
51 lines
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### certificate checks ###
# Get all the certificates that certmonger is tracking. Given the
# command that's used, we can retrieve each entry using stdout_lines.
- name: Get all certificate names in each node
shell: getcert list | grep 'Request ID' | sed "s/Request ID '\(.*\)':/\1/"
become: true
changed_when: false
register: all_certnames
check_mode: false
# Get status of all certificates and trim the leading whitespaces
- name: Get status of all certificates
shell: getcert list -i {{ certname }} | grep "status:" | sed "s/^\s*//"
become: true
changed_when: false
loop: "{{ all_certnames.stdout_lines }}"
loop_var: certname
register: all_cert_status
check_mode: false
- name: Gather certificates that are not in MONITORING status
failed_certs: "{{ all_cert_status.results | json_query(cert_status_query) }}"
cert_status_query: "[?stdout != 'status: MONITORING'].certname"
- name: Set facts for certificates in failed status
cert_status_status: "{{ helper_status_error }}"
cert_status_reason: 'The following certificates are not in a healthy status: {{ failed_certs | join(", ") }}'
- "Log into this host and do 'getcert list -i <cert name>' to verify the failure reason"
- "Verify that the service principal of the certificate is present in IdM/FreeIPA for this host"
when: failed_certs
- name: Set facts for all certificates in monitoring status
cert_status_status: "{{ helper_status_ok }}"
cert_status_reason: "All of the certificates are a healthy status"
cert_status_recommendations: null
when: not failed_certs
- name: Report on status of the certificates check
report_status: "{{ cert_status_status }}"
report_reason: "{{ cert_status_reason }}"
report_recommendations: "{{ cert_status_recommendations }}"