- name: Make sure Validations Log dir exists become: yes file: path: "{{ vf_log_dir }}" state: directory mode: "0755" owner: "{{ ansible_user }}" group: "{{ ansible_user }}" recurse: yes # @matbu: TODO make the /var/log/validations as a parameter # We should be able to write validation logs outside of the /var/log path # This statement will have to be remove then. - name: Create Validations log symlink file: src: "{{ vf_log_dir }}" dest: "{{ log_dir }}" owner: "{{ ansible_user }}" group: "{{ ansible_user }}" state: link # @matbu: TODO make ansible-runner depends on Ansible - name: Install Ansible pip: name: ansible virtualenv: "{{ zuul_work_virtualenv }}" - include: validations.yaml validation_command="{{ item.command }}" val_output="{{ item.output }}" loop: "{{command}}"