[default] # Default configuration for the Validation Framework # These are mainly CLI parameters which can be set here in order to avoid # to provide the same parameters on each runs. # Location where the Validation playbooks are stored. validation_dir = /usr/share/ansible/validation-playbooks # Whether to enable the creation and running of Community Validations # (boolean value) enable_community_validations = True # Path where the framework is supposed to write logs and results. # Note: this should not be a relative path. # By default the framework log in $HOME/validations. # Uncomment this line according to your prefered location: # validation_log_dir = /usr/share/validations # Location where the Ansible Validation Callback, Libraries and Modules are # stored. ansible_base_dir = /usr/share/ansible/ # Ssh user for the remote access #ssh_user = stack # Output log for the Validation results. output_log = output.log # Limitation of the number of results to return to the console. history_limit = 15 fit_width = True [ansible_runner] # Ansible Runner configuration parameters. # Here you can set the Runner parameters which will be used by the framework. # Note that only those parameters are supported, any other custom parameters # will be ignored. # Verbosity for Ansible verbosity = 5 # Fact cache directory location and type # fact_cache = /var/log/validations/artifacts/ fact_cache_type = jsonfile # Inventory for Ansible #inventory = hosts.yaml quiet = True rotate_artifacts = 256 [ansible_environment] # Ansible Environment variables. # You can provide here, all the Ansible configuration variables documented here: # https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/config.html # Here is a set of parameters used by the Validation Framework as example: #ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH = /home/stack/ansible.log #ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER = stack ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST = validation_stdout,validation_json,profile_tasks ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK = validation_stdout # Callback settings which are part of Ansible environment variables. # Configuration for HTTP Server callback HTTP_JSON_SERVER = http://localhost HTTP_JSON_PORT = 8080