# Copyright 2020 Catalyst Cloud # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import OrderedDict from oslo_log import log as logging import psycopg2 from trove.common import cfg from trove.common import exception from trove.common import stream_codecs from trove.common import utils from trove.common.db.postgresql import models from trove.guestagent.common import configuration from trove.guestagent.common import guestagent_utils from trove.guestagent.common import operating_system from trove.guestagent.datastore import service from trove.guestagent.datastore.postgres import query from trove.guestagent.utils import docker as docker_util from trove.instance import service_status LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF SUPER_USER_NAME = "postgres" CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf" CNF_EXT = 'conf' # The same with include_dir config option CNF_INCLUDE_DIR = '/etc/postgresql/conf.d' HBA_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf' # The same with the path in archive_command config option. WAL_ARCHIVE_DIR = '/var/lib/postgresql/data/wal_archive' class PgSqlAppStatus(service.BaseDbStatus): def __init__(self, docker_client): super(PgSqlAppStatus, self).__init__(docker_client) def get_actual_db_status(self): """Check database service status.""" status = docker_util.get_container_status(self.docker_client) if status == "running": cmd = "psql -U postgres -c 'select 1;'" try: docker_util.run_command(self.docker_client, cmd) return service_status.ServiceStatuses.HEALTHY except Exception as exc: LOG.warning('Failed to run docker command, error: %s', str(exc)) container_log = docker_util.get_container_logs( self.docker_client, tail='all') LOG.debug('container log: \n%s', '\n'.join(container_log)) return service_status.ServiceStatuses.RUNNING elif status == "not running": return service_status.ServiceStatuses.SHUTDOWN elif status == "paused": return service_status.ServiceStatuses.PAUSED elif status == "exited": return service_status.ServiceStatuses.SHUTDOWN elif status == "dead": return service_status.ServiceStatuses.CRASHED else: return service_status.ServiceStatuses.UNKNOWN class PgSqlApp(service.BaseDbApp): configuration_manager = configuration.ConfigurationManager( CONFIG_FILE, CONF.database_service_uid, CONF.database_service_uid, stream_codecs.KeyValueCodec( value_quoting=True, bool_case=stream_codecs.KeyValueCodec.BOOL_LOWER, big_ints=True), requires_root=True, override_strategy=configuration.ImportOverrideStrategy( CNF_INCLUDE_DIR, CNF_EXT) ) def __init__(self, status, docker_client): super(PgSqlApp, self).__init__(status, docker_client) # See # https://github.com/docker-library/docs/blob/master/postgres/README.md#pgdata mount_point = cfg.get_configuration_property('mount_point') self.datadir = f"{mount_point}/data/pgdata" self.adm = PgSqlAdmin(SUPER_USER_NAME) @classmethod def get_data_dir(cls): return cls.configuration_manager.get_value('data_directory') @classmethod def set_data_dir(cls, value): cls.configuration_manager.apply_system_override( {'data_directory': value}) def reload(self): cmd = f"pg_ctl reload -D {self.datadir}" docker_util.run_command(self.docker_client, cmd) def apply_access_rules(self): """PostgreSQL Client authentication settings The order of entries is important. The first failure to authenticate stops the lookup. That is why the 'local' connections validate first. The OrderedDict is necessary to guarantee the iteration order. """ LOG.debug("Applying client authentication access rules.") access_rules = OrderedDict( [('local', [['all', SUPER_USER_NAME, None, 'trust'], ['replication', SUPER_USER_NAME, None, 'trust'], ['all', 'all', None, 'md5']]), ('host', [['all', SUPER_USER_NAME, '', 'trust'], ['all', SUPER_USER_NAME, '::1/128', 'trust'], ['all', SUPER_USER_NAME, 'localhost', 'trust'], ['all', SUPER_USER_NAME, '', 'reject'], ['all', SUPER_USER_NAME, '::/0', 'reject'], ['all', 'all', '', 'md5'], ['all', 'all', '::/0', 'md5']]) ]) operating_system.write_file( HBA_CONFIG_FILE, access_rules, stream_codecs.PropertiesCodec(string_mappings={'\t': None}), as_root=True) operating_system.chown(HBA_CONFIG_FILE, CONF.database_service_uid, CONF.database_service_uid, as_root=True) operating_system.chmod(HBA_CONFIG_FILE, operating_system.FileMode.SET_USR_RO, as_root=True) def update_overrides(self, overrides): """Update config options in the include directory.""" if overrides: