# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import ansible_runner import logging import pkg_resources import pwd import os import sys import tempfile import threading import yaml import configparser from validations_libs import constants from validations_libs import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".ansible") # NOTE(cloudnull): This is setting the FileExistsError for py2 environments. # When we no longer support py2 (centos7) this should be # removed. try: FileExistsError = FileExistsError except NameError: FileExistsError = OSError try: version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("ansible_runner").version BACKWARD_COMPAT = (version < '1.4.0') except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: BACKWARD_COMPAT = False class Ansible: """An Object for encapsulating an Ansible execution""" def __init__(self, uuid=None): self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".Ansible") self.uuid = uuid def _playbook_check(self, play, playbook_dir=None): """Check if playbook exist""" if not os.path.exists(play): play = os.path.join(playbook_dir, play) if not os.path.exists(play): raise RuntimeError('No such playbook: {}'.format(play)) self.log.debug('Ansible playbook {} found'.format(play)) return play def _inventory(self, inventory, ansible_artifact_path): """Handle inventory for Ansible""" if inventory: if isinstance(inventory, str): # check is file path if os.path.exists(inventory): return os.path.abspath(inventory) elif isinstance(inventory, dict): inventory = yaml.safe_dump( inventory, default_flow_style=False ) return ansible_runner.utils.dump_artifact( inventory, ansible_artifact_path, 'hosts' ) def _creates_ansible_fact_dir(self, temp_suffix='validations-libs-ansible'): """Creates ansible fact dir""" ansible_fact_path = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), temp_suffix, 'fact_cache' ) try: os.makedirs(ansible_fact_path) return ansible_fact_path except FileExistsError: self.log.debug( 'Directory "{}" was not created because it' ' already exists.'.format( ansible_fact_path ) ) def _get_extra_vars(self, extra_vars): """Manage extra_vars into a dict""" extravars = dict() if extra_vars: if isinstance(extra_vars, dict): extravars.update(extra_vars) elif os.path.exists(extra_vars) and os.path.isfile(extra_vars): with open(extra_vars) as f: extravars.update(yaml.safe_load(f.read())) return extravars def _callbacks(self, callback_whitelist, output_callback, envvars={}, env={}): """Set callbacks""" # if output_callback is exported in env, then use it if isinstance(envvars, dict): env.update(envvars) output_callback = env.get('ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK', output_callback) # TODO(jpodivin) Whitelist was extended with new callback names # to prevent issues during transition period. # The entries with 'vf_' prefix should be removed afterwards. callback_whitelist = ','.join(filter(None, [callback_whitelist, output_callback, 'profile_tasks', 'vf_validation_json'])) return callback_whitelist, output_callback def _ansible_env_var(self, output_callback, ssh_user, workdir, connection, gathering_policy, module_path, key, extra_env_variables, ansible_timeout, callback_whitelist, base_dir, python_interpreter, env={}, validation_cfg_file=None): """Handle Ansible env var for Ansible config execution""" community_roles = "" community_library = "" community_lookup = "" if utils.community_validations_on(validation_cfg_file): community_roles = "{}:".format(constants.COMMUNITY_ROLES_DIR) community_library = "{}:".format(constants.COMMUNITY_LIBRARY_DIR) community_lookup = "{}:".format(constants.COMMUNITY_LOOKUP_DIR) cwd = os.getcwd() env['ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS'] = ( '-o UserKnownHostsFile={} ' '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ' '-o ControlMaster=auto ' '-o ControlPersist=30m ' '-o ServerAliveInterval=64 ' '-o ServerAliveCountMax=1024 ' '-o Compression=no ' '-o TCPKeepAlive=yes ' '-o VerifyHostKeyDNS=no ' '-o ForwardX11=no ' '-o ForwardAgent=yes ' '-o PreferredAuthentications=publickey ' '-T' ).format(os.devnull) env['ANSIBLE_DISPLAY_FAILED_STDERR'] = True env['ANSIBLE_FORKS'] = 36 env['ANSIBLE_TIMEOUT'] = ansible_timeout env['ANSIBLE_GATHER_TIMEOUT'] = 45 env['ANSIBLE_SSH_RETRIES'] = 3 env['ANSIBLE_PIPELINING'] = True if ssh_user: env['ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER'] = ssh_user env['ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK'] = output_callback env['ANSIBLE_LIBRARY'] = os.path.expanduser( '~/.ansible/plugins/modules:' '{}:{}:' '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules:' '/usr/share/ceph-ansible/library:' '{community_path}' '{}/library'.format( os.path.join(workdir, 'modules'), os.path.join(cwd, 'modules'), base_dir, community_path=community_library ) ) env['ANSIBLE_LOOKUP_PLUGINS'] = os.path.expanduser( '~/.ansible/plugins/lookup:' '{}:{}:' '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/lookup:' '/usr/share/ceph-ansible/plugins/lookup:' '{community_path}' '{}/lookup_plugins'.format( os.path.join(workdir, 'lookup'), os.path.join(cwd, 