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# Copyright 2015 Tesora Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import time as timer
from proboscis import asserts
from troveclient.compat import exceptions
from oslo_config.cfg import NoSuchOptError
from trove.common import cfg
from trove.common import utils
from trove.common.utils import poll_until, build_polling_task
from trove.common import exception
from trove.tests.api.instances import instance_info
from trove.tests.config import CONFIG
from trove.tests.util import create_dbaas_client
from trove.tests.util.users import Requirements
class TestRunner(object):
Base class for all 'Runner' classes.
The Runner classes are those that actually do the work. The 'Group'
classes are set up with decorators that control how the tests flow,
and are used to organized the tests - however they are typically set up
to just call a corresponding method in a Runner class.
A Runner class can be overridden if a particular set of tests
needs to have DataStore specific coding. The corresponding Group
class will try to first load a DataStore specific class, and then fall
back to the generic one if need be. For example,
the NegativeClusterActionsGroup class specifies a runner_base_name of
NegativeClusterActionsRunner. If the manager of the default
datastore is mongodb, then the MongodbNegativeClusterActionsRunner is
used instead. The prefix is created by capitalizing the name of the
manager - overriding classes *must* follow this naming convention
to be automatically used. The main assumption made here is that
if a manager is used for different datastore versions, then the
overriding runner should also be valid for the same datastore versions.
VOLUME_SUPPORT = CONFIG.get('trove_volume_support', True)
EPHEMERAL_SUPPORT = not VOLUME_SUPPORT and CONFIG.get('device_path', None)
ROOT_PARTITION = not (VOLUME_SUPPORT or CONFIG.get('device_path', None))
report = CONFIG.get_report()
def __init__(self, sleep_time=10, timeout=1200):
self.def_sleep_time = sleep_time
self.def_timeout = timeout
self.instance_info = instance_info
self.auth_client = create_dbaas_client(self.instance_info.user)
self.unauth_client = None
self._test_helper = None
def fail(cls, message):
def assert_is_sublist(cls, sub_list, full_list, message=None):
return cls.assert_true(set(sub_list).issubset(full_list), message)
def assert_unique(cls, iterable, message=None):
"""Assert that a given iterable contains only unique elements.
cls.assert_equal(len(iterable), len(set(iterable)), message)
def assert_true(cls, condition, message=None):
asserts.assert_true(condition, message=message)
def assert_false(cls, condition, message=None):
asserts.assert_false(condition, message=message)
def assert_is_none(cls, value, message=None):
asserts.assert_is_none(value, message=message)
def assert_is_not_none(cls, value, message=None):
asserts.assert_is_not_none(value, message=message)
def assert_list_elements_equal(cls, expected, actual, message=None):
"""Assert that two lists contain same elements
(with same multiplicities) ignoring the element order.
return cls.assert_equal(sorted(expected), sorted(actual), message)
def assert_equal(cls, expected, actual, message=None):
if not message:
message = 'Unexpected value'
message += ": '%s' (expected '%s')." % (actual, expected)
except TypeError:
asserts.assert_equal(expected, actual, message=message)
def assert_not_equal(cls, expected, actual, message=None):
if not message:
message = 'Expected different value than'
message += ": '%s'." % expected
except TypeError:
asserts.assert_not_equal(expected, actual, message=message)
def test_helper(self):
return self._test_helper
def test_helper(self, test_helper):
self._test_helper = test_helper
def get_unauth_client(self):
if not self.unauth_client:
self.unauth_client = self._create_unauthorized_client()
return self.unauth_client
def _create_unauthorized_client(self, force=False):
"""Create a client from a different 'unauthorized' user
to facilitate negative testing.
requirements = Requirements(is_admin=False)
other_user = CONFIG.users.find_user(
requirements, black_list=[self.instance_info.user.auth_user])
return create_dbaas_client(other_user)
def assert_raises(self, expected_exception, expected_http_code,
client_cmd, *cmd_args, **cmd_kwargs):
asserts.assert_raises(expected_exception, client_cmd,
*cmd_args, **cmd_kwargs)
def get_datastore_config_property(self, name, datastore=None):
"""Get a Trove configuration property for a given datastore.