self.configuration_manager.apply_user_override(overrides) def reset_configuration(self, configuration): self.configuration_manager.save_configuration(configuration) def apply_overrides(self, overrides): """Reload config.""" cmd = "pg_ctl reload" docker_util.run_command(self.docker_client, cmd) def start_db(self, update_db=False, ds_version=None, command=None, extra_volumes=None): """Start and wait for database service.""" docker_image = CONF.get(CONF.datastore_manager).docker_image image = (f'{docker_image}:latest' if not ds_version else f'{docker_image}:{ds_version}') command = command if command else '' try: postgres_pass = self.get_auth_password(file="postgres.cnf") except exception.UnprocessableEntity: postgres_pass = utils.generate_random_password() # Get uid and gid user = "%s:%s" % (CONF.database_service_uid, CONF.database_service_uid) # Create folders for postgres on localhost for folder in ['/etc/postgresql', '/var/run/postgresql']: operating_system.ensure_directory( folder, user=CONF.database_service_uid, group=CONF.database_service_uid, force=True, as_root=True) volumes = { "/etc/postgresql": {"bind": "/etc/postgresql", "mode": "rw"}, "/var/run/postgresql": {"bind": "/var/run/postgresql", "mode": "rw"}, "/var/lib/postgresql": {"bind": "/var/lib/postgresql", "mode": "rw"}, "/var/lib/postgresql/data": {"bind": "/var/lib/postgresql/data", "mode": "rw"}, } if extra_volumes: volumes.update(extra_volumes) # Expose ports ports = {} tcp_ports = cfg.get_configuration_property('tcp_ports') for port_range in tcp_ports: for port in port_range: ports[f'{port}/tcp'] = port try: docker_util.start_container( self.docker_client, image, volumes=volumes, network_mode="bridge", ports=ports, user=user, environment={ "POSTGRES_PASSWORD": postgres_pass, "PGDATA": self.datadir, }, command=command ) # Save root password LOG.debug("Saving root credentials to local host.") self.save_password('postgres', postgres_pass) except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed to start database service") raise exception.TroveError("Failed to start database service") if not self.status.wait_for_status( service_status.ServiceStatuses.HEALTHY, CONF.state_change_wait_time, update_db ): raise exception.TroveError("Failed to start database service") def restart(self): LOG.info("Restarting database") # Ensure folders permission for database. for folder in ['/etc/postgresql', '/var/run/postgresql']: operating_system.ensure_directory( folder, user=CONF.database_service_uid, group=CONF.database_service_uid, force=True, as_root=True) try: docker_util.restart_container(self.docker_client) except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed to restart database") raise exception.TroveError("Failed to restart database") if not self.status.wait_for_status( service_status.ServiceStatuses.HEALTHY, CONF.state_change_wait_time, update_db=True ): raise exception.TroveError("Failed to start database") LOG.info("Finished restarting database") def restore_backup(self, context, backup_info, restore_location): backup_id = backup_info['id'] storage_driver = CONF.storage_strategy backup_driver = cfg.get_configuration_property('backup_strategy') image = cfg.get_configuration_property('backup_docker_image') name = 'db_restore' volumes = { '/var/lib/postgresql/data': { 'bind': '/var/lib/postgresql/data', 'mode': 'rw' } } os_cred = (f"--os-token={context.auth_token} " f"--os-auth-url={CONF.service_credentials.auth_url} " f"--os-tenant-id={context.project_id}") command = ( f'/usr/bin/python3 main.py --nobackup ' f'--storage-driver={storage_driver} --driver={backup_driver} ' f'{os_cred} ' f'--restore-from={backup_info["location"]} ' f'--restore-checksum={backup_info["checksum"]} ' f'--pg-wal-archive-dir {WAL_ARCHIVE_DIR}' ) if CONF.backup_aes_cbc_key: command = (f"{command} " f"--backup-encryption-key={CONF.backup_aes_cbc_key}") LOG.debug('Stop the database and clean up the data before restore ' 'from %s', backup_id) self.stop_db() for dir in [WAL_ARCHIVE_DIR, self.datadir]: operating_system.remove_dir_contents(dir) # Start to run restore inside a separate docker container LOG.info('Starting to restore backup %s, command: %s', backup_id, command) output, ret = docker_util.run_container( self.docker_client, image, name, volumes=volumes, command=command) result = output[-1] if not ret: msg = f'Failed to run restore container, error: {result}' LOG.