# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import re import pep8 _all_log_levels = { 'critical': '_', 'error': '_', 'exception': '_', 'info': '_', 'reserved': '_', 'warning': '_', } _all_hints = set(_all_log_levels.values()) def _regex_for_level(level, hint): return r".*LOG\.%(level)s\(\s*((%(wrong_hints)s)\(|'|\")" % { 'level': level, 'wrong_hints': '|'.join(_all_hints - set([hint])), } _log_translation_hint = re.compile( '|'.join('(?:%s)' % _regex_for_level(level, hint) for level, hint in _all_log_levels.items())) _log_string_interpolation = re.compile( r".*LOG\.(error|warning|info|critical|exception|debug)\([^,]*%[^,]*[,)]") def _translation_is_not_expected(filename): # Do not do these validations on tests return any(pat in filename for pat in ["/tests/"]) def validate_log_translations(logical_line, physical_line, filename): """T101 - Log messages require translation hints. :param logical_line: The logical line to check. :param physical_line: The physical line to check. :param filename: The file name where the logical line exists. :returns: None if the logical line passes the check, otherwise a tuple is yielded that contains the offending index in logical line and a message describe the check validation failure. """ if _translation_is_not_expected(filename): return if pep8.noqa(physical_line): return msg = "T101: Untranslated Log message." if _log_translation_hint.match(logical_line): yield (0, msg) def no_translate_debug_logs(logical_line, filename): """T102 - Don't translate debug level logs. Check for 'LOG.debug(_(' and 'LOG.debug(_Lx(' As per our translation policy, https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/LoggingStandards#Log_Translation we shouldn't translate debug level logs. * This check assumes that 'LOG' is a logger. :param logical_line: The logical line to check. :param filename: The file name where the logical line exists. :returns: None if the logical line passes the check, otherwise a tuple is yielded that contains the offending index in logical line and a message describe the check validation failure. """ for hint in _all_hints: if logical_line.startswith("LOG.debug(%s(" % hint): yield(0, "T102 Don't translate debug level logs") def check_raised_localized_exceptions(logical_line, filename): """T103 - Untranslated exception message. :param logical_line: The logical line to check. :param filename: The file name where the logical line exists. :returns: None if the logical line passes the check, otherwise a tuple is yielded that contains the offending index in logical line and a message describe the check validation failure. """ if _translation_is_not_expected(filename): return logical_line = logical_line.strip() raised_search = re.compile( r"raise (?:\w*)\((.*)\)").match(logical_line) if raised_search: exception_msg = raised_search.groups()[0] if exception_msg.startswith("\"") or exception_msg.startswith("\'"): msg = "T103: Untranslated exception message." yield (logical_line.index(exception_msg), msg) def check_no_basestring(logical_line): """T104 - Don't use basestring, use six.string_types instead basestring is not supported by py3, using six.string_types to ensure py3 and py2 compatibility """ if re.search(r"\, basestring\)", logical_line): msg = ("T104: basestring is not Python3-compatible, use " "six.string_types instead.") yield(0, msg) def factory(register): register(validate_log_translations) register(no_translate_debug_logs) register(check_raised_localized_exceptions) register(check_no_basestring)