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# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import inspect
import operator
import os
import stat
from oslo_concurrency.processutils import UnknownArgumentError
from trove.common import exception
from trove.common.i18n import _
from trove.common import utils
REDHAT = 'redhat'
DEBIAN = 'debian'
SUSE = 'suse'
class FileMode(object):
Represent file permissions (or 'modes') that can be applied on a filesystem
path by functions such as 'chmod'. The way the modes get applied
is generally controlled by the operation ('reset', 'add', 'remove')
group to which they belong.
All modes are represented as octal numbers. Modes are combined in a
'bitwise OR' (|) operation.
Multiple modes belonging to a single operation are combined
into a net value for that operation which can be retrieved by one of the
'get_*_mode' methods.
Objects of this class are compared by the net values of their
individual operations.
:seealso: chmod
:param reset: List of (octal) modes that will be set,
other bits will be cleared.
:type reset: list
:param add: List of (octal) modes that will be added to the
current mode.
:type add: list
:param remove: List of (octal) modes that will be removed from
the current mode.
:type remove: list
def SET_FULL(cls):
return cls(reset=[stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO]) # =0777
def SET_GRP_RW_OTH_R(cls):
return cls(reset=[stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH]) # =0064
def ADD_READ_ALL(cls):
return cls(add=[stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH]) # +0444
def ADD_GRP_RW(cls):
return cls(add=[stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP]) # +0060
def __init__(self, reset=None, add=None, remove=None):
self._reset = list(reset) if reset is not None else []
self._add = list(add) if add is not None else []
self._remove = list(remove) if remove is not None else []
def get_reset_mode(self):
"""Get the net (combined) mode that will be set.
return self._combine_modes(self._reset)
def get_add_mode(self):
"""Get the net (combined) mode that will be added.
return self._combine_modes(self._add)
def get_remove_mode(self):
"""Get the net (combined) mode that will be removed.
return self._combine_modes(self._remove)
def _combine_modes(self, modes):
return reduce(operator.or_, modes) if modes else None
def has_any(self):
"""Check if any modes are specified.
return bool(self._reset or self._add or self._remove)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.get_reset_mode(),
def __eq__(self, other):
if other and isinstance(other, FileMode):
if other is self:
return True
return (other.get_reset_mode() == self.get_reset_mode() and
other.get_add_mode() == self.get_add_mode() and
other.get_remove_mode() == self.get_remove_mode())
return False
def __repr__(self):
args = []
if self._reset:
if self._add:
if self._remove:
return 'Modes({:s})'.format(', '.join(args))
def get_os():
if os.path.isfile("/etc/redhat-release"):
return REDHAT
elif os.path.isfile("/etc/SuSE-release"):
return SUSE
return DEBIAN
def file_discovery(file_candidates):
for file in file_candidates:
if os.path.isfile(file):
return file
def service_discovery(service_candidates):
This function discovering how to start, stop, enable, disable service
in current environment. "service_candidates" is array with possible
system service names. Works for upstart, systemd, sysvinit.