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) for dir in [WAL_ARCHIVE_DIR, self.datadir]: operating_system.chown(dir, CONF.database_service_uid, CONF.database_service_uid, force=True, as_root=True) def is_replica(self): """Wrapper for pg_is_in_recovery() for detecting a server in standby mode """ r = self.adm.query("SELECT pg_is_in_recovery()") return r[0][0] def get_current_wal_lsn(self): """Wrapper for pg_current_wal_lsn() Cannot be used against a running replica """ r = self.adm.query("SELECT pg_current_wal_lsn()") return r[0][0] def get_last_wal_replay_lsn(self): """Wrapper for pg_last_wal_replay_lsn() For use on replica servers """ r = self.adm.query("SELECT pg_last_wal_replay_lsn()") return r[0][0] def pg_rewind(self, conn_info): docker_image = CONF.get(CONF.datastore_manager).docker_image image = f'{docker_image}:{CONF.datastore_version}' user = "%s:%s" % (CONF.database_service_uid, CONF.database_service_uid) volumes = { "/var/run/postgresql": {"bind": "/var/run/postgresql", "mode": "rw"}, "/var/lib/postgresql": {"bind": "/var/lib/postgresql", "mode": "rw"}, "/var/lib/postgresql/data": {"bind": "/var/lib/postgresql/data", "mode": "rw"}, } command = (f"pg_rewind --target-pgdata={self.datadir} " f"--source-server='{conn_info}'") docker_util.remove_container(self.docker_client, name='pg_rewind') LOG.info('Running pg_rewind in container') output, ret = docker_util.run_container( self.docker_client, image, 'pg_rewind', volumes=volumes, command=command, user=user) result = output[-1] LOG.debug(f"Finished running pg_rewind, last output: {result}") if not ret: msg = f'Failed to run pg_rewind in container, error: {result}' LOG.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) class PgSqlAdmin(object): # Default set of options of an administrative account. ADMIN_OPTIONS = ( 'SUPERUSER', 'CREATEDB', 'CREATEROLE', 'INHERIT', 'REPLICATION', 'BYPASSRLS', 'LOGIN' ) def __init__(self, username): port = cfg.get_configuration_property('postgresql_port') self.connection = PostgresConnection(username, port=port) def build_root_user(self, password=None): return models.PostgreSQLUser.root(name='root', password=password) def enable_root(self, root_password=None): """Create a superuser user or reset the superuser password. The default PostgreSQL administration account is 'postgres'. This account always exists and cannot be removed. Its attributes and access can however be altered. Clients can connect from the localhost or remotely via TCP/IP: Local clients (e.g. psql) can connect from a preset *system* account called 'postgres'. This system account has no password and is *locked* by default, so that it can be used by *local* users only. It should *never* be enabled (or its password set)!!! That would just open up a new attack vector on the system account. Remote clients should use a build-in *database* account of the same name. It's password can be changed using the "ALTER USER" statement. """ root = self.build_root_user(root_password) results = self.query(query.UserQuery.list_root(self.ignore_users)) cur_roots = [row[0] for row in results] if 'root' not in cur_roots: self.create_user(root) self.alter_user(root, None, *PgSqlAdmin.ADMIN_OPTIONS) return root.serialize() def disable_root(self): """Generate a new random password for the public superuser account. Do not disable its access rights. Once enabled the account should stay that way. """ self.enable_root() def list_root(self, ignore=()): """Query to list all superuser accounts.""" statement = ( "SELECT usename FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usesuper = true" ) for name in ignore: statement += " AND usename != '{name}'".format(name=name) return statement def grant_access(self, username, hostname, databases): """Give a user permission to use a given database. The username and hostname parameters are strings. The databases parameter is a list of strings representing the names of the databases to grant permission on. """ for database in databases: LOG.info(f"Granting user {username} access to database {database}") self.psql( query.AccessQuery.grant( user=username, database=database, ) ) def revoke_access(self, username, hostname, database): """Revoke a user's permission to use a given database. The username and hostname parameters are strings. The database parameter is a string representing the name of the database. """ LOG.info(f"Revoking user ({username}) access to database {database}") self.psql( query.AccessQuery.revoke( user=username, database=database, ) ) def