Gael Chamoulaud (Strider) 1f3c0d2e7b
Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config
[1] has been merged and released[2] in upstream tox-ansible and it is now
able to manage global molecule configuration. The workaround, which
consisted in adding the molecule driver name in each scenarios
molecule.yml files, is not necessary anymore.

This patch also removes all the relative symlink to the Dockerfile and
adds directly in the global molecule configuration file.


Change-Id: I8ac3f731c9d6af983dd902fc94e06a07c2ab9954
Signed-off-by: Gael Chamoulaud (Strider) <>
2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
advanced_format_512e_support Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
check_cpu Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
check_disk_space Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
check_latest_packages_version Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
check_ram Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
check_selinux_mode Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
dns Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
haproxy Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
no_op/tasks Remove unused vars directory in roles 2020-03-05 17:09:59 +01:00
ntp Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
service_status Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
validate_selinux Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00
xfs_check_ftype Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config 2021-05-17 09:34:32 +02:00