#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # # Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack, LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Runs the tests. There are a few initialization issues to deal with. The first is flags, which must be initialized before any imports. The test configuration has the same problem (it was based on flags back when the tests resided outside of the Nova code). The command line is picked apart so that Nose won't see commands it isn't compatable with, such as "--flagfile" or "--group". This script imports all other tests to make them known to Proboscis before passing control to proboscis.TestProgram which itself calls nose, which then call unittest.TestProgram and exits. If "repl" is a command line argument, then the original stdout and stderr is saved and sys.exit is neutralized so that unittest.TestProgram will not exit and instead sys.stdout and stderr are restored so that interactive mode can be used. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import atexit import gettext import logging import os import time import unittest import sys if os.environ.get("PYDEV_DEBUG", "False") == 'True': from pydev import pydevd pydevd.settrace('', port=7864, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True) def add_support_for_localization(): """Adds support for localization in the logging. If ../nova/__init__.py exists, add ../ to Python search path, so that it will override what happens to be installed in /usr/(local/)lib/python... """ path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir, os.pardir) possible_topdir = os.path.normpath(path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(possible_topdir, 'nova', '__init__.py')): sys.path.insert(0, possible_topdir) gettext.install('nova', unicode=1) MAIN_RUNNER = None def initialize_rdl_config(config_file): import optparse from trove.common import config from trove import version def create_options(parser): parser.add_option('-p', '--port', dest="port", metavar="PORT", type=int, default=9898, help="Port the Trove API host listens on. " "Default: %default") config.add_common_options(parser) config.add_log_options(parser) def usage(): usage = "" oparser = optparse.OptionParser(version="%%prog %s" % version.version_string(), usage=usage()) create_options(oparser) (options, args) = config.parse_options(oparser, cli_args=[config_file]) conf = config.Config.load_paste_config('trove', options, args) config.setup_logging(options, conf) def initialize_nova_flags(config_file): from nova import flags from nova import log as logging from nova import service from nova import utils flags.parse_args(['int_tests'], default_config_files=[config_file]) logging.setup() utils.monkey_patch() def _clean_up(): """Shuts down any services this program has started and shows results.""" from tests.util import report report.update() if MAIN_RUNNER is not None: MAIN_RUNNER.on_exit() from tests.util.services import get_running_services for service in get_running_services(): sys.stderr.write("Stopping service ") for c in service.cmd: sys.stderr.write(c + " ") sys.stderr.write("...\n\r") service.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': add_support_for_localization() # Strip non-nose arguments out before passing this to nosetests repl = False nose_args = [] conf_file = "~/test.conf" show_elapsed = True groups = [] print("RUNNING TEST ARGS : " + str(sys.argv)) extra_test_conf_lines = [] rdl_config_file = None nova_flag_file = None index = 0 while index < len(sys.argv): arg = sys.argv[index] if arg[:2] == "-i" or arg == '--repl': repl = True elif arg[:7] == "--conf=": conf_file = os.path.expanduser(arg[7:]) print("Setting TEST_CONF to " + conf_file) os.environ["TEST_CONF"] = conf_file elif arg[:8] == "--group=": groups.append(arg[8:]) elif arg == "--test-config": if index >= len(sys.argv) - 1: print('Expected an argument to follow "--test-conf".') sys.exit() conf_line = sys.argv[index + 1] extra_test_conf_lines.append(conf_line) elif arg[:11] == "--flagfile=": pass # Don't append this... elif arg[:14] == "--config-file=": rdl_config_file = arg[14:] elif arg[:13] == "--nova-flags=": nova_flag_file = arg[13:] elif arg.startswith('--hide-elapsed'): show_elapsed = False else: nose_args.append(arg) index += 1 # Many of the test decorators depend on configuration values, so before # start importing modules we have to load the test config followed by the # flag files. from trove.tests.config import CONFIG # Find config file. if not "TEST_CONF" in os.environ: raise RuntimeError("Please define an environment variable