Add support for module ordering on apply

Modules currently are applied in any order, however operators may wish
to control the order that modules are applied to ensure proper

This spec addresses this issue.

References: blueprint module-management-ordering
Change-Id: I12afa490033f018a8feda874b59e1e219ec96d4a
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Peter Stachowski 2016-07-12 22:26:14 +00:00
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Module Management Ordering
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.. contents::
Modules currently are applied in any order, however operators may wish to
control the order that modules are applied to ensure proper functionality.
Launchpad Blueprint:
Problem Description
Trove now supports module management, in that 'modules' containing a payload
can be applied to running Trove instances. This allows end users the ability
to 'bring your own license' for datastores (among other things), as long as
a corresponding driver plugin exists. The original implementation doesn't
take into account the case where one module must be applied before another
(for example, if multiple licenses must be applied in the correct sequence).
The ability for an operator to ensure that 'admin' modules are applied before
user modules is also lacking.
This spec addresses these shortcomings.
Proposed Change
A method for specifying 'priority' modules, plus a way to rank the order in
which modules are applied would be created. Two new attributes
'priority_apply' and 'apply_order' would need to be added to the payload
on create and update. In addition, an is_admin flag will be added as an
automatic attribute, set when someone with admin credentials creates a
module. This will allow better control on the driver plugin side with
regards to security concerns, etc.
The default for 'priority_apply' will be False and the default for
'apply_order' will be 5. This will allow modules to be ordered before or
after if the options are not supplied.
No new configuration changes are required.
New columns will be added to the modules table of the Trove schema:
================= ============ =========== ==============================
Column Type Allow Nulls Description
================= ============ =========== ==============================
priority_apply tinyint(1) No Should this module be applied
before all non-priority ones.
Admin only option.
apply_order int(11) No Order that modules should be
applied in. Value between
0-9 with lower order numbers
applied first. Priority
modules can also ordered this
is_admin tinyint(1) No This module was created or
updated by a user with admin
credentials. Once this flag
is set, only an admin user
can subsequently update the
================= ============ =========== ==============================
Creating modules that have 'priority' will require admin credentials. All
priority modules will be applied before non-priority ones, and will follow the
same apply_order sequence.
For example, given modules with the following priority/order, they will be
applied in the following order::
============== ===========
Priority Apply Apply Order
============== ===========
Yes 0
Yes 4
Yes 9
No 0
No 1
No 9
============== ===========
Public API
The following new options will be added to the payload of the module-create
and module-update ReST APIs:
POST /v1.0/modules (or PATCH /v1.0/modules/{module_id})
<current payload>,
'priority_apply': True,
'apply_order': 5
"module": {
<current payload>,
'priority_apply': True,
'apply_order': 5
Response Codes::
The response codes will remain the same
The is_admin flag will be set automatically, and as such will not need
to be passed in the payload. If a module created by a non-admin is
updated by an admin, the is_admin flag will be set but only if an 'admin-only'
option is turned on. Once a module is designated as 'admin' then only
a user with admin credentials can modify it from that time forward.
Public API Security
This change is not expected to introduce any security concerns.
Python API
New arguments to the module create and update methods will be added to
facilitate the ordering.
.. code-block:: python
def module_create(self, module_type, name, description, contents,
datastore, datastore_version='all', auto_apply=False,
all_tenants=False, visible=True, live_update=False,
priority_apply=False, apply_order=5):
"""Create a new module."""
def module_update(self, module, module_type=None, name=None,
description=None, contents=None, datastore=None,
datastore_version=None, auto_apply=None,
all_tenants=None, visible=None, live_update=None,
priority_apply=False, apply_order=5):
"""Update an existing module."""
CLI (python-troveclient)
The following Trove CLI commands will support two new arguments,
priority_apply and apply_order. priority_apply will be a flag
that requires admin credentials, and apply_order will be restricted
to an integer between 0-9.
- module-create Creates a new module resource.
- module-update Updates module details for a particular module
Internal API
The internal API will change in that new fields will be included in the
module structure. No coding changes are anticipated though.
Guest Agent
In the Guest Agent, the modules will be ordered based on the priority and
order values. No other changes are anticipated with the exception that
the is_admin flag will now be taken from the module payload (if it exists)
instead of being inferred from other attributes.
Dashboard Impact (UX)
The module detail panel will need to have two new attributes: priority-apply
and apply-order. The first as a flag (defaulting to false) and the second
restricted to integer values between 0 and 9. These should be added to the
python call to create or update a module.
Primary assignee:
Work Items
The work will be undertaken with the following tasks:
* Client (Python and CLI) changes
* Guest Agent changes to ensure the modules are ordered
Upgrade Implications
No upgrade issues are expected, however the Trove database will need
to be updated for the feature to work.
Scenario tests will be enhanced to include ordering (including
at least one priority module). It may be difficult to test
that the ordering is adhered to (since this would require some
sort of dependency and there is only a ping driver plugin) so
this may have to be handled by unit tests only.
Documentation Impact
The fact that modules can now be ordered should be added to the