
997 lines
52 KiB

# copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2014 Rackspace Hosting
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Routines for configuring Trove."""
import os.path
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import trove
UNKNOWN_SERVICE_ID = 'unknown-service-id-error'
path_opts = [
help='Directory where the Trove python module is installed.'),
common_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('bind_host', default='',
help='IP address the API server will listen on.'),
cfg.IntOpt('bind_port', default=8779,
help='Port the API server will listen on.'),
cfg.StrOpt('api_paste_config', default="api-paste.ini",
help='File name for the paste.deploy config for trove-api.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('trove_volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.ListOpt('admin_roles', default=['admin'],
help='Roles to add to an admin user.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('update_status_on_fail', default=True,
help='Set the service and instance task statuses to ERROR '
'when an instance fails to become active within the '
'configured usage_timeout.'),
cfg.StrOpt('os_region_name', default='RegionOne',
help='Region name of this node. Used when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('nova_compute_url', help='URL without the tenant segment.'),
cfg.StrOpt('nova_compute_service_type', default='compute',
help='Service type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('nova_compute_endpoint_type', default='publicURL',
help='Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('neutron_url', help='URL without the tenant segment.'),
cfg.StrOpt('neutron_service_type', default='network',
help='Service type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('neutron_endpoint_type', default='publicURL',
help='Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('cinder_url', help='URL without the tenant segment.'),
cfg.StrOpt('cinder_service_type', default='volumev2',
help='Service type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('cinder_endpoint_type', default='publicURL',
help='Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('heat_url', help='URL without the tenant segment.'),
cfg.StrOpt('heat_service_type', default='orchestration',
help='Service type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('heat_endpoint_type', default='publicURL',
help='Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('swift_url', help='URL ending in AUTH_.'),
cfg.StrOpt('swift_service_type', default='object-store',
help='Service type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('swift_endpoint_type', default='publicURL',
help='Service endpoint type to use when searching catalog.'),
cfg.StrOpt('trove_auth_url', default='',
help='Trove authentication URL.'),
cfg.StrOpt('host', default='',
help='Host to listen for RPC messages.'),
cfg.IntOpt('report_interval', default=30,
help='The interval (in seconds) which periodic tasks are run.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('trove_dns_support', default=False,
help='Whether Trove should add DNS entries on create '
'(using Designate DNSaaS).'),
cfg.StrOpt('db_api_implementation', default='trove.db.sqlalchemy.api',
help='API Implementation for Trove database access.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_driver', default='trove.dns.driver.DnsDriver',
help='Driver for DNSaaS.'),
help='Factory for adding DNS entries.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_hostname', default="",
help='Hostname used for adding DNS entries.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_account_id', default="",
help='Tenant ID for DNSaaS.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_endpoint_url', default="",
help='Endpoint URL for DNSaaS.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_service_type', default="",
help='Service Type for DNSaaS.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_region', default="",
help='Region name for DNSaaS.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_auth_url', default="",
help='Authentication URL for DNSaaS.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_domain_name', default="",
help='Domain name used for adding DNS entries.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_username', default="", secret=True,
help='Username for DNSaaS.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_passkey', default="", secret=True,
help='Passkey for DNSaaS.'),
cfg.StrOpt('dns_management_base_url', default="",
help='Management URL for DNSaaS.'),
cfg.IntOpt('dns_ttl', default=300,
help='Time (in seconds) before a refresh of DNS information '
cfg.StrOpt('dns_domain_id', default="",
help='Domain ID used for adding DNS entries.'),
cfg.IntOpt('users_page_size', default=20,
help='Page size for listing users.'),
cfg.IntOpt('databases_page_size', default=20,
help='Page size for listing databases.'),
cfg.IntOpt('instances_page_size', default=20,
help='Page size for listing instances.'),
cfg.IntOpt('clusters_page_size', default=20,
help='Page size for listing clusters.'),
cfg.IntOpt('backups_page_size', default=20,
help='Page size for listing backups.'),
cfg.IntOpt('configurations_page_size', default=20,
