# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Wsgi helper utilities for trove""" import math import re import time import traceback import uuid import eventlet.wsgi import jsonschema from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslo_service import service from oslo_utils import encodeutils import paste.urlmap import webob import webob.dec import webob.exc from trove.common import base_wsgi from trove.common import cfg from trove.common import context as rd_context from trove.common import exception from trove.common.i18n import _ from trove.common import pastedeploy from trove.common import utils CONTEXT_KEY = 'trove.context' Debug = base_wsgi.Debug Middleware = base_wsgi.Middleware JSONDictSerializer = base_wsgi.JSONDictSerializer RequestDeserializer = base_wsgi.RequestDeserializer CONF = cfg.CONF # Raise the default from 8192 to accommodate large tokens eventlet.wsgi.MAX_HEADER_LINE = CONF.max_header_line eventlet.patcher.monkey_patch(all=False, socket=True) LOG = logging.getLogger('trove.common.wsgi') def versioned_urlmap(*args, **kwargs): urlmap = paste.urlmap.urlmap_factory(*args, **kwargs) return VersionedURLMap(urlmap) def launch(app_name, port, paste_config_file, data={}, host='', backlog=128, threads=1000, workers=None): """Launches a wsgi server based on the passed in paste_config_file. Launch provides a easy way to create a paste app from the config file and launch it via the service launcher. It takes care of all of the plumbing. The only caveat is that the paste_config_file must be a file that paste.deploy can find and handle. There is a helper method in cfg.py that finds files. Example: conf_file = CONF.find_file(CONF.api_paste_config) launcher = wsgi.launch('myapp', CONF.bind_port, conf_file) launcher.wait() """ LOG.debug("Trove started on %s", host) app = pastedeploy.paste_deploy_app(paste_config_file, app_name, data) server = base_wsgi.Service(app, port, host=host, backlog=backlog, threads=threads) return service.launch(CONF, server, workers, restart_method='mutate') # Note: taken from Nova def serializers(**serializers): """Attaches serializers to a method. This decorator associates a dictionary of serializers with a method. Note that the function attributes are directly manipulated; the method is not wrapped. """ def decorator(func): if not hasattr(func, 'wsgi_serializers'): func.wsgi_serializers = {} func.wsgi_serializers.update(serializers) return func return decorator class TroveMiddleware(Middleware): # Note: taken from nova @classmethod def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config): """Used for paste app factories in paste.deploy config files. Any local configuration (that is, values under the [filter:APPNAME] section of the paste config) will be passed into the `__init__` method as kwargs. A hypothetical configuration would look like: [filter:analytics] redis_host = paste.filter_factory = nova.api.analytics:Analytics.factory which would result in a call to the `Analytics` class as import nova.api.analytics analytics.Analytics(app_from_paste, redis_host='') You could of course re-implement the `factory` method in subclasses, but using the kwarg passing it shouldn't be necessary. """ def _factory(app): return cls(app, **local_config) return _factory class VersionedURLMap(object): def __init__(self, urlmap): self.urlmap = urlmap def __call__(self, environ, start_response): req = Request(environ) if req.url_version is None and req.accept_version is not None: version = "/v" + req.accept_version http_exc = webob.exc.HTTPNotAcceptable(_("version not supported")) app = self.urlmap.get(version, Fault(http_exc)) else: app = self.urlmap return app(environ, start_response) class Router(base_wsgi.Router): # Original router did not allow for serialization of the 404 error. # To fix this the _dispatch was modified to use Fault() objects. @staticmethod @webob.dec.wsgify def _dispatch(req): """ Called by self._router after matching the incoming request to a route and putting the information into req.environ. Either returns 404 or the routed WSGI app's response. """ match = req.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1] if not match: return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()) app = match['controller'] return app class Request(base_wsgi.Request): @property def params(self): return utils.stringify_keys(super(Request, self).params) def best_match_content_type(self, supported_content_types=None): """Determine the most acceptable content-type. Based on the query extension then the Accept header. """ parts = self.path.rsplit('.', 1) if len(parts) > 1: format = parts[1] if format in ['json']: return 'application/{0}'.format(parts[1]) ctypes = { 'application/vnd.openstack.trove+json': "application/json", 'application/json': "application/json", } bm = self.accept.best_match(ctypes.keys()) return ctypes.get(bm, 'application/json') @utils.cached_property def accept_version(self): accept_header = self.headers.get('ACCEPT', "") accept_version_re = re.compile(r".