remove untested get_result functions from this PR

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Bultel 2020-03-09 14:44:24 +01:00
parent f8874cdd5f
commit 07e56863b9

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import shutil
import tempfile
import yaml
#from prettytable import PrettyTable
from validations_libs import constants
RED = "\033[1;31m"
@ -236,83 +235,3 @@ def get_new_validations_logs_on_disk():
return files
#def get_results(results):
# """Get validations results and return as PrettytTable format"""
# new_log_files = get_new_validations_logs_on_disk()
# for i in new_log_files:
# val_id = "{}.yaml".format(i.split('_')[1])
# for res in results:
# if res['validation'].get('validation_id') == val_id:
# res['validation']['logfile'] = \
# os.path.join(constants.VALIDATIONS_LOG_BASEDIR, i)
# t = PrettyTable(border=True, header=True, padding_width=1)
# t.field_names = [
# "UUID", "Validations", "Status", "Host Group(s)",
# "Status by Host", "Unreachable Host(s)", "Duration"]
# for validation in results:
# r = []
# logfile = validation['validation'].get('logfile', None)
# if logfile and os.path.exists(logfile):
# with open(logfile, 'r') as val:
# contents = json.load(val)
# for i in contents['plays']:
# host = [
# x.encode('utf-8')
# for x in i['play'].get('host').split(', ')
# ]
# val_id = i['play'].get('validation_id')
# time_elapsed = \
# i['play']['duration'].get('time_elapsed', None)
# r.append(contents['plays'][0]['play'].get('id'))
# r.append(val_id)
# if validation['validation'].get('status') == "PASSED":
# else:
# unreachable_hosts = []
# hosts_result = []
# for h in list(contents['stats'].keys()):
# ht = h.encode('utf-8')
# if contents['stats'][ht]['unreachable'] != 0:
# unreachable_hosts.append(ht)
# elif contents['stats'][ht]['failures'] != 0:
# hosts_result.append("{}{}{}".format(
# RED, ht, RESET))
# else:
# hosts_result.append("{}{}{}".format(
# GREEN, ht, RESET))
# r.append(", ".join(host))
# r.append(", ".join(hosts_result))
# r.append("{}{}{}".format(RED,
# ", ".join(unreachable_hosts),
# r.append(time_elapsed)
# t.add_row(r)
# t.sortby = "UUID"
# for field in t.field_names:
# if field == "Status":
# t.align['Status'] = "l"
# else:
# t.align[field] = "l"
# print(t)
# if len(new_log_files) > len(results):
# LOG.warn('Looks like we have more log files than '
# 'executed validations')
# for i in new_log_files:
# os.rename(
# "{}/{}".format(constants.VALIDATIONS_LOG_BASEDIR,
# i), "{}/processed_{}".format(