named " + "TEST_CONF with the location to a conf file.") file_path = os.path.expanduser(os.environ["TEST_CONF"]) if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise RuntimeError("Could not find TEST_CONF at " + file_path + ".") # Load config file and then any lines we read from the arguments. CONFIG.load_from_file(file_path) for line in extra_test_conf_lines: CONFIG.load_from_line(line) # Reset values imported into tests/__init__. # TODO(tim.simpson): Stop importing them from there. from tests import initialize_globals initialize_globals() from tests import WHITE_BOX if WHITE_BOX: # If white-box testing, set up the flags. # Handle loading up RDL's config file madness. initialize_rdl_config(rdl_config_file) if nova_flag_file: initialize_nova_flags(nova_flag_file) # Set up the report, and print out how we're running the tests. from tests.util import report from datetime import datetime report.log("Trove Integration Tests, %s" % datetime.now()) report.log("Invoked via command: " + str(sys.argv)) report.log("Groups = " + str(groups)) report.log("Test conf file = %s" % os.environ["TEST_CONF"]) if WHITE_BOX: report.log("") report.log("Test config file = %s" % rdl_config_file) report.log("") report.log("sys.path:") for path in sys.path: report.log("\t%s" % path) # Now that all configurations are loaded its time to import everything. import proboscis # TODO(tim.simpson): Import these again once white box test functionality # is restored. # from tests.dns import check_domain # from tests.dns import concurrency # from tests.dns import conversion # The DNS stuff is problematic. Not loading the other tests allow us to # run its functional tests only. ADD_DOMAINS = os.environ.get("ADD_DOMAINS", "False") == 'True' if not ADD_DOMAINS: from tests import initialize from tests.api import delete_all from trove.tests.api import flavors from trove.tests.api import versions from trove.tests.api import instances from trove.tests.api.instances import GROUP_START_SIMPLE from tests.api import instances_direct from trove.tests.api import instances_actions from trove.tests.api import instances_mysql_down from tests.api import instances_pagination from trove.tests.api import instances_delete from tests.api import instances_quotas from tests.api import instances_states from trove.tests.api import databases from trove.tests.api import root from trove.tests.api import users from trove.tests.api import user_access from trove.tests.api import backups from trove.tests.api.mgmt import accounts from trove.tests.api.mgmt import admin_required from tests.api.mgmt import hosts from tests.api.mgmt import update_hosts from trove.tests.api.mgmt import instances from trove.tests.api.mgmt import storage from tests.dns import dns from tests.guest import amqp_restarts from tests.reaper import volume_reaping from tests.scheduler import driver from tests.scheduler import SCHEDULER_DRIVER_GROUP from tests.volumes import driver from tests.volumes import VOLUMES_DRIVER from tests.compute import guest_initialize_failure from tests.openvz import compute_reboot_vz as compute_reboot from tests import util from tests.smoke import instance from tests.recreates import create_11 from tests.recreates import login if WHITE_BOX: from tests.volumes import volumes_create black_box_groups = [ flavors.GROUP, users.GROUP, user_access.GROUP, databases.GROUP, root.GROUP, "services.initialize", "dbaas.guest.initialize", # instances.GROUP_START, "dbaas.preinstance", "dbaas_quotas", "dbaas.api.security_groups", backups.GROUP, "dbaas.api.instances.actions.resize.instance", "dbaas.api.instances.actions.restart", "dbaas.api.instances.actions.stop", "dbaas.guest.shutdown", versions.GROUP, "dbaas.guest.start.test", ] proboscis.register(groups=["blackbox"], depends_on_groups=black_box_groups) simple_black_box_groups = [ "services.initialize", flavors.GROUP, versions.GROUP, GROUP_START_SIMPLE, "dbaas.api.mgmt.admin", "dbaas.preinstance" ] proboscis.register(groups=["simple_blackbox"], depends_on_groups=simple_black_box_groups) black_box_mgmt_groups = [ accounts.GROUP, hosts.GROUP, storage.GROUP, "dbaas.api.instances.actions.reboot", "dbaas.api.mgmt.admin", "dbaas.api.mgmt.instances", ] proboscis.register(groups=["blackbox_mgmt"], depends_on_groups=black_box_mgmt_groups) heavy_black_box_groups = [ "dbaas.api.instances.pagination", "dbaas.api.instances.delete", "dbaas.api.instances.status", "dbaas.api.instances.down", "dbaas.api.mgmt.hosts.update", "fake.dbaas.api.mgmt.instances", "fake.dbaas.api.mgmt.accounts.broken", "fake.dbaas.api.mgmt.allaccounts" ] proboscis.register(groups=["heavy_blackbox"], depends_on_groups=heavy_black_box_groups) # This