result = {}
for service in service_candidates:
# check upstart
if os.path.isfile("/etc/init/%s.conf" % service):
# upstart returns error code when service already started/stopped
result['cmd_start'] = "sudo start %s || true" % service
result['cmd_stop'] = "sudo stop %s || true" % service
result['cmd_enable'] = ("sudo sed -i '/^manual$/d' "
"/etc/init/%s.conf" % service)
result['cmd_disable'] = ("sudo sh -c 'echo manual >> "
"/etc/init/%s.conf'" % service)
# check sysvinit
if os.path.isfile("/etc/init.d/%s" % service):
result['cmd_start'] = "sudo service %s start" % service
result['cmd_stop'] = "sudo service %s stop" % service
if os.path.isfile("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d"):
result['cmd_enable'] = "sudo update-rc.d %s defaults; sudo " \
"update-rc.d %s enable" % (service,
result['cmd_disable'] = "sudo update-rc.d %s defaults; sudo " \
"update-rc.d %s disable" % (service,
elif os.path.isfile("/sbin/chkconfig"):
result['cmd_enable'] = "sudo chkconfig %s on" % service
result['cmd_disable'] = "sudo chkconfig %s off" % service
# check systemd
service_path = "/lib/systemd/system/%s.service" % service
if os.path.isfile(service_path):
result['cmd_start'] = "sudo systemctl start %s" % service
result['cmd_stop'] = "sudo systemctl stop %s" % service
# currently "systemctl enable" doesn't work for symlinked units
# as described in, therefore
# replacing a symlink with its real path
if os.path.islink(service_path):
real_path = os.path.realpath(service_path)
unit_file_name = os.path.basename(real_path)
result['cmd_enable'] = ("sudo systemctl enable %s" %
result['cmd_disable'] = ("sudo systemctl disable %s" %
result['cmd_enable'] = "sudo systemctl enable %s" % service
result['cmd_disable'] = "sudo systemctl disable %s" % service
return result
def create_directory(dir_path, user=None, group=None, force=True, **kwargs):
"""Create a given directory and update its ownership
(recursively) to the given user and group if any.
seealso:: _execute_shell_cmd for valid optional keyword arguments.
:param dir_path: Path to the created directory.
:type dir_path: string
:param user: Owner.
:type user: string
:param group: Group.
:type group: string
:param force: No error if existing, make parent directories
as needed.
:type force: boolean
:raises: :class:`UnprocessableEntity` if dir_path not given.
if dir_path:
_create_directory(dir_path, force, **kwargs)
if user or group:
chown(dir_path, user, group, **kwargs)
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(
_("Cannot create a blank directory."))
def chown(path, user, group, recursive=True, force=False, **kwargs):
"""Changes the owner and group of a given file.
seealso:: _execute_shell_cmd for valid optional keyword arguments.
:param path: Path to the modified file.
:type path: string
:param user: Owner.
:type user: string
:param group: Group.
:type group: string
:param recursive: Operate on files and directories recursively.
:type recursive: boolean
:param force: Suppress most error messages.
:type force: boolean
:raises: :class:`UnprocessableEntity` if path not given.
:raises: :class:`UnprocessableEntity` if owner/group not given.
if not path:
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(
_("Cannot change ownership of a blank file or directory."))
if not user and not group:
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(
_("Please specify owner or group, or both."))
owner_group_modifier = _build_user_group_pair(user, group)
options = (('f', force), ('R', recursive))
_execute_shell_cmd('chown', options, owner_group_modifier, path, **kwargs)
def _build_user_group_pair(user, group):
return "%s:%s" % tuple((v if v else '') for v in (user, group))
def _create_directory(dir_path, force=True, **kwargs):
"""Create a given directory.
:param dir_path: Path to the created directory.
:type dir_path: string
:param force: No error if existing, make parent directories
as needed.
:type force: boolean
options = (('p', force),)
_execute_shell_cmd('mkdir', options, dir_path, **kwargs)
def chmod(path, mode, recursive=True, force=False, **kwargs):
"""Changes the mode of a given file.
:seealso: Modes for more information on the representation of modes.
:seealso: _execute_shell_cmd for valid optional keyword arguments.
:param path: Path to the modified file.
:type path: string
:param mode: File permissions (modes).
The modes will be applied in the following order:
reset (=), add (+), remove (-)
:type mode: FileMode
:param recursive: Operate on files and directories recursively.
:type recursive: boolean
:param force: Suppress most error messages.
:type force: boolean
:raises: :class:`UnprocessableEntity` if path not given.
:raises: :class:`UnprocessableEntity` if no mode given.
if path:
options = (('f', force), ('R', recursive))
shell_modes = _build_shell_chmod_mode(mode)
_execute_shell_cmd('chmod', options, shell_modes, path, **kwargs)
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(
_("Cannot change mode of a blank file."))
def _build_shell_chmod_mode(mode):
Build a shell representation of given mode.
