--- - name: Deprecation WARNING warn: msg: >- Panko has been deprecated since the Train Release. The 'ceilometerdb-size' validation is now considered as deprecated too. - name: Get the path of tripleo undercloud config file become: true hiera: name: "tripleo_undercloud_conf_file" - name: Check if telemetry services are enabled ini: path: "{{ tripleo_undercloud_conf_file }}" section: DEFAULT key: enable_telemetry register: enable_telemetry become: true - name: End play if telemetry is not enabled meta: end_play when: not enable_telemetry.value|bool - name: Get event ttl from panko configuration file become: true ini: path: "{{ panko_config_file }}" section: database key: "{{ event_ttl_check }}" ignore_missing_file: true register: event_check_result - name: Fail if event_ttl_check is set to -1 fail: msg: >- '{{ panko_config_file }}[database]/{{ event_ttl_check }}' is set to -1 or not set when: event_check_result.value|int|default(-1) < 0