*?application/vnd.openstack.trove" r"(\+.+?)?;" r"version=(?P\d+\.?\d*)") match = accept_version_re.search(accept_header) return match.group("version_no") if match else None @utils.cached_property def url_version(self): versioned_url_re = re.compile(r"/v(?P\d+\.?\d*)") match = versioned_url_re.search(self.path) return match.group("version_no") if match else None class Result(object): """A result whose serialization is compatible with JSON.""" def __init__(self, data, status=200): self._data = data self.status = status def data(self, serialization_type): """Return an appropriate serialized type for the body. serialization_type is not used presently, but may be in the future, so it stays. """ if hasattr(self._data, "data_for_json"): return self._data.data_for_json() return self._data class Resource(base_wsgi.Resource): def __init__(self, controller, deserializer, serializer, exception_map=None): exception_map = exception_map or {} self.model_exception_map = self._invert_dict_list(exception_map) super(Resource, self).__init__(controller, deserializer, serializer) @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=Request) def __call__(self, request): return super(Resource, self).__call__(request) def execute_action(self, action, request, **action_args): if getattr(self.controller, action, None) is None: return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()) try: self.controller.validate_request(action, action_args) result = super(Resource, self).execute_action( action, request, **action_args) if type(result) is dict: result = Result(result) return result except exception.TroveError as trove_error: LOG.debug(traceback.format_exc()) LOG.debug("Caught Trove Error %s", trove_error) httpError = self._get_http_error(trove_error) LOG.debug("Mapped Error to %s", httpError) return Fault(httpError(str(trove_error), request=request)) except webob.exc.HTTPError as http_error: LOG.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return Fault(http_error) except Exception as error: exception_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) LOG.exception(exception_uuid + ": " + str(error)) return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError( "Internal Server Error. Please keep this ID to help us " "figure out what went wrong: (%s)." % exception_uuid, request=request)) def _get_http_error(self, error): return self.model_exception_map.get(type(error), webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest) def _invert_dict_list(self, exception_dict): """Flattens values of keys and inverts keys and values. Example: {'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [4, 5, 6]} converted to {1: 'x', 2: 'x', 3: 'x', 4: 'y', 5: 'y', 6: 'y'} """ inverted_dict = {} for key, value_list in exception_dict.items(): for value in value_list: inverted_dict[value] = key return inverted_dict def serialize_response(self, action, action_result, accept): # If an exception is raised here in the base class, it is swallowed, # and the action_result is returned as-is. For us, that's bad news - # we never want that to happen except in the case of webob types. # So we override the behavior here so we can at least log it. try: return super(Resource, self).serialize_response( action, action_result, accept) except Exception: # execute_action either returns the results or a Fault object. # If action_result is not a Fault then there really was a # serialization error which we log. Otherwise return the Fault. if not isinstance(action_result, Fault): LOG.exception("Unserializable result detected.") raise return action_result class Controller(object): """Base controller that creates a Resource with default serializers.""" exception_map = { webob.exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity: [ exception.UnprocessableEntity, ], webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized: [ exception.Forbidden, exception.SwiftAuthError, ], webob.exc.HTTPForbidden: [ exception.ReplicaSourceDeleteForbidden, exception.BackupTooLarge, exception.ModuleAccessForbidden, exception.ModuleAppliedToInstance, exception.PolicyNotAuthorized, exception.LogAccessForbidden, exception.TroveOperationAuthError, ], webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest: [ exception.InvalidModelError, exception.BadRequest, exception.CannotResizeToSameSize, exception.BadValue, exception.DatabaseAlreadyExists, exception.UserAlreadyExists, exception.LocalStorageNotSpecified, exception.ModuleAlreadyExists, ], webob.exc.HTTPNotFound: [ exception.NotFound, exception.ComputeInstanceNotFound, exception.ModelNotFoundError, exception.UserNotFound, exception.DatabaseNotFound, exception.QuotaResourceUnknown, exception.BackupFileNotFound, exception.ClusterNotFound, exception.DatastoreNotFound, exception.SwiftNotFound, exception.ModuleTypeNotFound, exception.RootHistoryNotFound, ], webob.exc.HTTPConflict: [ exception.BackupNotCompleteError, exception.RestoreBackupIntegrityError, ], webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge: [ exception.OverLimit, exception.QuotaExceeded, exception.VolumeQuotaExceeded, ], webob.exc.HTTPServerError: [ exception.VolumeCreationFailure, exception.UpdateGuestError, exception.SwiftConnectionError, ], webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented: [ exception.VolumeNotSupported, exception.LocalStorageNotSupported, exception.DatastoreOperationNotSupported, exception.ClusterInstanceOperationNotSupported, exception.ClusterDatastoreNotSupported, exception.LogsNotAvailable ], } schemas = {} @classmethod def get_schema(cls, action, body): LOG.debug("Getting schema for %(name)s:%(action)s", {'name': cls.__class__.__name__, 'action': action}) if cls.schemas: matching_schema = cls.schemas.get(action, {}) if matching_schema: LOG.debug("Found Schema: %s", matching_schema.get("name", matching_schema)) return matching_schema @staticmethod def format_validation_msg(errors): # format path like object['field1'][i]['subfield2'] messages = [] for error in errors: path = list(error.path) f_path = "%s%s" % (path[0], ''.join(['[%r]' % i for i in path[1:]])) messages.append("%s %s" % (f_path, error.message)) for suberror in sorted(error.context, key=lambda e: e.schema_path): messages.append(suberror.message) error_msg = "; ".join(messages) return "Validation error: %s" % error_msg def validate_request(self, action, action_args): body = action_args.get('body', {}) schema = self.get_schema(action, body) if schema: validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(schema) if not validator.is_valid(body): errors = sorted(validator.iter_errors(body), key=lambda e: e.path) error_msg = self.format_validation_msg(errors) LOG.info(error_msg) raise exception.BadRequest(message=error_msg) def create_resource(self): return Resource( self, RequestDeserializer(), TroveResponseSerializer(), self.exception_map) def _extract_limits(self, params): return {key: params[key] for key in params.keys() if key in ["limit", "marker"]} class TroveResponseSerializer(base_wsgi.ResponseSerializer): def serialize_body(self, response, data, content_type, action): """Overrides body serialization in base_wsgi.ResponseSerializer. If the "data" argument is the Result class, its data method is called and *that* is passed to the superclass implementation instead of the actual data. """ if isinstance(data, Result): data = data.data(content_type) super(TroveResponseSerializer, self).serialize_body( response, data, content_type, action) def serialize_headers(self, response, data, action): super(TroveResponseSerializer, self).serialize_headers( response, data, action) if isinstance(data, Result): response.status = data.status class Fault(webob.exc.HTTPException): """Error codes for API faults.""" code_wrapper = { 400: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, 401: webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized, 403: webob.exc.HTTPForbidden, 404: webob.exc.HTTPNotFound, } resp_codes = [int(code) for code in code_wrapper.keys()] def __init__(self, exception): """Create a Fault for the given webob.exc.exception.""" self.wrapped_exc = exception @staticmethod def _get_error_name(exc): # Displays a Red Dwarf specific error name instead of a webob exc name. named_exceptions = { 'HTTPBadRequest': 'badRequest', 'HTTPUnauthorized': 'unauthorized', 'HTTPForbidden': 'forbidden', 'HTTPNotFound': 'itemNotFound', 'HTTPMethodNotAllowed': 'badMethod', 'HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge': 'overLimit', 'HTTPUnsupportedMediaType': 'badMediaType', 'HTTPInternalServerError': 'instanceFault', 'HTTPNotImplemented': 'notImplemented', 'HTTPServiceUnavailable': 'serviceUnavailable', } name = exc.__class__.