--- no-op: - description: >- Validations which will run a no-op operation to verify that the workflow is working as it supposed to, it will run in both the Undercloud and Overcloud Nodes. prep: - description: >- Validations check the hardware configuration of the Undercloud node and should be run before **openstack undercloud install**. openshift-on-openstack: - description: >- Validations which will check that the environment meets the requirements to be able to deploy OpenShift on OpenStack. pre-introspection: - description: >- Validations which should be run before the nodes introspection using Ironic Inspector. pre-deployment: - description: >- Validations which should be executed before **openstack overcloud deploy**. post-deployment: - description: >- Validations which should be executed after the Overcloud deployment has finished. pre-upgrade: - description: >- Validations which try to validate your OpenStack deployment before you upgrade it. post-upgrade: - description: >- Validations which try to validate your OpenStack deployment after you upgrade it. pre-ceph: - description: >- Validations to run on undercloud before deploying OpenStack with Ceph. post-ceph: - description: >- Validations to run on overcloud after deploying OpenStack with Ceph.