#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule # noqa from yaml import safe_load as yaml_safe_load import re DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: check_flavors short_description: Check that assigned flavors exist and are configured description: - Validate that the flavors assigned to roles exist and have the correct settings. Right now, that means that boot_option is unset or set to 'local', or if set to 'netboot', issue a warning. options: roles_info: required: true description: - A list of role info type: list flavors: required: true description: - A dictionary of flavors from Nova type: dict author: "Brad P. Crochet" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - hosts: undercloud tasks: - name: Check the flavors check_flavors: roles_info: "{{ lookup('roles_info', wantlist=True) }}" flavors: "{{ lookup('nova_flavors', wantlist=True) }}" ''' def validate_roles_and_flavors(roles_info, flavors): """Check if roles info is correct :param roles_info: list of role data :param flavors: dictionary of flavors :returns result: Flavors and scale warnings: List of warning messages errors: List of error messages """ result = {} errors = [] warnings = [] custom_resource_class = None custom_resource_class_val = None message = "Flavor '{1}' provided for the role '{0}', does not exist" missing_message = "Role '{0}' is in use, but has no flavor assigned" warning_message = ( 'Flavor {0} "capabilities:boot_option" is set to ' '"netboot". Nodes will PXE boot from the ironic ' 'conductor instead of using a local bootloader. ' 'Make sure that enough nodes are marked with the ' '"boot_option" capability set to "netboot".') resource_class_missing = ( 'Flavor {0} does not have a custom resource class ' 'associated with it') resource_class_name_incorrect = ( 'Flavor {0} has an incorrectly named custom ' 'resource class associated with it') resource_class_value_incorrect = ( 'Flavor {0} has a resource class that is not ' 'offering exactly 1 resource') disable_standard_scheduling = ( 'Flavor {0} has to have scheduling based on ' 'standard properties disabled by setting ' 'resources:VCPU=0 resources:MEMORY_MB=0 ' 'resources:DISK_GB=0 in the flavor property') for role in roles_info: target = role.get('name') flavor_name = role.get('flavor') scale = role.get('count', 0) if flavor_name is None or not scale: if scale: errors.append(missing_message.format(target)) continue old_flavor_name, old_scale = result.get(flavor_name, (None, None)) if old_flavor_name: result[flavor_name] = (old_flavor_name, scale) else: flavor = flavors.get(flavor_name) if flavor: keys = flavor.get('keys', None) if keys: if keys.get('capabilities:boot_option', '') \ == 'netboot': warnings.append( warning_message.format(flavor_name)) # check if the baremetal flavor has custom resource class # required for scheduling since queens resource_specs = {key.split( "resources:", 1)[-1]: val for key, val in keys.items() if key.startswith("resources:")} if not resource_specs: errors.append(resource_class_missing.format( flavor_name)) else: for key, val in resource_specs.items(): if key.startswith("CUSTOM_"): custom_resource_class = True match = re.match('CUSTOM_[A-Z_]+', key) if match is None: errors.append( resource_class_name_incorrect, flavor_name) else: if int(val) == 1: custom_resource_class_val = True if not custom_resource_class: errors.append(resource_class_missing.format( flavor_name)) if key not in ["DISK_GB", "MEMORY_MB", "VCPU"] and \ not custom_resource_class_val: errors.append(resource_class_value_incorrect. format(flavor_name)) disk = resource_specs.get("DISK_GB", None) memory = resource_specs.get("MEMORY_MB", None) vcpu = resource_specs.get("VCPU", None) if any(int(resource) != 0 for resource in [disk, memory, vcpu]): errors.append(disable_standard_scheduling. format(flavor_name)) result[flavor_name] = (flavor, scale) else: errors.append(message.format(target, flavor_name)) return result, warnings, errors def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=yaml_safe_load(DOCUMENTATION)['options'] ) roles_info = module.params.get('roles_info') flavors = module.params.get('flavors') flavor_result, warnings, errors = validate_roles_and_flavors(roles_info, flavors) if errors: module.fail_json(msg="\n".join(errors)) elif warnings: module.exit_json(warnings="\n".join(warnings)) else: module.exit_json( msg="All flavors configured on roles", flavors=flavor_result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()