is for the old white-box tests... host_ovz_groups = [ "dbaas.guest", compute_reboot.GROUP, "dbaas.guest.dns", SCHEDULER_DRIVER_GROUP, VOLUMES_DRIVER, guest_initialize_failure.GROUP, volume_reaping.GROUP ] if WHITE_BOX and util.should_run_rsdns_tests(): host_ovz_groups += ["rsdns.conversion", "rsdns.domains", "rsdns.eventlet"] proboscis.register(groups=["host.ovz"], depends_on_groups=host_ovz_groups) atexit.register(_clean_up) # Set up pretty colors. from nose import config from nose import core from tests.colorizer import NovaTestResult from tests.colorizer import NovaTestRunner from proboscis.case import TestResult as ProboscisTestResult from proboscis import SkipTest class IntegrationTestResult(NovaTestResult, ProboscisTestResult): """ Makes the pretty colors from NovaTestResult compatble with Proboscis SkipTest, and intercepts known bugs defined in the test config. """ def _intercept_known_bugs(self, test, err): name = str(test) excuse = CONFIG.known_bugs.get(name, None) if excuse: tracker_id, error_string = excuse if error_string in str(err[1]): skip = SkipTest("KNOWN BUG: %s\n%s" % (tracker_id, str(err[1]))) self.onError(test) super(IntegrationTestResult, self).addSkip(test, skip) else: result = (RuntimeError, RuntimeError( 'Test "%s" contains known bug %s.\n' 'Expected the following error string:\n%s\n' 'What was seen was the following:\n%s\n' 'If the bug is no longer happening, please change ' 'the test config.' % (name, tracker_id, error_string, str(err))), None) self.onError(test) super(IntegrationTestResult, self).addError(test, result) return True return False def addFailure(self, test, err): if self._intercept_known_bugs(test, err): return self.onError(test) super(IntegrationTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err) def addError(self, test, err): if self._intercept_known_bugs(test, err): return self.onError(test) super(IntegrationTestResult, self).addError(test, err) def addSuccess(self, test): if self._intercept_known_bugs(test, None): return super(IntegrationTestResult, self).addSuccess(test) @staticmethod def get_doc(cls_or_func): """Grabs the doc abbreviated doc string.""" try: return cls_or_func.__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() except (AttributeError, IndexError): return None def startTest(self, test): unittest.TestResult.startTest(self, test) self.start_time = time.time() test_name = None try: entry = test.test.__proboscis_case__.entry if entry.method: current_class = entry.method.im_class test_name = self.get_doc(entry.home) or entry.home.__name__ else: current_class = entry.home except AttributeError: current_class = test.test.__class__ if self.showAll: if current_class.__name__ != self._last_case: self.stream.writeln(current_class.__name__) self._last_case = current_class.__name__ try: doc = self.get_doc(current_class) except (AttributeError, IndexError): doc = None if doc: self.stream.writeln(' ' + doc) if not test_name: if hasattr(test.test, 'shortDescription'): test_name = test.test.shortDescription() if not test_name: test_name = test.test._testMethodName self.stream.write(' %s' % ' %s' % str(test_name).ljust(60)) self.stream.flush() class IntegrationTestRunner(NovaTestRunner): def init(self): self.__result = None self.__finished = False self.__start_time = None def _makeResult(self): self.__result = IntegrationTestResult( self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, self.config, show_elapsed=self.show_elapsed) self.__start_time = time.time() return self.__result def on_exit(self): if self.__result is None: print("Exiting before tests even started.") else: if not self.__finished: msg = "Tests aborted, trying to print available results..." print(msg) stop_time = time.time() self.__result.printErrors() self.__result.printSummary(self.__start_time, stop_time) self.config.plugins.finalize(self.__result) if self.show_elapsed: self._writeSlowTests(self.__result) def run(self, test): result = super(IntegrationTestRunner, self).run(test) self.__finished = True return result c = config.Config(stream=sys.stdout, env=os.environ, verbosity=3, plugins=core.DefaultPluginManager()) runner = IntegrationTestRunner(stream=c.stream, verbosity=c.verbosity, config=c, show_elapsed=show_elapsed) runner.init() MAIN_RUNNER = runner if repl: # Turn off the following "feature" of the unittest module in case # we want to start a REPL. sys.exit = lambda x: None proboscis.TestProgram(argv=nose_args, groups=groups, testRunner=runner).run_and_exit() sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__