Use the current instance's datastore if None.
return CONF.get(
datastore or self.instance_info.dbaas_datastore).get(name)
except NoSuchOptError:
return CONF.get(name)
def is_using_existing_instance(self):
return os.environ.get(self.USE_INSTANCE_ID_FLAG, None) is not None
def get_existing_instance(self):
if self.is_using_existing_instance:
instance_id = os.environ.get(self.USE_INSTANCE_ID_FLAG)
return self._get_instance_info(instance_id)
return None
def has_do_not_delete_instance(self):
return os.environ.get(
self.DO_NOT_DELETE_INSTANCE_FLAG, None) is not None
def assert_instance_action(
self, instance_ids, expected_states, expected_http_code):
if expected_states:
instance_ids if utils.is_collection(instance_ids)
else [instance_ids], expected_states)
def assert_client_code(self, expected_http_code, client=None):
if expected_http_code is not None:
client = client or self.auth_client
self.assert_equal(expected_http_code, client.last_http_code,
"Unexpected client status code")
def assert_all_instance_states(self, instance_ids, expected_states):
tasks = [build_polling_task(
lambda: self._assert_instance_states(instance_id, expected_states),
sleep_time=self.def_sleep_time, time_out=self.def_timeout)
for instance_id in instance_ids]
poll_until(lambda: all(poll_task.ready() for poll_task in tasks),
sleep_time=self.def_sleep_time, time_out=self.def_timeout)
for task in tasks:
if task.has_result():
"Some instances failed to acquire all expected states.")
elif task.has_exception():
def _assert_instance_states(self, instance_id, expected_states,
for status in expected_states:
start_time = timer.time()
poll_until(lambda: self._has_status(
instance_id, status, fast_fail_status=fast_fail_status),
time_out=self.def_timeout)"Instance has gone '%s' in %s." %
(status, self._time_since(start_time)))
except exception.PollTimeOut:
"Status of instance '%s' did not change to '%s' after %s."
% (instance_id, status, self._time_since(start_time)))
return False
return True
def _time_since(self, start_time):
return '%.1fs' % (timer.time() - start_time)
def assert_all_gone(self, instance_ids, expected_last_status):
if utils.is_collection(instance_ids)
else [instance_ids], expected_last_status)
def assert_pagination_match(
self, list_page, full_list, start_idx, end_idx):
self.assert_equal(full_list[start_idx:end_idx], list(list_page),
"List page does not match the expected full "
"list section.")
def _wait_all_deleted(self, instance_ids, expected_last_status):
tasks = [build_polling_task(
lambda: self._wait_for_delete(instance_id, expected_last_status),
sleep_time=self.def_sleep_time, time_out=self.def_timeout)
for instance_id in instance_ids]
poll_until(lambda: all(poll_task.ready() for poll_task in tasks),
sleep_time=self.def_sleep_time, time_out=self.def_timeout)
for task in tasks:
if task.has_result():
"Some instances were not removed.")
elif task.has_exception():
def _wait_for_delete(self, instance_id, expected_last_status):
start_time = timer.time()
self._poll_while(instance_id, expected_last_status,
except exceptions.NotFound:
self.assert_client_code(404)"Instance was removed in %s." %
return True
except exception.PollTimeOut:
"Instance '%s' still existed after %s."
% (instance_id, self._time_since(start_time)))
return False
def _poll_while(self, instance_id, expected_status,
sleep_time=1, time_out=None):
poll_until(lambda: not self._has_status(instance_id, expected_status),
sleep_time=sleep_time, time_out=time_out)
def _has_status(self, instance_id, status, fast_fail_status=None):
instance = self.get_instance(instance_id)"Waiting for instance '%s' to become '%s': %s"
% (instance_id, status, instance.status))
if fast_fail_status and instance.status == fast_fail_status:
raise RuntimeError("Instance '%s' acquired a fast-fail status: %s"
% (instance_id, status))
return instance.status == status
def get_instance(self, instance_id):
return self.auth_client.instances.get(instance_id)
def get_instance_host(self, instance_id=None):
instance_id = instance_id or
instance = self.get_instance(instance_id)
host = str(instance._info['ip'][0])"Found host %s for instance %s." % (host, instance_id))
return host
def build_flavor(self, flavor_id=2, volume_size=1):
return {"flavorRef": flavor_id, "volume": {"size": volume_size}}
def get_flavor(self, flavor_name):
flavors = self.auth_client.find_flavors_by_name(flavor_name)
1, len(flavors),
"Unexpected number of flavors with name '%s' found." % flavor_name)
flavor = flavors[0]
self.assert_is_not_none(flavor, "Flavor '%s' not found." % flavor_name)
return flavor