Jose Luis Franco Arza e1a3cb51a1 Clean up ansible variables.
The amount of variables defined inside the
defaults/main.yml was piling up. It makes
sense to provide flexibility via variables,
but some of the ones defined in the role
didn't change and won't change during its

This patch remove most of the '_template'
variables and add the template name in the
src section of the task. Remove also workload variables.

Change-Id: I443865bc95590a5cffcc28d98913110238e863b6
2020-01-28 11:01:05 +01:00

242 lines
7.4 KiB

# defaults file for tripleo-upgrade
# main vars:
working_dir: "{{ (ansible_env|default({})).HOME|default('/home/stack') }}"
# undercloud.conf
undercloud_conf: "{{ working_dir }}/undercloud.conf"
# overcloud stack name
overcloud_stack_name: "overcloud"
# TODO: those variable can be changed for the explicit keyword in tag
# when is merged.
# enable update/upgrade
upgrade_noop: false
update_noop: false
undercloud_upgrade: false
undercloud_os_upgrade: false
containerized_undercloud_upgrade: true
overcloud_upgrade: false
undercloud_update: false
overcloud_update: false
overcloud_images_validate: false
# enable ffu upgrade
ffu_undercloud_upgrade: false
ffu_overcloud_upgrade: false
ffu_noop: false
ffu_bulk: true
ffu_computes_rolling: false
# enable upgrade workarounds
upgrade_workarounds: false
# enable update workarounds
updates_workarounds: false
# enable ffu workarounds
ffu_upgrade_workarounds: false
# use oooq
use_oooq: false
# Running in tripleo ci
tripleo_ci: false
# rc files:
undercloud_rc: "{{ working_dir }}/stackrc"
overcloud_rc: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ overcloud_stack_name }}rc"
# required for logstash indexing
timestamper_cmd: >-
| awk '{ print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |"), $0; fflush(); }'
launch_sanity_workload: true
# launch workload before update/upgrade
workload_launch: false
external_network_name: "public"
workload_image_url: ""
workload_memory: "512"
workload_user: "cirros"
workload_disk: 5
workload_vcpu: 1
workload_swap: 512
# upgrade scripts name:
undercloud_upgrade_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
undercloud_update_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
overcloud_deploy_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
overcloud_upgrade_prepare_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
overcloud_system_upgrade_script_base: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_system_upgrade"
overcloud_upgrade_run_script_base: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_upgrade_run"
overcloud_upgrade_converge_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
workload_launch_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
# overcloud update scripts
overcloud_update_prepare_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
overcloud_update_run_script_base: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_update_run"
overcloud_update_converge_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
overcloud_validate_images_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
overcloud_validate_ap_services: openstack-cinder-volume openstack-cinder-backup openstack-manila-share
# container registry file for overcloud
container_registry_file: "docker-images.yaml"
# container prepare params env file
uc_containers_prepare_file: "containers-prepare-parameter.yaml"
# url of the remote docker registry to be used
docker_registry_url: 'registry.example.local'
# use upstream or downstream container images
upstream_container_images: true
# tripleo-heat-templates directory
tht_directory: "/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates"
# default roles_data.yaml
default_roles_data: "{{ tht_directory }}/roles_data.yaml"
# local registry environment file location
containers_default_parameters: "{{ working_dir }}/docker-osp12.yaml"
# container_images.yaml file location
container_images_location: "{{ working_dir }}/container_images.yaml"
# undercloud_hiera.yaml file location
undercloud_hiera: "{{ working_dir }}/undercloud_hiera.yaml"
# reboot nodes post upgrade
undercloud_reboot: false
controller_reboot: false
force_reboot: false
# time to wait for nodes to reboot in seconds
node_reboot_timeout: 300
# enable l3 agent connectivity check during upgrade
l3_agent_connectivity_check: false
l3_agent_connectivity_check_start_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
l3_agent_connectivity_check_stop_script: "{{ working_dir }}/"
l3_agent_failover_check: false
# enable web load test
fip_http_check: false
# migrate instances between compute nodes during upgrade
compute_evacuate: false
# enable post upgrade checks
controller_upgrade_post: false
# Provide a custom ssh-config file
need_ssh_config: true
# Extra environment files to pass into upgrade prepare command appending them
# in a list.
# Format: ['env_file1', 'env_file2', 'env_file3']
# It will be rendered joining each file with ' -e ' when running the command
# 'openstack overcloud upgrade prepare', so it will be possible to add
# extra parameters in a flexible way
upgrade_prepare_extra_params: []
# No upgrade_init_command by default
upgrade_init_command_dest: "{{working_dir}}/UpgradeInitCommand.yaml"
upgrade_init_command: false
# ffu undercloud upgrade
ffu_undercloud_releases: ['ocata', 'pike', 'queens']
ffu_undercloud_repo_type: tripleo-repos
ocata: "-b ocata current"
pike: "-b pike current"
queens: "-b queens current"
# Tripleo OOOQ variables.
composable_scenario: ""
upgrade_composable_scenario: ""
## ffu overcloud upgrade
ffu_overcloud_releases: ['ocata', 'pike', 'queens']
## ffu overcloud to use custom scripts instead of tripleo-repos
ffu_overcloud_repo_type: tripleo-repos
## overcloud ssh user
overcloud_ssh_user: ''
# when set to True it allows running most of the
# openstack overcloud commands with the --debug flag
tripleo_upgrade_debug: false
# when set to True it will append the flag --validation-errors-nonfatal
# into the "overcloud <action> prepare" and "overcloud <action> converge"
# commands. This means that the execution of the command will continue
# independently in spite of validation errors.
tripleo_upgrade_validations_non_fatal: false
# When set to true, the converge operations (update, upgrade, ffwd)
# will run with --update-plan-only. This does not provide full
# verification of the process, but might be necessary to fit within a
# reasonable job run time for gating.
tripleo_upgrade_converge_plan_only: false
## If set to true, overcloud upgrade will be run for each of the
# playbooks defined in 'overcloud_upgrade_playbooks', otherwise
# 'all' will be passed into --playbooks option.
overcloud_upgrade_multibooks: false
## If set to true, overcloud update will be run for each of the
# playbooks defined in 'overcloud_update_playbooks', otherwise
# 'all' will be passed into --playbooks option.
overcloud_update_multibooks: false
# Ansible playbooks executed during "overcloud upgrade run"
overcloud_upgrade_playbooks: ['upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml', 'deploy_steps_playbook.yaml', 'post_upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml']
# Ansible playbooks executed during "overcloud update run"
overcloud_update_playbooks: ['update_steps_playbook.yaml', 'deploy_steps_playbook.yaml']
# Post upgrade/update nova actions tests
nova_actions_check: false
# Ceph OSD service present in overcloud
ceph_osd_enabled: false
# Remove unused RPMs
upgrade_remove_rpm: false
# List of roles deployed in overcloud
oc_roles: []
# Dictionary with roles and hosts per role
# oc_roles_hosts: {
# 'Controller' : ["controller-0", "controller-1", "controller-2"],
# 'Compute' : ["compute-0"]
# }
oc_roles_hosts: {}
# Roles upgrade order
roles_upgrade_order: '__undefined__'
# Packet loss threshold for a ping test
loss_threshold: 1
# Leapp OS upgrade variables
# Run leapp upgrade without RHSM subscription
# Requires workarounds being applied.
leapp_unsubscribed: false
leapp_unregister: true
leapp_skip_release_check: false
# Compact system upgrade prepare and
# system upgrade run into a single step
system_upgrade_compact: true