Overcloud-service-status ========================= An Ansible role to verify the Overcloud services states after a deployment or an update. It checks the API /os-services and looks for deprecated services (nova-consoleauth) or any down services. Requirements ------------ This role needs to be run on an Undercloud with a deployed Overcloud. Role Variables -------------- - overcloud_service_status_debug: Wether or not to log the token request - overcloud_deprecated_services: A list of services that shouldn't be registered any more - overcloud_service_api: overcloud API to validate against These variables are normally set as host variables for the undercloud when generating the inventory with tripleo-ansible-inventory: - overcloud_keystone_url - overcloud_admin_password Dependencies ------------ No dependencies. Example Playbook ---------------- - hosts: undercloud roles: - { role: overcloud_service_status } License ------- Apache Author Information ------------------ Red Hat Nova Deployment Squad Team.