#   Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#   a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.
import logging
import os
import json
import yaml

from validations_libs.ansible import Ansible as v_ansible
from validations_libs.group import Group
from validations_libs.validation_logs import ValidationLogs, ValidationLog
from validations_libs import constants
from validations_libs import utils as v_utils

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".validation_actions")

class ValidationActions(object):
    """An object for encapsulating the Validation Actions

    This class allows the possibility to execute the following actions:

    - List the available validations
    - Show detailed information about one validation
    - Show the available parameters for one or multiple validations
    - Show the list of the validation groups
    - Run one or multiple validations, by name(s) or by group(s)
    - Show the history of the validations executions


    def __init__(self, validation_path=None, group=None):
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".ValidationActions")
        self.validation_path = (validation_path if validation_path
                                else constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR)
        self.group = group

    def list_validations(self):
        """Get a list of the available validations

        This is used to print table from python ``Tuple`` with ``PrettyTable``.

        .. code:: text

            | ID            | Name                     | Groups               |
            | validation1   | Name of the validation1  | ['group1']           |
            | validation2   | Name of the validation2  | ['group1', 'group2'] |
            | validation3   | Name of the validation3  | ['group4]            |

        :return: The list of the available validations
        :rtype: `tuple`


        >>> path = "/foo/bar"
        >>> action = ValidationActions(validation_path=path)
        >>> results = action.list_validations()
        >>> print(results)
        (('ID', 'Name', 'Groups'),
         [('validation1', 'Name of the validation1', ['group1']),
          ('validation2', 'Name of the validation2', ['group1', 'group2'])])
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".list_validations")
        validations = v_utils.parse_all_validations_on_disk(
            self.validation_path, self.group)

        return_values = []
        column_name = ('ID', 'Name', 'Groups')

        for val in validations:
            return_values.append((val.get('id'), val.get('name'),
        return (column_name, return_values)

    def show_validations(self, validation,
        """Display detailed information about a Validation

        :param validation: The name of the validation
        :type validation: `string`
        :param log_path: The absolute path of the validations logs
        :type log_path: `string`

        :return: The detailed information for a validation
        :rtype: `dict`


        >>> path = "/foo/bar"
        >>> validation = 'foo'
        >>> action = ValidationActions(validation_path=path)
        >>> results = action.show_validations(validation=validation)
        >>> print(results)
         'Description': 'Description of the foo validation',
         'Groups': ['group1', 'group2'],
         'ID': 'foo',
         'Last execution date': None,
         'Name': 'Name of the validation foo',
         'Number of execution': 'Total: 0, Passed: 0, Failed: 0',
         'Parameters': {'foo1': bar1}
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".show_validations")
        # Get validation data:
        vlog = ValidationLogs(log_path)
        data = v_utils.get_validations_data(validation, self.validation_path)
        if not data:
            msg = "Validation {} not found in the path: {}".format(
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        logfiles = vlog.get_logfile_content_by_validation(validation)
        data_format = vlog.get_validations_stats(logfiles)
        return data

    def run_validations(self, validation_name=None, inventory='localhost',
                        group=None, extra_vars=None, validations_dir=None,
                        extra_env_vars=None, ansible_cfg=None, quiet=True,
                        workdir=None, limit_hosts=None, run_async=False,
                        log_path=None, python_interpreter=None,
        """Run one or multiple validations by name(s) or by group(s)

        :param validation_name: A list of validation names
        :type validation_name: ``list``
        :param inventory: Either proper inventory file, or a comma-separated
                          list. (Defaults to ``localhost``)
        :type inventory: ``string``
        :param group: A list of group names
        :type group: ``list``
        :param extra_vars: Set additional variables as a Dict or the absolute
                           path of a JSON or YAML file type.
        :type extra_vars: Either a Dict or the absolute path of JSON or YAML
        :param validations_dir: The absolute path of the validations playbooks
        :type validations_dir: ``string``
        :param extra_env_vars: Set additional ansible variables using an
                                extravar dictionary.
        :type extra_env_vars: ``dict``
        :param ansible_cfg: Path to an ansible configuration file. One will be
                            generated in the artifact path if this option is
        :type ansible_cfg: ``string``
        :param quiet: Disable all output (Defaults to ``True``)
        :type quiet: ``Boolean``
        :param workdir: Location of the working directory
        :type workdir: ``string``
        :param limit_hosts: Limit the execution to the hosts.
        :type limit_hosts: ``string``
        :param run_async: Enable the Ansible asynchronous mode
                          (Defaults to ``False``)
        :type run_async: ``boolean``
        :param base_dir: The absolute path of the validations base directory
                         (Defaults to
        :type base_dir: ``string``
        :param log_path: The absolute path of the validations logs directory
        :type log_path: ``string``
        :param python_interpreter: Path to the Python interpreter to be
                                   used for module execution on remote targets,
                                   or an automatic discovery mode (``auto``,
                                   ``auto_silent`` or the default one
        :type python_interpreter: ``string``
        :param output_callback: The Callback plugin to use.
                                (Defaults to 'validation_stdout')
        :type output_callback: ``string``

        :return: A list of dictionary containing the informations of the
                 validations executions (Validations, Duration, Host_Group,
                 Status, Status_by_Host, UUID and Unreachable_Hosts)
        :rtype: ``list``


        >>> path = "/u/s/a"
        >>> validation_name = ['foo', 'bar']
        >>> actions = ValidationActions(validation_path=path)
        >>> results = actions.run_validations(inventory='localhost',
        >>> print(results)
        [{'Duration': '0:00:02.285',
          'Host_Group': 'all',
          'Status': 'PASSED',
          'Status_by_Host': 'localhost,PASSED',
          'UUID': '62d4d54c-7cce-4f38-9091-292cf49268d7',
          'Unreachable_Hosts': '',
          'Validations': 'foo'},
         {'Duration': '0:00:02.237',
          'Host_Group': 'all',
          'Status': 'PASSED',
          'Status_by_Host': 'localhost,PASSED',
          'UUID': '04e6165c-7c33-4881-bac7-73ff3f909c24',
          'Unreachable_Hosts': '',
          'Validations': 'bar'}]
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".run_validations")
        playbooks = []
        validations_dir = (validations_dir if validations_dir
                           else self.validation_path)
        if group:
            self.log.debug('Getting the validations list by group')
                validations = v_utils.parse_all_validations_on_disk(
                    validations_dir, group)
                for val in validations:
                    playbooks.append(val.get('id') + '.yaml')
            except Exception as e:
        elif validation_name:
            validation_name = v_utils.convert_data(validation_name)

            playbooks = v_utils.get_validations_playbook(validations_dir,

            if not playbooks or len(validation_name) != len(playbooks):
                p = []
                for play in playbooks:

                unknown_validation = list(set(validation_name) - set(p))

                msg = "Validation {} not found in {}.".format(
                    unknown_validation, validations_dir)

                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            raise RuntimeError("No validations found")

        self.log.debug('Running the validations with Ansible')
        results = []
        for playbook in playbooks:
            validation_uuid, artifacts_dir = v_utils.create_artifacts_dir(
                dir_path=log_path, prefix=os.path.basename(playbook))
            run_ansible = v_ansible(validation_uuid)
            _playbook, _rc, _status = run_ansible.run(
            results.append({'playbook': _playbook,
                            'rc_code': _rc,
                            'status': _status,
                            'validations': _playbook.split('.')[0],
                            'UUID': validation_uuid,
        if run_async:
            return results
        # Return log results
        uuid = [id['UUID'] for id in results]
        vlog = ValidationLogs()
        return vlog.get_results(uuid)

    def group_information(self, groups):
        """Get Information about Validation Groups

        This is used to print table from python ``Tuple`` with ``PrettyTable``.

        .. code:: text

            | Groups   | Description              | Number of Validations |
            | group1   | Description of group1    |                     3 |
            | group2   | Description of group2    |                    12 |
            | group3   | Description of group3    |                     1 |

        :param groups: The absolute path of the groups.yaml file
        :type groups: ``string``

        :return: The list of the available groups with their description and
                 the numbers of validation belonging to them.
        :rtype: ``tuple``


        >>> groups = "/foo/bar/groups.yaml"
        >>> actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR)
        >>> group_info = actions.group_information(groups)
        >>> print(group_info)
        (('Groups', 'Desciption', 'Number of Validations'),
         [('group1', 'Description of group1', 3),
          ('group2', 'Description of group2', 12),
          ('group3', 'Description of group3', 1)])
        val_gp = Group(groups)
        group = val_gp.get_formated_group

        group_info = []
        # Get validations number by groups
        for gp in group:
            validations = v_utils.parse_all_validations_on_disk(
                self.validation_path, gp[0])
            group_info.append((gp[0], gp[1], len(validations)))
        column_name = ("Groups", "Description", "Number of Validations")
        return (column_name, group_info)

    def show_validations_parameters(self, validation=None, group=None,
                                    output_format='json', download_file=None):
        Return Validations Parameters for one or several validations by their
        names or their groups.

        :param validation: List of validation name(s)
        :type validation: `list`

        :param group: List of validation group(s)
        :type group: `list`

        :param output_format: Output format (Supported format are JSON or YAML)
        :type output_format: `string`

        :param download_file: Path of a file in which the parameters will be
        :type download_file: `string`

        :return: A JSON or a YAML dump (By default, JSON).
                 if `download_file` is used, a file containing only the
                 parameters will be created in the file system.

        >>> validation = ['check-cpu', 'check-ram']
        >>> group = None
        >>> output_format = 'json'
        >>> show_validations_parameters(validation, group, output_format)
            "check-cpu": {
                "parameters": {
                    "minimal_cpu_count": 8
            "check-ram": {
                "parameters": {
                    "minimal_ram_gb": 24
        if not validation:
            validation = []

        if not group:
            group = []

        supported_format = ['json', 'yaml']

        if output_format not in supported_format:
            raise RuntimeError("{} output format not supported".format(output_format))

        validations = v_utils.get_validations_playbook(
            self.validation_path, validation, group)
        params = v_utils.get_validations_parameters(validations, validation,
        if download_file:
            params_only = {}
            with open(download_file, 'w') as f:
                for val_name in params.keys():

                if output_format == 'json':
        if output_format == 'json':
            return json.dumps(params,
            return yaml.safe_dump(params,

    def show_history(self, validation_id=None, extension='json',
        """Return validation executions history

        :param validation_id: The validation id
        :type validation_id: ``string``
        :param extension: The log file extension (Defaults to ``json``)
        :type extension: ``string``
        :param log_path: The absolute path of the validations logs directory
        :type log_path: ``string``

        :return: Returns the information about the validation executions
        :rtype: ``tuple``


        >>> actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR)
        >>> print(actions.show_history())
        (('UUID', 'Validations', 'Status', 'Execution at', 'Duration'),
        >>> actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR)
        >>> print(actions.show_history(validation_id='foo'))
        (('UUID', 'Validations', 'Status', 'Execution at', 'Duration'),
        vlogs = ValidationLogs(log_path)
        logs = (vlogs.get_logfile_by_validation(validation_id)
                if validation_id else vlogs.get_all_logfiles(extension))

        values = []
        column_name = ('UUID', 'Validations',
                       'Status', 'Execution at',
        for log in logs:
            vlog = ValidationLog(logfile=log)
            if vlog.is_valid_format():
                for play in vlog.get_plays:
                    values.append((play['id'], play['validation_id'],
        return (column_name, values)

    def get_status(self, validation_id=None, uuid=None, status='FAILED',
        """Return validations execution details by status

        :param validation_id: The validation id
        :type validation_id: ``string``
        :param uuid: The UUID of the execution
        :type uuid: ``string``
        :param status: The status of the execution (Defaults to FAILED)
        :type status: ``string``
        :param log_path: The absolute path of the validations logs directory
        :type log_path: ``string``

        :return: A list of validations execution with details and by status
        :rtype: ``tuple``


        >>> actions = ValidationActions(validation_path='/foo/bar')
        >>> status = actions.get_status(validation_id='foo'))
        >>> print(status)
        (['name', 'host', 'status', 'task_data'],
         [('Check if debug mode is disabled.',
         {'_ansible_no_log': False,
             'action': 'fail',
             'changed': False,
             'failed': True,
             'msg': 'Debug mode is not disabled.'}),
         ('Check if debug mode is disabled.',
         {'_ansible_no_log': False,
             'action': 'fail',
             'changed': False,
             'failed': True,
             'msg': 'Debug mode is not disabled.'}),
         ('Check if debug mode is disabled.',
         {'_ansible_no_log': False,
             'action': 'fail',
             'changed': False,
             'failed': True,
             'msg': 'Debug mode is not disabled.'})])
        vlogs = ValidationLogs(log_path)
        if validation_id:
            logs = vlogs.get_logfile_by_validation(validation_id)
        elif uuid:
            logs = vlogs.get_logfile_by_uuid(uuid)
            raise RuntimeError("You need to provide a validation_id or a uuid")

        values = []
        column_name = ['name', 'host', 'status', 'task_data']
        for log in logs:
            vlog = ValidationLog(logfile=log)
            if vlog.is_valid_format():
                for task in vlog.get_tasks_data:
                    if task['status'] == status:
                        for host in task['hosts']:
                            values.append((task['name'], host, task['status'],
        return (column_name, values)