
57 lines
2.6 KiB

- name: Gather the HAProxy configuration
become: true
path: "{{ haproxy_config_file }}"
- name: Check the HAProxy configuration
msg: >-
{% if|int < global_maxconn_min %}
- [FAILED] 'global maxconn' value check
* Current value: {{ }}, Recommended value: > {{ global_maxconn_min }}
{% else %}
- [PASSED] 'global maxconn' value check
{% endif %}
{% if haproxy_conf.defaults.maxconn|int < defaults_maxconn_min %}
- [FAILED] 'defaults maxconn' value check
* Current value: {{ haproxy_conf.defaults.maxconn }}, Recommended Value: > {{ defaults_maxconn_min }}
{% else %}
- [PASSED] 'defaults maxconn' value check
{% endif %}
{% if haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout queue'] != defaults_timeout_queue %}
- [FAILED] 'timeout queue' option in 'defaults' check
* Current value: {{ haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout queue'] }}
* Recommended value: {{ defaults_timeout_queue }}
{% else %}
- [PASSED] 'timeout queue' option in 'defaults' check
{% endif %}
{% if haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout client'] != defaults_timeout_client %}
- [FAILED] 'timeout client' option in 'defaults' check
* Current value: {{ haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout client'] }}
* Recommended value: {{ defaults_timeout_client }}
{% else %}
- [PASSED] 'timeout client' option in 'defaults' check
{% endif %}
{% if haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout server'] != defaults_timeout_server %}
- [FAILED] 'timeout server' option in 'defaults' check
* Current value: {{ haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout server'] }}
* Recommended value: {{ defaults_timeout_server }}
{% else %}
- [PASSED] 'timeout server' option in 'defaults' check
{% endif %}
{% if haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout check'] != defaults_timeout_check %}
- [FAILED] 'timeout check' option in 'defaults' check
* Current value: {{ haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout check'] }}
* Recommended value: {{ defaults_timeout_check }}
{% else %}
- [PASSED] 'timeout check' option in 'defaults' check
{% endif %}
failed_when: >
(|int < global_maxconn_min) or
(haproxy_conf.defaults.maxconn|int < defaults_maxconn_min) or
(haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout queue'] != defaults_timeout_queue) or
(haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout client'] != defaults_timeout_client) or
(haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout server'] != defaults_timeout_server) or
(haproxy_conf.defaults['timeout check'] != defaults_timeout_check)