list_access(self, username, hostname): """List database for which the given user as access. Return a list of serialized Postgres databases. """ user = self._find_user(username) return user.databases if user is not None else [] def create_databases(self, databases): """Create the list of specified databases. The databases parameter is a list of serialized Postgres databases. """ for database in databases: self.create_database(models.PostgreSQLSchema.deserialize(database)) def create_database(self, database): """Create a database. :param database: Database to be created. :type database: PostgreSQLSchema """ LOG.info(f"Creating database {database.name}") self.psql( query.DatabaseQuery.create( name=database.name, encoding=database.character_set, collation=database.collate, ) ) def delete_database(self, database): """Delete the specified database. """ self._drop_database( models.PostgreSQLSchema.deserialize(database)) def _drop_database(self, database): """Drop a given Postgres database. :param database: Database to be dropped. :type database: PostgreSQLSchema """ LOG.info(f"Dropping database {database.name}") self.psql(query.DatabaseQuery.drop(name=database.name)) def list_databases(self, limit=None, marker=None, include_marker=False): return guestagent_utils.serialize_list( self._get_databases(), limit=limit, marker=marker, include_marker=include_marker) def _get_databases(self): """Return all non-system Postgres databases on the instance.""" results = self.query( query.DatabaseQuery.list(ignore=self.ignore_dbs) ) return [models.PostgreSQLSchema( row[0].strip(), character_set=row[1], collate=row[2]) for row in results] def create_users(self, users): """Create users and grant privileges for the specified databases. The users parameter is a list of serialized Postgres users. """ for user in users: self.create_user(models.PostgreSQLUser.deserialize(user), None) def create_user(self, user, encrypt_password=None, *options): """Create a user and grant privileges for the specified databases. :param user: User to be created. :type user: PostgreSQLUser :param encrypt_password: Store passwords encrypted if True. Fallback to configured default behavior if None. :type encrypt_password: boolean :param options: Other user options. :type options: list """ with_clause = query.UserQuery._build_with_clause( '', encrypt_password, *options ) LOG.info(f"Creating user {user.name} {with_clause}") self.psql( query.UserQuery.create( user.name, user.password, encrypt_password, *options ) ) self._grant_access( user.name, [models.PostgreSQLSchema.deserialize(db) for db in user.databases]) def create_admin_user(self, user, encrypt_password=None): self.create_user(user, encrypt_password, *self.ADMIN_OPTIONS) def _grant_access(self, username, databases): self.grant_access( username, None, [db.name for db in databases], ) def list_users(self, limit=None, marker=None, include_marker=False): """List all users on the instance along with their access permissions. Return a paginated list of serialized Postgres users. """ return guestagent_utils.serialize_list( self._get_users(), limit=limit, marker=marker, include_marker=include_marker) def _get_users(self): """Return all non-system Postgres users on the instance.""" results = self.query( query.UserQuery.list(ignore=self.ignore_users) ) names = set([row[0].strip() for row in results]) return [self._build_user(name, results) for name in names] def _build_user(self, username, acl=None): """Build a model representation of a Postgres user. Include all databases it has access to. """ user = models.PostgreSQLUser(username) if acl: dbs = [models.PostgreSQLSchema(row[1].strip(), character_set=row[2], collate=row[3]) for row in acl if row[0] == username and row[1] is not None] for d in dbs: user.databases.append(d.serialize()) return user def delete_user(self, user): """Delete the specified user. """ self._drop_user(models.PostgreSQLUser.deserialize(user)) def _drop_user(self, user): """Drop a given Postgres user. :param user: User to be dropped. :type user: PostgreSQLUser """ # Postgresql requires that you revoke grants before dropping the user databases = list(self.list_access(user.name, None)) for db in databases: db_schema = models.PostgreSQLSchema.deserialize(db) self.revoke_access(user.name, None, db_schema.name) LOG.info(f"Dropping user {user.name}") self.psql(query.UserQuery.drop(name=user.name)) def get_user(self, username, hostname): """Return