'lookup'), base_dir, community_path=community_lookup ) ) env['ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS'] = os.path.expanduser( '~/.ansible/plugins/callback:' '{}:{}:' '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/callback:' '/usr/share/ceph-ansible/plugins/callback:' '{}/callback_plugins'.format( os.path.join(workdir, 'callback'), os.path.join(cwd, 'callback'), base_dir ) ) env['ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS'] = os.path.expanduser( '~/.ansible/plugins/action:' '{}:{}:' '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/action:' '/usr/share/ceph-ansible/plugins/actions:' '{}/action_plugins'.format( os.path.join(workdir, 'action'), os.path.join(cwd, 'action'), base_dir ) ) env['ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS'] = os.path.expanduser( '~/.ansible/plugins/filter:' '{}:{}:' '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/filter:' '/usr/share/ceph-ansible/plugins/filter:' '{}/filter_plugins'.format( os.path.join(workdir, 'filter'), os.path.join(cwd, 'filter'), base_dir ) ) env['ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH'] = os.path.expanduser( '~/.ansible/roles:' '{}:{}:' '/usr/share/ansible/roles:' '/usr/share/ceph-ansible/roles:' '/etc/ansible/roles:' '{community_path}' '{}/roles'.format( os.path.join(workdir, 'roles'), os.path.join(cwd, 'roles'), base_dir, community_path=community_roles ) ) env['ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST'] = callback_whitelist env['ANSIBLE_RETRY_FILES_ENABLED'] = False env['ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING'] = False env['ANSIBLE_TRANSPORT'] = connection env['ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_TIMEOUT'] = 7200 if self.uuid: env['ANSIBLE_UUID'] = self.uuid if python_interpreter: env['ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER'] = python_interpreter elif connection == 'local': env['ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER'] = sys.executable if gathering_policy in ('smart', 'explicit', 'implicit'): env['ANSIBLE_GATHERING'] = gathering_policy if module_path: env['ANSIBLE_LIBRARY'] = ':'.join( [env['ANSIBLE_LIBRARY'], module_path] ) try: user_pwd = pwd.getpwuid(int(os.getenv('SUDO_UID', os.getuid()))) except TypeError: home = os.path.expanduser('~') else: home = user_pwd.pw_dir env['ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH'] = os.path.join(home, 'ansible.log') if key: env['ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE'] = key if extra_env_variables: if not isinstance(extra_env_variables, dict): msg = "extra_env_variables must be a dict" self.log.error(msg) raise SystemError(msg) else: env.update(extra_env_variables) return env def _encode_envvars(self, env): """Encode a hash of values. :param env: A hash of key=value items. :type env: `dict`. """ for key, value in env.items(): env[key] = str(value) else: return env def _dump_validation_config(self, config, path, filename='validation.cfg'): """Dump Validation config in artifact directory""" parser = configparser.ConfigParser() for section_key in config.keys(): parser.add_section(section_key) for item_key in config[section_key].keys(): parser.set(section_key, item_key, str(config[section_key][item_key])) with open('{}/{}'.format(path, filename), 'w') as conf: parser.write(conf) def run(self, playbook, inventory, workdir, playbook_dir=None, connection='smart', output_callback=None, base_dir=constants.DEFAULT_VALIDATIONS_BASEDIR, ssh_user=None, key=None, module_path=None, limit_hosts=None, tags=None, skip_tags=None, verbosity=0, quiet=False, extra_vars=None, gathering_policy='smart', extra_env_variables=None, parallel_run=False, callback_whitelist=None, ansible_cfg_file=None, ansible_timeout=30, ansible_artifact_path=None, log_path=None, run_async=False, python_interpreter=None, validation_cfg_file=None): """Execute one or multiple Ansible playbooks :param playbook: The Absolute path of the Ansible playbook :type playbook: ``string`` :param inventory: Either proper inventory file or a comma-separated list :type inventory: ``string`` :param workdir: The absolute path of the Ansible-runner artifacts directory :type workdir: ``string`` :param playbook_dir: The absolute path of the Validations playbooks directory :type playbook_dir: ``string`` :param connection: Connection type (local, smart, etc). (efaults to 'smart') :type connection: String :param output_callback: Callback for output format. Defaults to 'yaml'. :type output_callback: ``string`` :param base_dir: The absolute path of the default validations base directory :type base_dir: ``string`` :param ssh_user: User for the ssh connection (Defaults to 'root') :type ssh_user: ``string`` :param key: Private key to use for the ssh connection. :type key: ``string`` :param module_path: Location of the ansible module and library. :type module_path: ``string`` :param limit_hosts: Limit the execution to the hosts. :type limit_hosts: ``string`` :param tags: Run specific tags. :type tags: ``string`` :param skip_tags: Skip specific tags. :type skip_tags: ``string`` :param verbosity: Verbosity level for