help='Page size for listing configurations.'),
cfg.ListOpt('ignore_users', default=['os_admin', 'root'],
help='Users to exclude when listing users.'),
default=['mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema'],
help='Databases to exclude when listing databases.'),
cfg.IntOpt('agent_call_low_timeout', default=5,
help="Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for Guest Agent 'quick'"
"requests (such as retrieving a list of users or "
cfg.IntOpt('agent_call_high_timeout', default=60,
help="Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for Guest Agent 'slow' "
"requests (such as restarting the database)."),
cfg.IntOpt('agent_replication_snapshot_timeout', default=36000,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for taking a Guest '
'Agent replication snapshot.'),
# The guest_id opt definition must match the one in cmd/
cfg.StrOpt('guest_id', default=None, help="ID of the Guest Instance."),
cfg.IntOpt('state_change_wait_time', default=3 * 60,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a state change.'),
cfg.IntOpt('agent_heartbeat_time', default=10,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) for the Guest Agent to reply '
'to a heartbeat request.'),
cfg.IntOpt('agent_heartbeat_expiry', default=60,
help='Time (in seconds) after which a guest is considered '
cfg.IntOpt('num_tries', default=3,
help='Number of times to check if a volume exists.'),
cfg.StrOpt('volume_fstype', default='ext3',
help='File system type used to format a volume.'),
cfg.StrOpt('cinder_volume_type', default=None,
help='Volume type to use when provisioning a Cinder volume.'),
cfg.StrOpt('format_options', default='-m 5',
help='Options to use when formatting a volume.'),
cfg.IntOpt('volume_format_timeout', default=120,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a volume format.'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_options', default='defaults,noatime',
help='Options to use when mounting a volume.'),
cfg.IntOpt('max_instances_per_user', default=5,
help='Default maximum number of instances per tenant.'),
cfg.IntOpt('max_accepted_volume_size', default=5,
help='Default maximum volume size (in GB) for an instance.'),
cfg.IntOpt('max_volumes_per_user', default=20,
help='Default maximum volume capacity (in GB) spanning across '
'all Trove volumes per tenant.'),
cfg.IntOpt('max_backups_per_user', default=50,
help='Default maximum number of backups created by a tenant.'),
cfg.StrOpt('quota_driver', default='trove.quota.quota.DbQuotaDriver',
help='Default driver to use for quota checks.'),
cfg.StrOpt('taskmanager_queue', default='taskmanager',
help='Message queue name the Taskmanager will listen to.'),
cfg.StrOpt('conductor_queue', default='trove-conductor',
help='Message queue name the Conductor will listen on.'),
help='Number of workers for the Conductor service. The default '
'will be the number of CPUs available.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('use_nova_server_config_drive', default=False,
help='Use config drive for file injection when booting '
cfg.BoolOpt('use_nova_server_volume', default=False,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for the '
'Nova instance.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('use_heat', default=False,
help='Use Heat for provisioning.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb',
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
cfg.StrOpt('default_datastore', default=None,
help='The default datastore id or name to use if one is not '
'provided by the user. If the default value is None, the field '
'becomes required in the instance create request.'),
cfg.StrOpt('datastore_manager', default=None,
help='Manager class in the Guest Agent, set up by the '
'Taskmanager on instance provision.'),
cfg.StrOpt('block_device_mapping', default='vdb',
help='Block device to map onto the created instance.'),
cfg.IntOpt('server_delete_time_out', default=60,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a server delete.'),
cfg.IntOpt('volume_time_out', default=60,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a volume attach.'),
cfg.IntOpt('heat_time_out', default=60,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a Heat request to '
cfg.IntOpt('reboot_time_out', default=60 * 2,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a server reboot.'),
cfg.IntOpt('dns_time_out', default=60 * 2,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a DNS entry add.'),
cfg.IntOpt('resize_time_out', default=60 * 10,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a server resize.'),
cfg.IntOpt('revert_time_out', default=60 * 10,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a server resize '
cfg.IntOpt('cluster_delete_time_out', default=60 * 3,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a cluster delete.'),
cfg.ListOpt('root_grant', default=['ALL'],
help="Permissions to grant to the 'root' user."),
cfg.BoolOpt('root_grant_option', default=True,
help="Assign the 'root' user GRANT permissions."),
cfg.IntOpt('default_password_length', default=36,
help='Character length of generated passwords.'),
cfg.IntOpt('http_get_rate', default=200,
help="Maximum number of HTTP 'GET' requests (per minute)."),
cfg.IntOpt('http_post_rate', default=200,
