[DEFAULT] # Fake out the remote implementations remote_nova_client = trove.tests.fakes.nova.fake_create_nova_client remote_guest_client = trove.tests.fakes.guestagent.fake_create_guest_client remote_swift_client = trove.tests.fakes.swift.fake_create_swift_client remote_cinder_client = trove.tests.fakes.nova.fake_create_cinder_client # Fake out the RPC implementation rpc_backend = fake # Skip running periodic tasks report_interval = 0 # Fake out DNS. trove_dns_support = True dns_driver = trove.tests.fakes.dns.FakeDnsDriver dns_instance_entry_factory = trove.tests.fakes.dns.FakeDnsInstanceEntryFactory # This will remove some of the verbose logging when trying to diagnose tox issues default_log_levels=routes.middleware=ERROR,trove.common.auth=WARN log_file = trovetest.log use_stderr = False # Show debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG log level output) debug = True # Address to bind the API server bind_host = # Port the bind the API server to bind_port = 8779 # Number of workers for the API service. The default will # be the number of CPUs available. (integer value) #trove_api_workers=None #DB Api Implementation db_api_implementation = trove.db.sqlalchemy.api # Configuration options for talking to nova via the novaclient. # These options are for an admin user in your keystone config. # It proxy's the token received from the user to send to nova via this admin users creds, # basically acting like the client via that proxy token. nova_proxy_admin_user = admin nova_proxy_admin_pass = 3de4922d8b6ac5a1aad9 nova_proxy_admin_tenant_id = trove_auth_url = os_region_name = RegionOne nova_compute_service_type = compute nova_service_name = Compute Service # Config option for showing the IP address that nova doles out network_label_regex = ^private$ ip_regex = ^(15.|123.) black_list_regex = ^(10.0.0.) # Config options for enabling volume service trove_volume_support = True nova_volume_service_type = volume nova_volume_service_name = Volume Service device_path = /dev/vdb max_accepted_volume_size = 25 max_instances_per_tenant = 55 max_volumes_per_tenant = 100 max_backups_per_tenant = 5 volume_time_out=30 # Config options for rate limits http_get_rate = 500 http_post_rate = 500 http_put_rate = 500 http_delete_rate = 500 # default datastore default_datastore = a00000a0-00a0-0a00-00a0-000a000000aa # Auth admin_roles = admin # Users to ignore for user create/list/delete operations ignore_users = os_admin, root ignore_dbs = lost+found, mysql, information_schema # Guest related conf agent_heartbeat_time = 10 agent_call_low_timeout = 5 agent_call_high_timeout = 150 server_delete_time_out=10 use_nova_server_volume = False dns_time_out = 120 resize_time_out = 120 revert_time_out = 120 # usage notifications notification_driver = trove.tests.util.usage notification_service_id = mysql:123,percona:abc control_exchange = trove paste_config_file=api-paste.ini.test [oslo_messaging_rabbit] # AMQP Connection info # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_password #rabbit_password=f7999d1955c5014aa32c [mysql] volume_support = True device_path = /dev/vdb [redis] # redis uses local storage volume_support = False # default device_path = None [cassandra] volume_support = True device_path = /dev/vdb [couchbase] volume_support = True device_path = /dev/vdb [mongodb] volume_support = True device_path = /dev/vdb [database] # SQLAlchemy connection string for the reference implementation # registry server. Any valid SQLAlchemy connection string is fine. # See: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/reference/sqlalchemy/connections.html#sqlalchemy.create_engine connection = sqlite:///trove_test.sqlite #connection = mysql+pymysql://root:e1a2c042c828d3566d0a@localhost/trove #connection = postgresql://trove:trove@localhost/trove # Period in seconds after which SQLAlchemy should reestablish its connection # to the database. # # MySQL uses a default `wait_timeout` of 8 hours, after which it will drop # idle connections. This can result in 'MySQL Gone Away' exceptions. If you # notice this, you can lower this value to ensure that SQLAlchemy reconnects # before MySQL can drop the connection. idle_timeout = 3600 [composite:trove] use = call:trove.common.wsgi:versioned_urlmap /: versions /v1.0: troveapi [app:versions] paste.app_factory = trove.versions:app_factory [pipeline:troveapi] pipeline = faultwrapper authtoken authorization contextwrapper ratelimit extensions troveapp # pipeline = debug troveapp [filter:extensions] paste.filter_factory = trove.common.extensions:factory [filter:authtoken] paste.filter_factory = trove.tests.fakes.keystone:filter_factory service_protocol = http service_host = service_port = 5000 auth_host = auth_port = 35357 auth_protocol = http auth_uri = [filter:authorization] paste.filter_factory = trove.common.auth:AuthorizationMiddleware.factory [filter:contextwrapper] paste.filter_factory = trove.common.wsgi:ContextMiddleware.factory [filter:faultwrapper] paste.filter_factory = trove.common.wsgi:FaultWrapper.factory [filter:ratelimit] paste.filter_factory = trove.tests.fakes.limits:FakeRateLimitingMiddleware.factory [app:troveapp] paste.app_factory = trove.common.api:app_factory #Add this filter to log request and response for debugging [filter:debug] paste.filter_factory = trove.common.wsgi:Debug