgrade the deployment:
Symlink roles path:
ln -s $(pwd)/plugins $(pwd)/plugins/tripleo-upgrade/infrared_plugin/roles
Set up undercloud upgrade repositories:
infrared tripleo-undercloud \
--upgrade yes \
--mirror ${mirror_location} \
Set up undercloud update repositories:
infrared tripleo-undercloud \
--update-undercloud yes \
--mirror ${mirror_location} \
--build latest \
--version 12 \
Upgrade undercloud:
infrared tripleo-upgrade \
--undercloud-upgrade yes
Update undercloud:
infrared tripleo-upgrade \
--undercloud-update yes
Set up overcloud upgrade repositories:
infrared tripleo-overcloud \
--deployment-files virt \
--upgrade yes \
--mirror ${mirror_location} \
Set up overcloud update repositories/containers:
infrared tripleo-overcloud \
--deployment-files virt \
--ocupdate True \
--build latest \
Upgrade overcloud:
infrared tripleo-upgrade \
--overcloud-upgrade yes
Update overcloud:
infrared tripleo-upgrade
--overcloud-update yes
Running the role manually from the undercloud
This role can be run manually from the undercloud by doing the following steps:
Note: before starting the upgrade process make sure that both the undercloud and overcloud nodes have the repositories with upgraded packages set up
Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/redhat-openstack/tripleo-upgrade.git
Set ansible roles path ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=$(pwd)
Create inventory file printf "[undercloud]\nlocalhost ansible_connection=local" > hosts
Run the playbook including this role ansible-playbook -i hosts tripleo-upgrade/tests/test.yml
Author Information
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).