help="Maximum number of HTTP 'POST' requests (per minute)."),
cfg.IntOpt('http_delete_rate', default=200,
help="Maximum number of HTTP 'DELETE' requests (per minute)."),
cfg.IntOpt('http_put_rate', default=200,
help="Maximum number of HTTP 'PUT' requests (per minute)."),
cfg.IntOpt('http_mgmt_post_rate', default=200,
help="Maximum number of management HTTP 'POST' requests "
"(per minute)."),
cfg.BoolOpt('hostname_require_valid_ip', default=True,
help='Require user hostnames to be valid IP addresses.',
cfg.BoolOpt('trove_security_groups_support', default=True,
help='Whether Trove should add Security Groups on create.'),
cfg.StrOpt('trove_security_group_name_prefix', default='SecGroup',
help='Prefix to use when creating Security Groups.'),
cfg.StrOpt('trove_security_group_rule_cidr', default='',
help='CIDR to use when creating Security Group Rules.'),
help='Number of workers for the API service. The default will '
'be the number of CPUs available.'),
cfg.IntOpt('usage_sleep_time', default=5,
help='Time to sleep during the check for an active Guest.'),
cfg.StrOpt('region', default='LOCAL_DEV',
help='The region this service is located.'),
help='Runner to use for backups.'),
cfg.DictOpt('backup_runner_options', default={},
help='Additional options to be passed to the backup runner.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('verify_swift_checksum_on_restore', default=True,
help='Enable verification of Swift checksum before starting '
'restore. Makes sure the checksum of original backup matches '
'the checksum of the Swift backup file.'),
cfg.StrOpt('storage_strategy', default='SwiftStorage',
help="Default strategy to store backups."),
help='Namespace to load the default storage strategy from.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_swift_container', default='database_backups',
help='Swift container to put backups in.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('backup_use_gzip_compression', default=True,
help='Compress backups using gzip.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('backup_use_openssl_encryption', default=True,
help='Encrypt backups using OpenSSL.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_aes_cbc_key', default='default_aes_cbc_key',
help='Default OpenSSL aes_cbc key.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('backup_use_snet', default=False,
help='Send backup files over snet.'),
cfg.IntOpt('backup_chunk_size', default=2 ** 16,
help='Chunk size (in bytes) to stream to the Swift container. '
'This should be in multiples of 128 bytes, since this is the '
'size of an md5 digest block allowing the process to update '
'the file checksum during streaming. '
cfg.IntOpt('backup_segment_max_size', default=2 * (1024 ** 3),
help='Maximum size (in bytes) of each segment of the backup '
help='Client to send DNS calls to.'),
help='Client to send Guest Agent calls to.'),
help='Client to send Nova calls to.'),
help='Client to send Neutron calls to.'),
help='Client to send Cinder calls to.'),
help='Client to send Heat calls to.'),
help='Client to send Swift calls to.'),
help='Transformer for exists notifications.'),
cfg.IntOpt('exists_notification_interval', default=3600,
help='Seconds to wait between pushing events.'),
default={'mysql': '2f3ff068-2bfb-4f70-9a9d-a6bb65bc084b',
'percona': 'fd1723f5-68d2-409c-994f-a4a197892a17',
'redis': 'b216ffc5-1947-456c-a4cf-70f94c05f7d0',
'cassandra': '459a230d-4e97-4344-9067-2a54a310b0ed',
'couchbase': 'fa62fe68-74d9-4779-a24e-36f19602c415',
'mongodb': 'c8c907af-7375-456f-b929-b637ff9209ee',
'postgresql': 'ac277e0d-4f21-40aa-b347-1ea31e571720',
'couchdb': 'f0a9ab7b-66f7-4352-93d7-071521d44c7c',
'vertica': 'a8d805ae-a3b2-c4fd-gb23-b62cee5201ae',
'db2': 'e040cd37-263d-4869-aaa6-c62aa97523b5'},
help='Unique ID to tag notification events.'),
cfg.StrOpt('nova_proxy_admin_user', default='',
help="Admin username used to connect to Nova.", secret=True),
cfg.StrOpt('nova_proxy_admin_pass', default='',
help="Admin password used to connect to Nova.", secret=True),
cfg.StrOpt('nova_proxy_admin_tenant_id', default='',
help="Admin tenant ID used to connect to Nova.", secret=True),
cfg.StrOpt('network_label_regex', default='^private$',
help='Regular expression to match Trove network labels.'),
cfg.StrOpt('ip_regex', default=None,
help='List IP addresses that match this regular expression.'),
cfg.StrOpt('black_list_regex', default=None,
help='Exclude IP addresses that match this regular '
cfg.StrOpt('cloudinit_location', default='/etc/trove/cloudinit',
help='Path to folder with cloudinit scripts.'),
cfg.StrOpt('injected_config_location', default='/etc/trove/conf.d',
help='Path to folder on the Guest where config files will be '
'injected during instance creation.'),
help='Path to the Guest Agent config file to be injected '
'during instance creation.'),
help='The guest info filename found in the injected config '
'location. If a full path is specified then it will '
'be used as the path to the guest info file'),
cfg.DictOpt('datastore_registry_ext', default=dict(),
help='Extension for default datastore managers. '
'Allows the use of custom managers for each of '
'the datastores supported by Trove.'),
cfg.StrOpt('template_path', default='/etc/trove/templates/',