:seealso: Modes for more information on the representation of modes.
:param mode: File permissions (modes).
:type mode: FileModes
:raises: :class:`UnprocessableEntity` if no mode given.
:returns: Following string for any non-empty modes:
'=<reset mode>,+<add mode>,-<remove mode>'
# Handle methods passed in as constant fields.
if inspect.ismethod(mode):
mode = mode()
if mode and mode.has_any():
text_modes = (('=', mode.get_reset_mode()),
('+', mode.get_add_mode()),
('-', mode.get_remove_mode()))
return ','.join(
['{0:s}{1:03o}'.format(item[0], item[1]) for item in text_modes
if item[1]])
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(_("No file mode specified."))
def remove(path, force=False, recursive=True, **kwargs):
"""Remove a given file or directory.
:seealso: _execute_shell_cmd for valid optional keyword arguments.
:param path: Path to the removed file.
:type path: string
:param force: Ignore nonexistent files.
:type force: boolean
:param recursive: Remove directories and their contents recursively.
:type recursive: boolean
:raises: :class:`UnprocessableEntity` if path not given.
if path:
options = (('f', force), ('R', recursive))
_execute_shell_cmd('rm', options, path, **kwargs)
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(_("Cannot remove a blank file."))
def move(source, destination, force=False, **kwargs):
"""Move a given file or directory to a new location.
Move attempts to preserve the original ownership, permissions and
:seealso: _execute_shell_cmd for valid optional keyword arguments.
:param source: Path to the source location.
:type source: string
:param destination: Path to the destination location.
:type destination: string
:param force: Do not prompt before overwriting.
:type force: boolean
:raises: :class:`UnprocessableEntity` if source or
destination not given.
if not source:
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(_("Missing source path."))
elif not destination:
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(_("Missing destination path."))
options = (('f', force),)
_execute_shell_cmd('mv', options, source, destination, **kwargs)
def copy(source, destination, force=False, preserve=False, recursive=True,
"""Copy a given file or directory to another location.
Copy does NOT attempt to preserve ownership, permissions and timestamps
unless the 'preserve' option is enabled.
:seealso: _execute_shell_cmd for valid optional keyword arguments.
:param source: Path to the source location.
:type source: string
:param destination: Path to the destination location.
:type destination: string
:param force: If an existing destination file cannot be
opened, remove it and try again.
:type force: boolean
:param preserve: Preserve mode, ownership and timestamps.
:type preserve: boolean
:param recursive: Copy directories recursively.
:type recursive: boolean
:raises: :class:`UnprocessableEntity` if source or
destination not given.
if not source:
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(_("Missing source path."))
elif not destination:
raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(_("Missing destination path."))
options = (('f', force), ('p', preserve), ('R', recursive))
_execute_shell_cmd('cp', options, source, destination, **kwargs)
def _execute_shell_cmd(cmd, options, *args, **kwargs):
"""Execute a given shell command passing it
given options (flags) and arguments.
Takes optional keyword arguments:
:param as_root: Execute as root.
:type as_root: boolean
:param timeout: Number of seconds if specified,
default if not.
There is no timeout if set to None.
:type timeout: integer
:raises: class:`UnknownArgumentError` if passed unknown args.
exec_args = {}
if kwargs.pop('as_root', False):
exec_args['run_as_root'] = True
exec_args['root_helper'] = 'sudo'
if 'timeout' in kwargs:
exec_args['timeout'] = kwargs.pop('timeout')
if kwargs:
raise UnknownArgumentError(_("Got unknown keyword args: %r") % kwargs)
cmd_flags = _build_command_options(options)
cmd_args = cmd_flags + list(args)
utils.execute_with_timeout(cmd, *cmd_args, **exec_args)
def _build_command_options(options):
"""Build a list of flags from given pairs (option, is_enabled).
Each option is prefixed with a single '-'.
Include only options for which is_enabled=True.
return ['-' + item[0] for item in options if item[1]]