#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import sys from validations_libs.validation_actions import ValidationActions from validations_libs import constants from validations_libs.cli.parseractions import CommaListAction from validations_libs.cli.base import BaseShow from validations_libs.cli.base import BaseLister class Show(BaseShow): """Show detailed informations about a Validation""" def get_parser(self, parser): """Argument parser for validation show""" parser = super(Show, self).get_parser(parser) parser.add_argument('--validation-dir', dest='validation_dir', default=constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR, help=("Path where the validation playbooks " "are located.")) parser.add_argument('validation_name', metavar="", type=str, help="Show a specific validation.") # Merge config and CLI args: return self.app.set_argument_parser(parser) def take_action(self, parsed_args): """Take validation action""" # Get parameters: validation_dir = parsed_args.validation_dir validation_name = parsed_args.validation_name v_actions = ValidationActions(validation_path=validation_dir) data = v_actions.show_validations(validation_name) if data: return data.keys(), data.values() class ShowGroup(BaseLister): """Show detailed informations about Validation Groups""" def get_parser(self, parser): """Argument parser for validation show group""" parser = super(ShowGroup, self).get_parser(parser) parser.add_argument('--validation-dir', dest='validation_dir', default=constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR, help=("Path where the validation playbooks " "are located.")) # Merge config and CLI args: return self.app.set_argument_parser(parser) def take_action(self, parsed_args): """Take validation action""" v_actions = ValidationActions(parsed_args.validation_dir) return v_actions.group_information(constants.VALIDATION_GROUPS_INFO) class ShowParameter(BaseShow): """Show Validation(s) parameter(s) Display Validation(s) Parameter(s) which could be overriden during an execution. It could be filtered by **validation_id**, **group(s)**, **category(ies)** or by **products**. """ def get_parser(self, parser): parser = super(ShowParameter, self).get_parser(parser) parser.add_argument('--validation-dir', dest='validation_dir', default=constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR, help=("Path where the validation playbooks " "are located.")) ex_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) ex_group.add_argument( '--validation', metavar='[,,...]', dest='validation_name', action=CommaListAction, default=[], help=("List specific validations, " "if more than one validation is required " "separate the names with commas.") ) ex_group.add_argument( '--group', '-g', metavar='[,,...]', action=CommaListAction, default=[], help=("List specific group validations, " "if more than one group is required " "separate the group names with commas.") ) ex_group.add_argument( '--category', metavar='[,,...]', action=CommaListAction, default=[], help=("List specific validations by category, " "if more than one category is required " "separate the category names with commas.")) ex_group.add_argument( '--product', metavar='[,,...]', action=CommaListAction, default=[], help=("List specific validations by product, " "if more than one product is required " "separate the product names with commas.")) parser.add_argument( '--download', action='store', default=None, help=("Create a json or a yaml file " "containing all the variables " "available for the validations: " "/tmp/myvars") ) parser.add_argument( '--format-output', action='store', metavar='', default='json', choices=['json', 'yaml'], help=("Print representation of the validation. " "The choices of the output format is json,yaml. ") ) # Merge config and CLI args: return self.app.set_argument_parser(parser) def take_action(self, parsed_args): validation_dir = parsed_args.validation_dir v_actions = ValidationActions(validation_dir) params = v_actions.show_validations_parameters( validations=parsed_args.validation_name, groups=parsed_args.group, categories=parsed_args.category, products=parsed_args.product, output_format=parsed_args.format_output, download_file=parsed_args.download) if parsed_args.download: self.app.LOG.info( "The file {} has been created successfully".format( parsed_args.download)) return params.keys(), params.values()