help='Path which leads to datastore templates.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('sql_query_logging', default=False,
help='Allow insecure logging while '
'executing queries through SQLAlchemy.'),
cfg.ListOpt('expected_filetype_suffixes', default=['json'],
help='Filetype endings not to be reattached to an ID '
'by the utils method correct_id_with_req.'),
cfg.ListOpt('default_neutron_networks', default=[],
help='List of IDs for management networks which should be '
'attached to the instance regardless of what NICs '
'are specified in the create API call.'),
cfg.IntOpt('max_header_line', default=16384,
help='Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. '
'max_header_line may need to be increased when using '
'large tokens (typically those generated by the '
'Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs).'),
cfg.StrOpt('conductor_manager', default='trove.conductor.manager.Manager',
help='Qualified class name to use for conductor manager.'),
cfg.StrOpt('network_driver', default='',
help="Describes the actual network manager used for "
"the management of network attributes "
"(security groups, floating IPs, etc.)."),
cfg.IntOpt('usage_timeout', default=600,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a Guest to become '
cfg.IntOpt('restore_usage_timeout', default=36000,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a Guest instance '
'restored from a backup to become active.'),
cfg.IntOpt('cluster_usage_timeout', default=675,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a cluster to '
'become active.'),
# Profiling specific option groups
profiler_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'profiler', title='Profiler options',
help="Oslo option group designed for profiler")
profiler_opts = [
cfg.BoolOpt("enabled", default=False,
help="If False fully disable profiling feature."),
cfg.BoolOpt("trace_sqlalchemy", default=True,
help="If False doesn't trace SQL requests.")
database_opts = [
help='SQL Connection.',
# Datastore specific option groups
# Mysql
mysql_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'mysql', title='MySQL options',
help="Oslo option group designed for MySQL datastore")
mysql_opts = [
cfg.ListOpt('tcp_ports', default=["3306"],
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.ListOpt('udp_ports', default=[],
help='List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default='InnoBackupEx',
help='Default strategy to perform backups.',
cfg.StrOpt('replication_strategy', default='MysqlGTIDReplication',
help='Default strategy for replication.'),
help='Namespace to load replication strategies from.'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default='/var/lib/mysql',
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('root_on_create', default=False,
help='Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the '
'service during instance-create. The generated password for '
'the root user is immediately returned in the response of '
"instance-create as the 'password' field."),
cfg.IntOpt('usage_timeout', default=400,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a Guest to become '
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.',
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.',
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb',
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
default={'InnoBackupEx': 'InnoBackupExIncremental'},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental backup, the runner will use the default full '
# Percona
percona_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'percona', title='Percona options',
help="Oslo option group designed for Percona datastore")
percona_opts = [
cfg.ListOpt('tcp_ports', default=["3306"],
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.ListOpt('udp_ports', default=[],
help='List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default='InnoBackupEx',
help='Default strategy to perform backups.',
cfg.StrOpt('replication_strategy', default='MysqlGTIDReplication',
help='Default strategy for replication.'),
help='Namespace to load replication strategies from.'),
cfg.StrOpt('replication_user', default='slave_user',
help='Userid for replication slave.'),
cfg.StrOpt('replication_password', default='NETOU7897NNLOU',
help='Password for replication slave user.'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default='/var/lib/mysql',
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('root_on_create', default=False,
help='Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the '
'service during instance-create. The generated password for '
'the root user is immediately returned in the response of '
"instance-create as the 'password' field."),
cfg.IntOpt('usage_timeout', default=450,
help='Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a Guest to become '
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.',
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.',
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb',
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
default={'InnoBackupEx': 'InnoBackupExIncremental'},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental backup, the runner will use the default full '