a serialized representation of a user with a given name. """ user = self._find_user(username) return user.serialize() if user is not None else None def _find_user(self, username): """Lookup a user with a given username. Return a new Postgres user instance or None if no match is found. """ results = self.query(query.UserQuery.get(name=username)) if results: return self._build_user(username, results) return None def user_exists(self, username): """Return whether a given user exists on the instance.""" results = self.query(query.UserQuery.get(name=username)) return bool(results) def change_passwords(self, users): """Change the passwords of one or more existing users. The users parameter is a list of serialized Postgres users. """ for user in users: self.alter_user( models.PostgreSQLUser.deserialize(user)) def alter_user(self, user, encrypt_password=None, *options): """Change the password and options of an existing users. :param user: User to be altered. :type user: PostgreSQLUser :param encrypt_password: Store passwords encrypted if True. Fallback to configured default behavior if None. :type encrypt_password: boolean :param options: Other user options. :type options: list """ with_clause = query.UserQuery._build_with_clause( '', encrypt_password, *options ) LOG.info(f"Altering user {user.name} {with_clause}") self.psql( query.UserQuery.alter_user( user.name, user.password, encrypt_password, *options) ) def update_attributes(self, username, hostname, user_attrs): """Change the attributes of one existing user. The username and hostname parameters are strings. The user_attrs parameter is a dictionary in the following form: {"password": "", "name": ""} Each key/value pair in user_attrs is optional. """ user = self._build_user(username) new_username = user_attrs.get('name') new_password = user_attrs.get('password') if new_username is not None: self._rename_user(user, new_username) # Make sure we can retrieve the renamed user. user = self._find_user(new_username) if user is None: raise exception.TroveError( "Renamed user %s could not be found on the instance." % new_username) if new_password is not None: user.password = new_password self.alter_user(user) def _rename_user(self, user, new_username): """Rename a Postgres user and transfer all access to the new name. :param user: User to be renamed. :type user: PostgreSQLUser """ LOG.info(f"Changing username for {user.name} to {new_username}") # PostgreSQL handles the permission transfer itself. self.psql( query.UserQuery.update_name( old=user.name, new=new_username, ) ) def psql(self, statement): """Execute a non-returning statement (usually DDL); Turn autocommit ON (this is necessary for statements that cannot run within an implicit transaction, like CREATE DATABASE). """ return self.connection.execute(statement) def query(self, query): """Execute a query and return the result set. """ return self.connection.query(query) @property def ignore_users(self): return cfg.get_ignored_users() @property def ignore_dbs(self): return cfg.get_ignored_dbs() class PostgresConnection(object): def __init__(self, user, password=None, host='/var/run/postgresql', port=5432): """Utility class to communicate with PostgreSQL. Connect with socket rather than IP or localhost address to avoid manipulation of pg_hba.conf when the database is running inside container with bridge network. This class is consistent with PostgresConnection in backup/utils/postgresql.py """ self.user = user self.password = password self.host = host self.port = port self.connect_str = (f"user='{self.user}' password='{self.password}' " f"host='{self.host}' port='{self.port}'") def execute(self, statement, identifiers=None, data_values=None): """Execute a non-returning statement. """ self._execute_stmt(statement, identifiers, data_values, False, autocommit=True) def query(self, query, identifiers=None, data_values=None): """Execute a query and return the result set. """ return self._execute_stmt(query, identifiers, data_values, True) def _execute_stmt(self, statement, identifiers, data_values, fetch, autocommit=False): cmd = self._bind(statement, identifiers) with psycopg2.connect(self.connect_str) as connection: connection.autocommit = autocommit with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(cmd, data_values) if fetch: return cursor.fetchall() def _bind(self, statement, identifiers): if identifiers: return statement.format(*identifiers) return statement