--- - hosts: undercloud vars: metadata: name: Check the number of IP addresses available for the overcloud nodes description: > Verify that the number of IP addresses defined in `dhcp_start` and `dhcp_end` fields in `undercloud.conf` is not too low. groups: - pre-introspection ctlplane_iprange_min_size: 20 tasks: - name: Get the path of tripleo undercloud config file become: true hiera: name="tripleo_undercloud_conf_file" - name: Get dhcp_start value from the undercloud.conf file become: true ini: path: "{{ tripleo_undercloud_conf_file }}" section: ctlplane-subnet key: dhcp_start ignore_missing_file: True register: dhcp_start - name: Get dhcp_end value from the undercloud.conf file become: true ini: path: "{{ tripleo_undercloud_conf_file }}" section: ctlplane-subnet key: dhcp_end ignore_missing_file: True register: dhcp_end - name: Check the size of the DHCP range for overcloud nodes ip_range: start: "{{ dhcp_start.value|default('') }}" end: "{{ dhcp_end.value|default('') }}" min_size: "{{ ctlplane_iprange_min_size }}"