# Redis
redis_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'redis', title='Redis options',
help="Oslo option group designed for Redis datastore")
redis_opts = [
cfg.ListOpt('tcp_ports', default=["6379"],
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.ListOpt('udp_ports', default=[],
help='List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy to perform backups.',
cfg.DictOpt('backup_incremental_strategy', default={},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.',
cfg.StrOpt('replication_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy for replication.'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default='/var/lib/redis',
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=False,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default=None,
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.',
cfg.StrOpt('restore_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.',
# Cassandra
cassandra_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'cassandra', title='Cassandra options',
help="Oslo option group designed for Cassandra datastore")
cassandra_opts = [
cfg.ListOpt('tcp_ports', default=["7000", "7001", "9042", "9160"],
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.ListOpt('udp_ports', default=[],
help='List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy to perform backups.',
cfg.DictOpt('backup_incremental_strategy', default={},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.',
cfg.StrOpt('replication_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy for replication.'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default='/var/lib/cassandra',
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb',
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.',
cfg.StrOpt('restore_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.',
# Couchbase
couchbase_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'couchbase', title='Couchbase options',
help="Oslo option group designed for Couchbase datastore")
couchbase_opts = [
default=["8091", "8092", "4369", "11209-11211",
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.ListOpt('udp_ports', default=[],
help='List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default='CbBackup',
help='Default strategy to perform backups.',
cfg.DictOpt('backup_incremental_strategy', default={},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.',
cfg.StrOpt('replication_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy for replication.'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default='/var/lib/couchbase',
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('root_on_create', default=True,
help='Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the '
'service during instance-create. The generated password for '
'the root user is immediately returned in the response of '
"instance-create as the 'password' field."),
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.',
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.',
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb',
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
# MongoDB
mongodb_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'mongodb', title='MongoDB options',
help="Oslo option group designed for MongoDB datastore")
mongodb_opts = [
cfg.ListOpt('tcp_ports', default=["2500", "27017"],
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.ListOpt('udp_ports', default=[],
help='List of UPD ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default='MongoDump',
help='Default strategy to perform backups.',
cfg.DictOpt('backup_incremental_strategy', default={},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.',
cfg.StrOpt('replication_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy for replication.'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default='/var/lib/mongodb',
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb',
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
cfg.IntOpt('num_config_servers_per_cluster', default=3,
help='The number of config servers to create per cluster.'),
cfg.IntOpt('num_query_routers_per_cluster', default=1,
help='The number of query routers (mongos) to create '
'per cluster.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('cluster_support', default=True,
help='Enable clusters to be created and managed.'),
help='Class that implements datastore-specific API logic.'),
help='Class that implements datastore-specific task manager '
help='Class that implements datastore-specific Guest Agent API '
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.',
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.',
cfg.IntOpt('mongodb_port', default=27017,
help='Port for mongod and mongos instances.'),
cfg.IntOpt('configsvr_port', default=27019,
help='Port for instances running as config servers.'),
cfg.ListOpt('ignore_dbs', default=['admin', 'local', 'config'],
help='Databases to exclude when listing databases.'),
cfg.ListOpt('ignore_users', default=['admin.os_admin', 'admin.root'],
help='Users to exclude when listing users.'),
# PostgreSQL
postgresql_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'postgresql', title='PostgreSQL options',
help="Oslo option group for the PostgreSQL datastore.")
