This is the main index XML Schema document for DBaaS API Schema Types Version 1.0.
A MySQL User.
A MySQL User.
A Database Instance.
Database Instances.
Settings such as memory used to create a database instance.
A list of flavors.
A Database.
List of Databases.
Restart the Database
Resize an Instance
A list of database user names.
A list of databases.
The name for the user.
The password for the user.
The status of the user.
A list of database instances.
A list of optional databases.
A list of optional users.
The links for the type of instance.
The volume attached to the instance.
A unique database instance id.
Date/Time the instance was created.
Date/Time the instance was last updated.
The name for the instance.
The flavor reference of the instance.
The status of the instance.
The hostname attached to the instance.
Whether or not root is enabled for the instance.
The type of link.
The URL.
The type of link.
A list of flavors.
A list of links.
A unique flavor id.
The name for the instance.
The RAM in megabytes.
A list of links.
A list of databases.
The Database character set.
The name for the instance.
The Collation type of the database.
Whether or not root is enabled for the given instance.
Size of the volume in GBs.
Used space on the attached volume in GBs.
A unique flavor id.
The volume attached to the instance.
New flavorRef to size the instance.
The instance status.
Healthy status.
Down status.
unavailable status.
The mysql user status.
Enabled status.
A human readable message that is appropriate for display to the end user.
The optional <details> element may contain useful information for tracking down errors (e.g a stack trace). This information may or may not be appropriate for display to an end user.
The HTTP status code associated with the current fault.
An optional dateTime denoting when an operation should be retried.