Ansible execution. :type verbosity: ``integer`` :param quiet: Disable all output (Defaults to False) :type quiet: ``boolean`` :param extra_vars: Set additional variables as a Dict or the absolute path of a JSON or YAML file type. :type extra_vars: Either a Dict or the absolute path of JSON or YAML :param gathering_policy: This setting controls the default policy of fact gathering ('smart', 'implicit', 'explicit'). (Defaults to 'smart') :type gathering_facts: ``string`` :param extra_env_vars: Set additional ansible variables using an extravar dictionary. :type extra_env_vars: ``dict`` :param parallel_run: Isolate playbook execution when playbooks are to be executed with multi-processing. :type parallel_run: ``boolean`` :param callback_whitelist: Comma separated list of callback plugins. Custom output_callback is also whitelisted. (Defaults to ``None``) :type callback_whitelist: ``list`` or ``string`` :param ansible_cfg_file: Path to an ansible configuration file. One will be generated in the artifact path if this option is None. :type ansible_cfg_file: ``string`` :param ansible_timeout: Timeout for ansible connections. (Defaults to ``30 minutes``) :type ansible_timeout: ``integer`` :param ansible_artifact_path: The Ansible artifact path :type ansible_artifact_path: ``string`` :param log_path: The absolute path of the validations logs directory :type log_path: ``string`` :param run_async: Enable the Ansible asynchronous mode (Defaults to 'False') :type run_async: ``boolean`` :param python_interpreter: Path to the Python interpreter to be used for module execution on remote targets, or an automatic discovery mode (``auto``, ``auto_silent`` or the default one ``auto_legacy``) :type python_interpreter: ``string`` :param validation_cfg_file: A dictionary of configuration for Validation loaded from an validation.cfg file. :type validation_cfg_file: ``dict`` :return: A ``tuple`` containing the the absolute path of the executed playbook, the return code and the status of the run :rtype: ``tuple`` """ if not playbook_dir: playbook_dir = workdir if not ansible_artifact_path: if log_path: ansible_artifact_path = "{}/artifacts/".format(log_path) else: ansible_artifact_path = \ constants.VALIDATION_ANSIBLE_ARTIFACT_PATH playbook = self._playbook_check(playbook, playbook_dir) self.log.debug( 'Running Ansible playbook: {},' ' Working directory: {},' ' Playbook directory: {}'.format( playbook, workdir, playbook_dir ) ) # Get env variables: env = {} env = os.environ.copy() extravars = self._get_extra_vars(extra_vars) if isinstance(callback_whitelist, list): callback_whitelist = ','.join(callback_whitelist) callback_whitelist, output_callback = self._callbacks( callback_whitelist, output_callback, extra_env_variables, env) # Set ansible environment variables env.update(self._ansible_env_var(output_callback, ssh_user, workdir, connection, gathering_policy, module_path, key, extra_env_variables, ansible_timeout, callback_whitelist, base_dir, python_interpreter, validation_cfg_file=validation_cfg_file)) if 'ANSIBLE_CONFIG' not in env and not ansible_cfg_file: ansible_cfg_file = os.path.join(ansible_artifact_path, 'ansible.cfg') ansible_config = configparser.ConfigParser() ansible_config.add_section('defaults') ansible_config.set('defaults', 'internal_poll_interval', '0.05') with open(ansible_cfg_file, 'w') as f: ansible_config.write(f) env['ANSIBLE_CONFIG'] = ansible_cfg_file elif 'ANSIBLE_CONFIG' not in env and ansible_cfg_file: env['ANSIBLE_CONFIG'] = ansible_cfg_file if log_path: env['VALIDATIONS_LOG_DIR'] = log_path envvars = self._encode_envvars(env=env) r_opts = { 'private_data_dir': workdir, 'inventory': self._inventory(inventory, ansible_artifact_path), 'playbook': playbook, 'verbosity': verbosity, 'quiet': quiet, 'extravars': extravars, 'artifact_dir': workdir, 'rotate_artifacts': 256, 'ident': '' } if not BACKWARD_COMPAT: r_opts.update({ 'project_dir': playbook_dir, 'fact_cache': ansible_artifact_path, 'fact_cache_type': 'jsonfile' }) else: parallel_run = False if skip_tags: r_opts['skip_tags'] = skip_tags if tags: r_opts['tags'] = tags if limit_hosts: r_opts['limit'] = limit_hosts if parallel_run: r_opts['directory_isolation_base_path'] = ansible_artifact_path if validation_cfg_file: if 'ansible_runner' in validation_cfg_file.keys(): r_opts.update(validation_cfg_file['ansible_runner']) if 'ansible_environment' in validation_cfg_file.keys(): envvars.update(validation_cfg_file['ansible_environment']) self._dump_validation_config(validation_cfg_file, ansible_artifact_path) if not BACKWARD_COMPAT: r_opts.update({'envvars': envvars}) runner_config = ansible_runner.runner_config.RunnerConfig(**r_opts) runner_config.prepare() runner_config.env['ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK'] = \ envvars['ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK'] if BACKWARD_COMPAT: runner_config.env.update(envvars) runner = ansible_runner.Runner(config=runner_config) if run_async: thr = threading.Thread(target=runner.run) thr.start() return playbook, runner.rc, runner.status status, rc = runner.run() return playbook, rc, status