__name__ if name in named_exceptions: return named_exceptions[name] # If the exception isn't in our list, at least strip off the # HTTP from the name, and then drop the case on the first letter. name = name.split("HTTP").pop() name = name[:1].lower() + name[1:] return name @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=Request) def __call__(self, req): """Generate a WSGI response based on the exception passed to ctor.""" # Replace the body with fault details. fault_name = Fault._get_error_name(self.wrapped_exc) fault_data = { fault_name: { 'code': self.wrapped_exc.status_int, } } if self.wrapped_exc.detail: fault_data[fault_name]['message'] = self.wrapped_exc.detail else: fault_data[fault_name]['message'] = self.wrapped_exc.explanation content_type = req.best_match_content_type() serializer = { 'application/json': JSONDictSerializer(), }[content_type] self.wrapped_exc.body = serializer.serialize(fault_data, content_type) self.wrapped_exc.content_type = content_type return self.wrapped_exc class ContextMiddleware(base_wsgi.Middleware): def __init__(self, application): self.admin_roles = CONF.admin_roles super(ContextMiddleware, self).__init__(application) def _extract_limits(self, params): return {key: params[key] for key in params.keys() if key in ["limit", "marker"]} def process_request(self, request): service_catalog = None catalog_header = request.headers.get('X-Service-Catalog', None) if catalog_header: try: service_catalog = jsonutils.loads(catalog_header) except ValueError: raise webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError( _('Invalid service catalog json.')) tenant_id = request.headers.get('X-Tenant-Id', None) auth_token = request.headers["X-Auth-Token"] user_id = request.headers.get('X-User-ID', None) roles = request.headers.get('X-Role', '').split(',') is_admin = False for role in roles: if role.lower() in self.admin_roles: is_admin = True break limits = self._extract_limits(request.params) context = rd_context.TroveContext(auth_token=auth_token, project_id=tenant_id, user_id=user_id, is_admin=is_admin, limit=limits.get('limit'), marker=limits.get('marker'), service_catalog=service_catalog, roles=roles) request.environ[CONTEXT_KEY] = context @classmethod def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config): def _factory(app): LOG.debug("Created context middleware with config: %s", local_config) return cls(app) return _factory class FaultWrapper(base_wsgi.Middleware): """Calls down the middleware stack, making exceptions into faults.""" @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=base_wsgi.Request) def __call__(self, req): try: resp = req.get_response(self.application) if resp.status_int in Fault.resp_codes: for (header, value) in resp._headerlist: if header == "Content-Type" and \ value == "text/plain; charset=UTF-8": return Fault(Fault.code_wrapper[resp.status_int]()) return resp return resp except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Caught error: %s.", encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(ex)) exc = webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError() return Fault(exc) @classmethod def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config): def _factory(app): return cls(app) return _factory # ported from Nova class OverLimitFault(webob.exc.HTTPException): """ Rate-limited request response. """ def __init__(self, message, details, retry_time): """ Initialize new `OverLimitFault` with relevant information. """ hdrs = OverLimitFault._retry_after(retry_time) self.wrapped_exc = webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(headers=hdrs) self.content = {"overLimit": {"code": self.wrapped_exc.status_int, "message": message, "details": details, "retryAfter": hdrs['Retry-After'], }, } @staticmethod def _retry_after(retry_time): delay = int(math.ceil(retry_time - time.time())) retry_after = delay if delay > 0 else 0 headers = {'Retry-After': '%d' % retry_after} return headers @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=Request) def __call__(self, request): """ Return the wrapped exception with a serialized body conforming to our error format. """ content_type = request.best_match_content_type() serializer = {'application/json': JSONDictSerializer(), }[content_type] content = serializer.serialize(self.content) self.wrapped_exc.body = content self.wrapped_exc.content_type = content_type return self.wrapped_exc class ActionDispatcher(object): """Maps method name to local methods through action name.""" def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): """Find and call local method.""" action = kwargs.pop('action', 'default') action_method = getattr(self, str(action), self.default) return action_method(*args, **kwargs) def default(self, data): raise NotImplementedError() class DictSerializer(ActionDispatcher): """Default request body serialization.""" def serialize(self, data, action='default'): return self.dispatch(data, action=action) def default(self, data): return ""