--- - hosts: undercloud vars: metadata: name: Node health check description: > Check if all overcloud nodes can be connected to before starting a scale-up or an upgrade. groups: - pre-upgrade tasks: - name: Collect IPs for overcloud nodes set_fact: ansible_host="{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_host'] }}" register: oc_ips with_items: "{{ groups.overcloud }}" - name: Ping all overcloud nodes icmp_ping: host: "{{ item }}" with_items: "{{ oc_ips.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.ansible_host') | list }}" ignore_errors: true register: ping_results - name: Extract failed pings set_fact: failed_ips: "{{ ping_results.results | selectattr('failed', 'equalto', True) | map(attribute='item') | list }}" - name: Lookup nova servers for each failed IP set_fact: servers: "{{ lookup('nova_servers', 'ip', 'ctlplane', failed_ips, wantlist=True) }}" - name: Extract nova ids set_fact: server_ids: "{{ servers | map(attribute='id') | list }}" - name: Lookup ironic nodes for unreachable nova servers set_fact: nodes: "{{ lookup('ironic_nodes', 'instance_uuid', server_ids, wantlist=True) }}" - name: Fail if there are unreachable nodes fail: msg: | {{ lookup('template', './templates/unreachable_nodes.j2', template_vars=dict(nodes=nodes)) }} when: nodes|length > 0