#!/bin/bash # # Additional functions that would mostly just pertain to a Ubuntu + Qemu setup # function build_vm() { exclaim "Actually building the image, this can take up to 15 minutes" rm -rf ~/.cache/image-create datastore_type=$1 guest_os=$2 guest_release=$3 dev_mode=$4 guest_username=$5 image_output=$6 elementes="base vm" trove_elements_path=${PATH_TROVE}/integration/scripts/files/elements GUEST_IMAGETYPE=${GUEST_IMAGETYPE:-"qcow2"} GUEST_IMAGESIZE=${GUEST_IMAGESIZE:-4} GUEST_CACHEDIR=${GUEST_CACHEDIR:-"$HOME/.cache/image-create"} GUEST_WORKING_DIR=${GUEST_WORKING_DIR:-"$HOME/images"} # In dev mode, the trove guest agent needs to download trove code from # trove-taskmanager host during service initialization. if [[ "${dev_mode}" == "true" ]]; then host_ip=$(ip route get | head -1 | awk '{print $7}') export CONTROLLER_IP=${CONTROLLER_IP:-${host_ip}} export PATH_TROVE=${PATH_TROVE} export ESCAPED_PATH_TROVE=$(echo ${PATH_TROVE} | sed 's/\//\\\//g') export GUEST_LOGDIR=${GUEST_LOGDIR:-"/var/log/trove/"} export ESCAPED_GUEST_LOGDIR=$(echo ${GUEST_LOGDIR} | sed 's/\//\\\//g') export TROVESTACK_SCRIPTS=${TROVESTACK_SCRIPTS} export HOST_SCP_USERNAME=$(whoami) export HOST_USERNAME=${HOST_SCP_USERNAME} export SSH_DIR=${SSH_DIR:-"$HOME/.ssh"} export GUEST_USERNAME=${guest_username} manage_ssh_keys fi # For system-wide installs, DIB will automatically find the elements, so we only check local path if [ "${DIB_LOCAL_ELEMENTS_PATH}" ]; then export ELEMENTS_PATH=${trove_elements_path}:${DIB_LOCAL_ELEMENTS_PATH} else export ELEMENTS_PATH=${trove_elements_path} fi export DIB_RELEASE=${guest_release} export DIB_CLOUD_INIT_DATASOURCES="ConfigDrive" # https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases is more stable than the daily # builds(https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/xenial/current/), # e.g. sometimes SHA256SUMS file is missing in the daily builds declare -A releasemapping=( ["xenial"]="16.04" ["bionic"]="18.04") export DIB_CLOUD_IMAGES="https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/${DIB_RELEASE}/release/" export BASE_IMAGE_FILE="ubuntu-${releasemapping[${DIB_RELEASE}]}-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz" if [ "${GUEST_WORKING_DIR}" ]; then mkdir -p ${GUEST_WORKING_DIR} TEMP=$(mktemp -d ${GUEST_WORKING_DIR}/diskimage-create.XXXXXX) else TEMP=$(mktemp -d diskimage-create.XXXXXX) fi pushd $TEMP > /dev/null elementes="$elementes ${guest_os}" if [[ "${dev_mode}" == "false" ]]; then elementes="$elementes pip-and-virtualenv" elementes="$elementes pip-cache" elementes="$elementes no-resolvconf" elementes="$elementes guest-agent" else elementes="$elementes ${guest_os}-guest" elementes="$elementes ${guest_os}-${guest_release}-guest" fi elementes="$elementes ${guest_os}-${datastore_type}" elementes="$elementes ${guest_os}-${guest_release}-${datastore_type}" # Build the image disk-image-create -x \ -a amd64 \ -o ${image_output} \ -t ${GUEST_IMAGETYPE} \ --image-size ${GUEST_IMAGESIZE} \ --image-cache ${GUEST_CACHEDIR} \ $elementes # out of $TEMP popd > /dev/null rm -rf $TEMP exclaim "Image ${image_output}.${GUEST_IMAGETYPE} was built successfully." } function build_guest_image() { datastore_type=${1:-"mysql"} guest_os=${2:-"ubuntu"} guest_release=${3:-"xenial"} dev_mode=${4:-"true"} guest_username=${5:-"ubuntu"} exclaim "Building a ${datastore_type} image of trove guest agent for ${guest_os} ${guest_release}." VALID_SERVICES='mysql percona mariadb redis cassandra couchbase mongodb postgresql couchdb vertica db2 pxc' if ! [[ " $VALID_SERVICES " =~ " $datastore_type " ]]; then exclaim "You did not pass in a valid datastore type. Valid types are:" $VALID_SERVICES exit 1 fi image_name=${guest_os}_${datastore_type} image_folder=$HOME/images mkdir -p $image_folder image_path=${image_folder}/${image_name} # Always rebuild the image. rm -rf ${image_folder}/* build_vm ${datastore_type} ${guest_os} ${guest_release} ${dev_mode} ${guest_username} ${image_path} } function clean_instances() { LIST=`virsh -q list|awk '{print $1}'` for i in $LIST; do sudo virsh destroy $i; done } # Trove doesn't support to specify keypair when creating the db instance, the # ssh keys are injected when the image is built. This could be removed when # we support keypair in the future. function manage_ssh_keys() { if [ -d ${SSH_DIR} ]; then echo "${SSH_DIR} already exists" else echo "Creating ${SSH_DIR} for ${HOST_SCP_USERNAME}" sudo -Hiu ${HOST_SCP_USERNAME} mkdir -m go-w -p ${SSH_DIR} fi if [ ! -f ${SSH_DIR}/id_rsa.pub ]; then /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -f ${SSH_DIR}/id_rsa -q -N "" fi cat ${SSH_DIR}/id_rsa.pub >> ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys sort ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys | uniq > ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys.uniq mv ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys.uniq ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys chmod 600 ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys }