{ "comments": [ { "key": { "uuid": "82fd2835_555d4d82", "filename": "validations_libs/cli/show.py", "patchSetId": 3 }, "lineNbr": 17, "author": { "id": 11491 }, "writtenOn": "2021-06-17T08:58:42Z", "side": 0, "message": "Add \n \n from cliff.lister import Lister", "revId": "4d1df7b0e75260c96164fd5a21347f5ce18c7a8b", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true }, { "key": { "uuid": "3accca7b_851fd5e1", "filename": "validations_libs/cli/show.py", "patchSetId": 3 }, "lineNbr": 53, "author": { "id": 11491 }, "writtenOn": "2021-06-17T08:58:42Z", "side": 0, "message": "Please let the ShowGroup class in cli/show.py. Change just the inheritance!\n\n class ShowGroup(Lister):", "revId": "4d1df7b0e75260c96164fd5a21347f5ce18c7a8b", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true }, { "key": { "uuid": "0cfb3707_8366360c", "filename": "validations_libs/cli/show.py", "patchSetId": 3 }, "lineNbr": 66, "author": { "id": 11491 }, "writtenOn": "2021-06-17T08:58:42Z", "side": 0, "message": "Those two arguments are useless here and especially the --validation-dir.\n\nThe groups.yaml is delivered by the openstack-tripleo-validations in one well-known place and this should remain an internal feature.\n\nPlease, remove them.", "revId": "4d1df7b0e75260c96164fd5a21347f5ce18c7a8b", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true }, { "key": { "uuid": "161a2127_dc639e31", "filename": "validations_libs/cli/show.py", "patchSetId": 3 }, "lineNbr": 73, "author": { "id": 11491 }, "writtenOn": "2021-06-17T08:58:42Z", "side": 0, "message": "L71-73 to be removed.", "revId": "4d1df7b0e75260c96164fd5a21347f5ce18c7a8b", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true }, { "key": { "uuid": "9034d951_36cc8e90", "filename": "validations_libs/cli/show.py", "patchSetId": 3 }, "lineNbr": 75, "author": { "id": 11491 }, "writtenOn": "2021-06-17T09:29:41Z", "side": 0, "message": "By default ValidationActions will be initialized with constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR [1], then no need to pass the validation dir here.\n\n v_actions \u003d ValidationActions()\n\n[1] https://opendev.org/openstack/validations-libs/src/branch/master/validations_libs/validation_actions.py#L46", "revId": "4d1df7b0e75260c96164fd5a21347f5ce18c7a8b", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true }, { "key": { "uuid": "a070a0e0_e17cace6", "filename": "validations_libs/cli/show.py", "patchSetId": 3 }, "lineNbr": 76, "author": { "id": 11491 }, "writtenOn": "2021-06-17T08:58:42Z", "side": 0, "message": "You can pass directly the constants.VALIDATION_GROUPS_INFO here instead of the groups_file variable coming the argument.", "revId": "4d1df7b0e75260c96164fd5a21347f5ce18c7a8b", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true } ] }