# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from trove.common import cfg from trove.common import exception from trove.common.i18n import _ from trove.common import utils from trove.common import wsgi from trove.datastore.models import DatastoreVersion from trove.extensions.security_group import models from trove.extensions.security_group import views from trove.instance import models as instance_models from trove.openstack.common import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF class SecurityGroupController(wsgi.Controller): """Controller for security groups functionality.""" def index(self, req, tenant_id): """Return all security groups tied to a particular tenant_id.""" LOG.debug("Index() called with %s" % (tenant_id)) sec_groups = models.SecurityGroup().find_all(tenant_id=tenant_id, deleted=False) # Construct the mapping from Security Groups to Security Group Rules rules_map = {g.id: g.get_rules() for g in sec_groups} return wsgi.Result( views.SecurityGroupsView(sec_groups, rules_map, req, tenant_id).list(), 200) def show(self, req, tenant_id, id): """Return a single security group.""" LOG.debug("Show() called with %s, %s" % (tenant_id, id)) sec_group = \ models.SecurityGroup.get_security_group_by_id_or_instance_id( id, tenant_id) return wsgi.Result( views.SecurityGroupView(sec_group, sec_group.get_rules(), req, tenant_id).show(), 200) class SecurityGroupRuleController(wsgi.Controller): """Controller for security group rule functionality.""" def delete(self, req, tenant_id, id): LOG.debug("Delete Security Group Rule called %s, %s" % (tenant_id, id)) context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY] sec_group_rule = models.SecurityGroupRule.find_by(id=id, deleted=False) sec_group = sec_group_rule.get_security_group(tenant_id) if sec_group is None: LOG.error("Attempting to delete Group Rule that does not exist or " "does not belong to tenant %s" % tenant_id) raise exception.Forbidden("Unauthorized") sec_group_rule.delete(context) sec_group.save() return wsgi.Result(None, 204) def create(self, req, body, tenant_id): LOG.debug("Creating a Security Group Rule for tenant '%s'" % tenant_id) context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY] self._validate_create_body(body) sec_group_id = body['security_group_rule']['group_id'] sec_group = models.SecurityGroup.find_by(id=sec_group_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, deleted=False) instance_id = (models.SecurityGroupInstanceAssociation. get_instance_id_by_security_group_id(sec_group_id)) db_info = instance_models.get_db_info(context, id=instance_id) manager = (DatastoreVersion.load_by_uuid( db_info.datastore_version_id).manager) tcp_ports = CONF.get(manager).tcp_ports udp_ports = CONF.get(manager).udp_ports def _create_rules(sec_group, ports, protocol): rules = [] try: for port_or_range in set(ports): from_, to_ = utils.gen_ports(port_or_range) rule = models.SecurityGroupRule.create_sec_group_rule( sec_group, protocol, int(from_), int(to_), body['security_group_rule']['cidr'], context) rules.append(rule) except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e: raise exception.BadRequest(msg=str(e)) return rules tcp_rules = _create_rules(sec_group, tcp_ports, 'tcp') udp_rules = _create_rules(sec_group, udp_ports, 'udp') sec_group.save() all_rules = tcp_rules + udp_rules view = views.SecurityGroupRulesView( all_rules, req, tenant_id).create() return wsgi.Result(view, 201) def _validate_create_body(self, body): try: body['security_group_rule'] body['security_group_rule']['group_id'] body['security_group_rule']['cidr'] except KeyError as e: LOG.error(_("Create Security Group Rules Required field(s) " "- %s") % e) raise exception.SecurityGroupRuleCreationError( "Required element/key - %s was not specified" % e) schemas = { "type": "object", "name": "security_group_rule:create", "required": True, "properties": { "security_group_rule": { "type": "object", "required": True, "properties": { "cidr": { "type": "string", "required": True, "minLength": 9, "maxLength": 18 }, "group_id": { "type": "string", "required": True, "maxLength": 255 }, } } } }