Add docstrings to
This patch also adds new unittests for the following functions: - from validations_libs.utils import get_validations_data > test_get_validations_data_wrong_type(..) - from validations_libs.utils import get_validations_details > test_get_validations_details_wrong_type(..) Change-Id: Iac9ba971a73ed09b26d3e41efb38ad72dd942bbc Signed-off-by: Gael Chamoulaud (Strider) <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ class TestUtils(TestCase):
res = utils.get_validations_data('512e')
self.assertEqual(res, output)
@mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True)
def test_get_validations_data_wrong_type(self, mock_exists):
validation = ['val1']
@ -146,6 +153,13 @@ class TestUtils(TestCase):
result = utils.get_validations_details('foo')
self.assertEqual(result, fakes.FAKE_METADATA)
def test_get_validations_details_wrong_type(self, mock_open):
validation = ['foo']
@mock.patch('yaml.safe_load', return_value=fakes.FAKE_PLAYBOOK2)
def test_get_validations_parameters_no_group(self, mock_open, mock_load):
@ -33,7 +33,15 @@ def current_time():
def create_artifacts_dir(dir_path=None, prefix=None):
"""Create Ansible artifacts directory"""
"""Create Ansible artifacts directory
:param dir_path: Directory asbolute path
:type dir_path: `string`
:param prefix: Playbook name
:type prefix: `string`
:return: The UUID of the validation and the absolute Path of the log file
:rtype: `string`, `string`
dir_path = (dir_path if dir_path else
validation_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
@ -48,9 +56,27 @@ def create_artifacts_dir(dir_path=None, prefix=None):
def parse_all_validations_on_disk(path, groups=None):
Return a list of validations metadata
Can be sorted by Groups
"""Return a list of validations metadata which can be sorted by Groups
:param path: The absolute path of the validations directory
:type path: `string`
:param groups: Groups of validations. Could be a `list` or a
comma-separated `string` of groups
:return: A list of validations metadata.
:rtype: `list`
>>> path = '/foo/bar'
>>> parse_all_validations_on_disk(path)
[{'description': 'Detect whether the node disks use Advanced Format.',
'groups': ['prep', 'pre-deployment'],
'id': '512e',
'name': 'Advanced Format 512e Support'},
{'description': 'Make sure that the server has enough CPU cores.',
'groups': ['prep', 'pre-introspection'],
'id': 'check-cpu',
'name': 'Verify if the server fits the CPU core requirements'}]
results = []
if not groups:
@ -68,22 +94,19 @@ def parse_all_validations_on_disk(path, groups=None):
def get_validations_playbook(path, validation_id=None, groups=None):
Get a list of validations playbooks paths either by their names
"""Get a list of validations playbooks paths either by their names
or their groups
:param path: Path of the validations playbooks
:type path: `string`
:param validation_id: List of validation name
:type validation_id: `list` or a `string` of comma-separated validations
:param groups: List of validation group
:type groups: `list` or a `string` of comma-separated groups
:return: A list of absolute validations playbooks path
:rtype: `list`
>>> path = '/usr/share/validation-playbooks'
>>> validation_id = ['512e','check-cpu']
@ -123,21 +146,66 @@ def get_validation_parameters(validation):
def read_validation_groups_file(groups_path=None):
"""Load groups.yaml file and return a dictionary with its contents"""
"""Load groups.yaml file and return a dictionary with its contents
:params groups_path: The path the groups.yaml file
:type groups_path: `string`
:return: The group list with their descriptions
:rtype: `dict`
>>> read_validation_groups_file()
{'group1': [{'description': 'Group1 description.'}],
'group2': [{'description': 'Group2 description.'}]}
gp = Group((groups_path if groups_path else
return gp.get_data
def get_validation_group_name_list(groups_path=None):
"""Get the validation group name list only"""
"""Get the validation group name list only
:params groups_path: The path the groups.yaml file
:type groups_path: `string`
:return: The group name list
:rtype: `list`
>>> get_validation_group_name_list()
gp = Group((groups_path if groups_path else
return gp.get_groups_keys_list
def get_validations_details(validation):
"""Return validations information"""
"""Return information details for a validation
:param validation: Name of the validation
:type validation: `string`
:return: The information of the validation
:rtype: `dict`
:raises: a `TypeError` exception if `validation` is not a string
>>> validation = "check-something"
>>> get_validations_details(validation)
{'description': 'Verify that the server has enough something.',
'groups': ['group1', 'group2'],
'id': 'check-something',
'name': 'Verify the server fits the something requirements'}
if not isinstance(validation, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("The input data should be a String")
results = parse_all_validations_on_disk(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR)
for r in results:
if r['id'] == validation:
@ -146,10 +214,32 @@ def get_validations_details(validation):
def get_validations_data(validation, path=constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR):
"""Return validation data with format:
ID, Name, Description, Groups, Parameters
:param validation: Name of the validation without the `yaml` extension.
Defaults to `constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR`
:type validation: `string`
:param path: The path to the validations directory
:type path: `string`
:return: The validation data with the format
(ID, Name, Description, Groups, Parameters)
:rtype: `dict`
>>> validation = 'check-something'
>>> get_validations_data(validation)
{'Description': 'Verify that the server has enough something',
'Groups': ['group1', 'group2'],
'ID': 'check-something',
'Name': 'Verify the server fits the something requirements',
'Parameters': {'param1': 24}}
Return validations data with format:
ID, Name, Description, Groups, Other param
if not isinstance(validation, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("The input data should be a String")
data = {}
val_path = "{}/{}.yaml".format(path, validation)
if os.path.exists(val_path):
@ -161,9 +251,27 @@ def get_validations_data(validation, path=constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR):
def get_validations_parameters(validations_data, validation_name=[],
Return parameters for a list of validations
The return format can be in json or yaml
"""Return parameters for a list of validations
:param validations_data: A list of absolute validations playbooks path
:type validations_data: `list`
:param validation_name: A list of validation name
:type validation_name: `list`
:param groups: A list of validation groups
:type groups: `list`
:return: a dictionary containing the current parameters for
each `validation_name` or `groups`
:rtype: `dict`
>>> validations_data = ['/foo/bar/check-ram.yaml',
>>> validation_name = ['check-ram', 'check-cpu']
>>> get_validations_parameters(validations_data, validation_name)
{'check-cpu': {'parameters': {'minimal_cpu_count': 8}},
'check-ram': {'parameters': {'minimal_ram_gb': 24}}}
params = {}
for val in validations_data:
@ -177,31 +285,29 @@ def get_validations_parameters(validations_data, validation_name=[],
def convert_data(data=''):
Transform a string containing comma-separated validation or group name
"""Transform a string containing comma-separated validation or group name
into a list. If `data` is already a list, it will simply return `data`.
It will raise an exception if `data` is not a list or a string.
:param data: A string or a list
:type data: `string` or `list`
:return: A list of data
:rtype: `list`
:raises: a `TypeError` exception if `data` is not a list or a string
>>> data = "check-cpu,check-ram,check-disk-space"
>>> convert_data(data)
['check-cpu', 'check-ram', 'check-disk-space']
>>> data = "check-cpu , check-ram , check-disk-space"
>>> convert_data(data)
['check-cpu', 'check-ram', 'check-disk-space']
>>> data = "check-cpu,"
>>> convert_data(data)
>>> data = ['check-cpu', 'check-ram', 'check-disk-space']
>>> convert_data(data)
['check-cpu', 'check-ram', 'check-disk-space']
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