# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) ## [v2018.02] Berlin summit ### Changed - Changed from Vagrant provisioning to disk-image-creator - Fixed version to Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (18.04 LTS) ### Added - Kept Vagrantfile to provision a CentOS VM that can build the Traning VM - Updated documentation for Virtualbox ### Fixed - Storage is SSD by default (caused problems with volume groups under MacOS) - Virtualbox modesetting driver works correctly - Passwords are consistently set to `openstack` [v2018.02]: https://github.com/openstack/upstream-institute-virtual-environment/compare/v2017.01.1...v2018.02 ## [v2017.01.1] Boston summit - Patch #1 ### Changed - Devstack installation is forced to use systemd instead of screen ### Fixed - Works with VMware player [v2017.01.1]: https://github.com/openstack/upstream-institute-virtual-environment/compare/v2017.01...v2017.01.1 ## [v2017.01] Boston summit ### Changed - Image is now based on Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS - Image download is much smaller, around 1.1G (was ~2G) - VM runs on less memory (minimum 4G, recommended 6G) - Default user is now ubuntu, password is openstack - HexChat instead of XChat - Project renamed to Upstream Institute ;-) ### Added - `optimize-memory` for lowering runtime memory needs - `cleanup.sh` script that helps shrinking the image ### Fixed - There's no need to fiddle with network settings anymore [v2017.01]: https://github.com/openstack/upstream-institute-virtual-environment/compare/v2016.02...v2017.01 ## [v2016.02] Barcelona summit - Initial release [v2016.02]: https://github.com/openstack/upstream-institute-virtual-environment/tree/v2016.02