postgresql_opts = [
cfg.ListOpt('tcp_ports', default=["5432"],
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.ListOpt('udp_ports', default=[],
help='List of UPD ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default='PgDump',
help='Default strategy to perform backups.'),
cfg.DictOpt('backup_incremental_strategy', default={},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default='/var/lib/postgresql',
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('root_on_create', default=False,
help='Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the '
'service during instance-create. The generated password for '
'the root user is immediately returned in the response of '
"instance-create as the 'password' field."),
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.'),
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb'),
cfg.ListOpt('ignore_users', default=['os_admin', 'postgres', 'root']),
cfg.ListOpt('ignore_dbs', default=['postgres']),
# Apache CouchDB
couchdb_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'couchdb', title='CouchDB options',
help="Oslo option group designed for CouchDB datastore")
couchdb_opts = [
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.ListOpt('udp_ports', default=[],
help='List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default='/var/lib/couchdb',
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb',
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy to perform backups.'),
cfg.StrOpt('replication_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy for replication.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.'),
cfg.StrOpt('restore_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.'),
cfg.DictOpt('backup_incremental_strategy', default={},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('root_on_create', default=False,
help='Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the '
'service during instance-create. The generated password for '
'the root user is immediately returned in the response of '
'instance-create as the "password" field.'),
# Vertica
vertica_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'vertica', title='Vertica options',
help="Oslo option group designed for Vertica datastore")
vertica_opts = [
default=["5433", "5434", "22", "5444", "5450", "4803"],
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
default=["5433", "4803", "4804", "6453"],
help='List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy to perform backups.'),
cfg.DictOpt('backup_incremental_strategy', default={},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.'),
cfg.StrOpt('replication_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy for replication.'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default='/var/lib/vertica',
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb',
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.'),
cfg.StrOpt('restore_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.'),
cfg.IntOpt('readahead_size', default=2048,
help='Size(MB) to be set as readahead_size for data volume'),
cfg.BoolOpt('cluster_support', default=True,
help='Enable clusters to be created and managed.'),
cfg.IntOpt('cluster_member_count', default=3,
help='Number of members in Vertica cluster.'),
help='Class that implements datastore-specific API logic.'),
help='Class that implements datastore-specific task manager '
help='Class that implements datastore-specific Guest Agent API '
# DB2
db2_group = cfg.OptGroup(
'db2', title='DB2 options',
help="Oslo option group designed for DB2 datastore")
db2_opts = [
help='List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.ListOpt('udp_ports', default=[],
help='List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open '
'in the security group (only applicable '
'if trove_security_groups_support is True).'),
cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', default="/home/db2inst1/db2inst1",
help="Filesystem path for mounting "
"volumes if volume support is enabled."),
cfg.BoolOpt('volume_support', default=True,
help='Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.'),
cfg.StrOpt('device_path', default='/dev/vdb',
help='Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.'),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy to perform backups.'),
cfg.StrOpt('replication_strategy', default=None,
help='Default strategy for replication.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('root_on_create', default=False,
help='Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the '
'service during instance-create. The generated password for '
'the root user is immediately returned in the response of '
"instance-create as the 'password' field."),
cfg.StrOpt('backup_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load backup strategies from.'),
cfg.StrOpt('restore_namespace', default=None,
help='Namespace to load restore strategies from.'),
cfg.DictOpt('backup_incremental_strategy', default={},
help='Incremental Backup Runner based on the default '
'strategy. For strategies that do not implement an '
'incremental, the runner will use the default full backup.'),
cfg.ListOpt('ignore_users', default=['PUBLIC', 'DB2INST1']),
# RPC version groups
upgrade_levels = cfg.OptGroup(
title='RPC upgrade levels group for handling versions',
help='Contains the support version caps for each RPC API')
rpcapi_cap_opts = [
'taskmanager', default="icehouse",
help='Set a version cap for messages sent to taskmanager services'),
'guestagent', default="icehouse",
help='Set a version cap for messages sent to guestagent services'),
'conductor', default="icehouse",
help='Set a version cap for messages sent to conductor services'),
CONF.register_opts(profiler_opts, profiler_group)
CONF.register_opts(database_opts, 'database')
CONF.register_opts(mysql_opts, mysql_group)
CONF.register_opts(percona_opts, percona_group)
CONF.register_opts(redis_opts, redis_group)
CONF.register_opts(cassandra_opts, cassandra_group)
CONF.register_opts(couchbase_opts, couchbase_group)
CONF.register_opts(mongodb_opts, mongodb_group)
CONF.register_opts(postgresql_opts, postgresql_group)
CONF.register_opts(couchdb_opts, couchdb_group)
CONF.register_opts(vertica_opts, vertica_group)
CONF.register_opts(db2_opts, db2_group)
CONF.register_opts(rpcapi_cap_opts, upgrade_levels)
def custom_parser(parsername, parser):
CONF.register_cli_opt(cfg.SubCommandOpt(parsername, handler=parser))
def parse_args(argv, default_config_files=None):